Ms Louise Tomsett

Ms Louise Tomsett

Senior Curator, Mammals

Department: Life Sciences
Division: LS Vertebrates Division
Specialisms: Vertebrates, Mammals
Team: Louise Tomsett, Paulina Jenkins Specialisms: Interests include wildlife conservation & forensics, carnivores & pangolins, field biology, historical collections & expeditions, specimen preparation.
Contact: email


OVERVIEW: Curation, enhancement and development of NHM Mammal Collection. Enquiries, identifications, specimen preparation (excl. taxidermy), Integrated Pest Management, public events and media.

INTERESTS: wildlife conservation & forensics, promoting use of museum collections in multidisciplinary research, specimen preparation, historical collections, field biology.



  • MSc Wildlife Biology and Conservation, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh

Employment history


  • Skills Share Scheme, Royal College of Surgeons, Specimen conservation, UK, 2011 - 2019


Museum Lives
Kingston University
2011 - 2014.

Skills Share Scheme
Royal College of Surgeons of England Museums
2011 - 2019.


Isle Royale National Park, Lake Superior, Michigan, USA
2012 - 2012.

Kalimantan Timur (Indonesian Borneo)
2011 - 2011.

Isle Royale National Park, Lake Superior, Michigan, USA
2010 - 2010.


Member, Anglo-Indonesian Society, London.

Member, Natural Sciences Collections Association (NatSCA).

Member, Society for Wildlife Forensic Science (SWFS).

Council member, Society for the History of Natural History.

Member, Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC).

Member, American Society of Mammalogists (ASM).


Conference Attendance

Invited speaker, Oral presentation, WISRNet’s Women and Science in the Twentieth Century: Using oral history to reveal hidden stories at Kingston University, (Symposium),


Meloro C, Hunter J, Tomsett L, Portela Miguez R, Prevosti FJ, Brown RP (2017) Evolutionary ecomorphology of the Falkland Islands wolfDusicyon australis. Mammal Review, 47 (2) : 159 - 163. doi: 10.1111/mam.12085

Tomsett L (2016) Scaly mammals: the plight of the pangolin. 56 - 61.

Statham MJ, Murdoch J, Janecka J, Aubry KB, Edwards CJ, Soulsbury CD, Berry O, Wang Z, Harrison D, Pearch M, Tomsett L, Chupasko J, Sacks BN (2014) Range-wide multilocus phylogeography of the red fox reveals ancient continental divergence, minimal genomic exchange and distinct demographic histories. Molecular Ecology, 23 (19) : 4813 - 4830. doi: 10.1111/mec.12898

Tomsett L, Tomsett (null) LinkedIn profile

(2014) History of Zoos and Aquariums: From Royal Gifts to Biodiversity Conservation. McGregor Reid G, Moore G (Eds). The North of England Zoological Society (Chester Zoo) : Chester, UK.

Yamaguchi N, Driscoll CA, Werdelin L, Abramov AV, Csorba G, Cuisin J, Fernholm B, Hiermeier M, Hills D, Hunter L, Itakura H, Johansson US, Kascheev V, Krohmann K, Martin T, Nowak-Kemp M, Pavlinov IY, Renoud F, Tomsett L, Mije SVD, Zholnerovskaya E, Groves C, Kitchener AC, Nijman V, Macdonald DW (2013) Locating Specimens of Extinct Tiger (Panthera tigris) Subspecies: Javan Tiger (P. T. sondaica), Balinese Tiger (P. T. balica), and Caspian Tiger (P. T. virgata), Including Previously Unpublished Specimens. Mammal Study, 38 (3) : 187 - 198. doi: 10.3106/041.038.0307

Reynolds J, Tomsett L, Farrell M (2012) London Museums Group Swop Shop I

Tomsett L, Reynolds J, Farrell M (2012) London Museums Group Swop Shop II

Tomsett L (null) Manis javanica species focus

Tomsett L (null) Cryptoprocta ferox species focus

Contributed Publications

Tomsett L (2016) Scaly mammals: the plight of the pangolin. 56 - 61.

(2014) History of Zoos and Aquariums: From Royal Gifts to Biodiversity Conservation. McGregor Reid G, Moore G (Eds). The North of England Zoological Society (Chester Zoo) : Chester, UK.

Reynolds J, Tomsett L, Farrell M (2012) London Museums Group Swop Shop I

Tomsett L, Reynolds J, Farrell M (2012) London Museums Group Swop Shop II

Courses taught

Professional training: Endangered specimens, endangered skills : The core principals of fluid preservation - routine maintenance of the specimen


Master's Lead supervisor to Ng WS
Co supervisor(s): Cooper N
Convergence in afrotherian and laurasiatherian "insectivores".
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Master's Lead supervisor to Buckingham E
Co supervisor(s): Cooper N
Historical distributions and overexploitation of pangolins.
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Invited and keynote speaker

On the use of X-ray μ-CT for curation and conservation of cultural heritage artefacts, ToScA North America Symposium 2019: University of Florida, 6/3/2019.

Public Engagement

Internal activities

Batfest Weekend (annual event) at the Natural History Museum, Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom, 2009 - 2015.



NHM Live - Who's afraid of the dark?, Science Communicator David Urry is joined by Museum ecologist Steph West, Senior Mammal Curator Louise Tomsett, and Physiology and Behaviour Expert Dr Robyn Grant, to talk about creatures that thrive at night., 11/7/2018.



OVERVIEW: Curation, enhancement and development of NHM Mammal Collection. Enquiries, identifications, specimen preparation (excl. taxidermy), Integrated Pest Management, public events and media.

INTERESTS: wildlife conservation & forensics, promoting use of museum collections in multidisciplinary research, specimen preparation, historical collections, field biology.



  • MSc Wildlife Biology and Conservation, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh

Employment history


  • Skills Share Scheme, Royal College of Surgeons, Specimen conservation, UK, 2011 - 2019


Museum Lives
Kingston University
2011 - 2014.

Skills Share Scheme
Royal College of Surgeons of England Museums
2011 - 2019.


Isle Royale National Park, Lake Superior, Michigan, USA
2012 - 2012.

Kalimantan Timur (Indonesian Borneo)
2011 - 2011.

Isle Royale National Park, Lake Superior, Michigan, USA
2010 - 2010.

Professional activities


Member, Anglo-Indonesian Society, London.

Member, Natural Sciences Collections Association (NatSCA).

Member, Society for Wildlife Forensic Science (SWFS).

Council member, Society for the History of Natural History.

Member, Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC).

Member, American Society of Mammalogists (ASM).


Conference Attendance

Invited speaker, Oral presentation, WISRNet’s Women and Science in the Twentieth Century: Using oral history to reveal hidden stories at Kingston University, (Symposium),



Meloro C, Hunter J, Tomsett L, Portela Miguez R, Prevosti FJ, Brown RP (2017) Evolutionary ecomorphology of the Falkland Islands wolfDusicyon australis. Mammal Review, 47 (2) : 159 - 163. doi: 10.1111/mam.12085

Tomsett L (2016) Scaly mammals: the plight of the pangolin. 56 - 61.

Statham MJ, Murdoch J, Janecka J, Aubry KB, Edwards CJ, Soulsbury CD, Berry O, Wang Z, Harrison D, Pearch M, Tomsett L, Chupasko J, Sacks BN (2014) Range-wide multilocus phylogeography of the red fox reveals ancient continental divergence, minimal genomic exchange and distinct demographic histories. Molecular Ecology, 23 (19) : 4813 - 4830. doi: 10.1111/mec.12898

Tomsett L, Tomsett (null) LinkedIn profile

(2014) History of Zoos and Aquariums: From Royal Gifts to Biodiversity Conservation. McGregor Reid G, Moore G (Eds). The North of England Zoological Society (Chester Zoo) : Chester, UK.

Yamaguchi N, Driscoll CA, Werdelin L, Abramov AV, Csorba G, Cuisin J, Fernholm B, Hiermeier M, Hills D, Hunter L, Itakura H, Johansson US, Kascheev V, Krohmann K, Martin T, Nowak-Kemp M, Pavlinov IY, Renoud F, Tomsett L, Mije SVD, Zholnerovskaya E, Groves C, Kitchener AC, Nijman V, Macdonald DW (2013) Locating Specimens of Extinct Tiger (Panthera tigris) Subspecies: Javan Tiger (P. T. sondaica), Balinese Tiger (P. T. balica), and Caspian Tiger (P. T. virgata), Including Previously Unpublished Specimens. Mammal Study, 38 (3) : 187 - 198. doi: 10.3106/041.038.0307

Reynolds J, Tomsett L, Farrell M (2012) London Museums Group Swop Shop I

Tomsett L, Reynolds J, Farrell M (2012) London Museums Group Swop Shop II

Tomsett L (null) Manis javanica species focus

Tomsett L (null) Cryptoprocta ferox species focus

Contributed Publications

Tomsett L (2016) Scaly mammals: the plight of the pangolin. 56 - 61.

(2014) History of Zoos and Aquariums: From Royal Gifts to Biodiversity Conservation. McGregor Reid G, Moore G (Eds). The North of England Zoological Society (Chester Zoo) : Chester, UK.

Reynolds J, Tomsett L, Farrell M (2012) London Museums Group Swop Shop I

Tomsett L, Reynolds J, Farrell M (2012) London Museums Group Swop Shop II

Teaching and students

Courses taught

Professional training: Endangered specimens, endangered skills : The core principals of fluid preservation - routine maintenance of the specimen


Master's Lead supervisor to Ng WS
Co supervisor(s): Cooper N
Convergence in afrotherian and laurasiatherian "insectivores".
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Master's Lead supervisor to Buckingham E
Co supervisor(s): Cooper N
Historical distributions and overexploitation of pangolins.
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Impact and outreach

Invited and keynote speaker

On the use of X-ray μ-CT for curation and conservation of cultural heritage artefacts, ToScA North America Symposium 2019: University of Florida, 6/3/2019.

Public Engagement

Internal activities

Batfest Weekend (annual event) at the Natural History Museum, Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom, 2009 - 2015.



NHM Live - Who's afraid of the dark?, Science Communicator David Urry is joined by Museum ecologist Steph West, Senior Mammal Curator Louise Tomsett, and Physiology and Behaviour Expert Dr Robyn Grant, to talk about creatures that thrive at night., 11/7/2018.