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Prof Andrew Purvis

Prof Andy Purvis

Research Leader

Department: Life Sciences
Division: LS Diversity and Informatics Division
Specialisms: Purvis Lab
Team: Andrew Purvis, Sara Contu Specialisms: Biodiversity responses to human impacts, Extinction biology, Integrative biodiversity science, Macroevolution and macroecology, Mammals, Phylogenetic comparative biology, Phylogenetics, Planktonic foraminifera


Professor Andy Purvis leads the PREDICTS project (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems), which aims to model globally how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human pressures and to use these models to project potential biodiversity futures under alternative scenarios of socioeconomic development. PREDICTS estimates the Biodiversity Intactness Index, the first indicator available on the Natural History Museum’s Biodiversity Trends Explorer. He was a Coordinating Lead Author on the first IPBES Global Assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and scientific advisor on Sir David Attenborough’s documentary, “Extinction: The Facts”. Other research interests include phylogenetic comparative methods and macroevolution, often using macroperforate planktonic foraminifera as a model system.



  • DPhil, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 1989 - 1993
  • BA (Hons, First Class), Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1985 - 1988

Employment history


  • Individual Merit Researcher (Level 2), Natural History Museum, Life Sciences, UK, 2015 - ongoing
  • Research Investigator, Imperial College London, Department of Life Sciences, United Kingdom, 2013 - ongoing
  • Research Leader, Natural History Museum, Life Sciences, United Kingdom, 2013 - ongoing
  • Professor of Biodiversity, Imperial College London, Division of Biology, United Kingdom, 2005 - 2013
  • Reader in Biodiversity, Imperial College London, Division of Biology, United Kingdom, 2003 - 2005
  • Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London, Department of Biological Sciences, United Kingdom, 2001 - 2003
  • Lecturer, Imperial College London, Department of Biology, United Kingdom, 2000 - 2001
  • Royal Society University Research Fellows, Imperial College London, Department of Biology, United Kingdom, 1996 - 1999
  • Temporary Lecturer, Imperial College London, Department of Biology, United Kingdom, 1995 - 1996
  • College Lecturer in Biological Sciences, Hertford College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 1993 - 1994
  • Postdoctoral Research Assistant (Researcher Co-Investigator), University of Oxford, Department of Zoology, United Kingdom, 1992 - 1995
  • Non-academic

    Analyst-programmer, Rolls-Royce plc, 1988 - 1989


How does global land-use change reshape ecological assemblages over time?
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: NERC
Total value £583,881.63 (to Museum £583,881.63)
Dates: 2015 - 2018

Are adaptive zones important in macroevolution?
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: NERC
Total value £409,442 (to Museum £369,434)
Dates: 2015 - 2018

Species Limits in Planktonic Foraminifera
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: Systematics Association
Total value £11,665 (to Museum £11,665)
Dates: 2015 - 2015

Global modelling of local biodiversity responses to human impacts
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: NERC
Total value £614,229 (to Museum £387,486)
Dates: 2013 - 2015

Exploiting the multifunctional potential of belowground biodiversity in horticultural farming
Role: Principal investigatorJungblut A
Co-investigator: Cuadros J
Funding: H2020 Societal Challenges
Total value £5,596,086 (to Museum £726,128)
Dates: 2019 - 2024

Plants Under Pressure II: the next generation of biodiversity indicators for plants
Role: Principal investigatorBrummitt N
Role: Co-investigator
Funding: Foundation Prince Albert II De Monaco
Total value £300,000 (to Museum £300,000)
Dates: 2018 - 2021

Other projects

Microfossil macroevolution
Role: Leader
Funding: Museum development
Dates: 2015 - on going.

Phylogenetic approaches to macroevolution
Role: Leader
Funding: Museum development

PREDICTS: Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems
Role: Leader
Funding: Museum development


Advice on POSTnote on Environmental Trends
2015 - 2015.


Honorary Research Fellowship, Institute of Zoology, London, 2014 - 2016.

Leverhulme Trust 2005 Research Fellowship, Leverhulme Trust, Imperial College London, London, 2005 - 2007.

Royal Society University Research Fellowship, Royal Society, London, Imperial College London, London, 1996 - 1999.


Member, Interview panel, Natural History Museum, London, 2014 - 2014.

Member, Digital Collection Programme Board, Natural History Museum, London, 2013 - on going.

Member, HarmBio Management Committee, HarmBio EU COST Action: Harmonizing Biodiversity Modelling, 2012 - 2015.

Chair, HarmBio Working Group 4: Model-model comparisons (co-chair), HarmBio EU COST Action: Harmonizing Biodiversity Models, 2012 - 2015.

Member, Paleobiology Database Advisory Group, Paleobiology Database,


Member, British Ecological Society, London, UK, 2012 - on going.

Reviewer / referee


Global Ecology & Biogeography, (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2015 - on going.

Ecology & Evolution, (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2011 - on going.

PNAS, (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2015 - 2015.

PNAS manuscript (as Guest Editor), (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2015 - 2015.

Nature, (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2015 - 2015.

Systematic Biology, (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2015 - 2015.

IPBES report: Linking and harmonizing scenarios and models across scales and domains, (Other), Non-anonymous, 2015 - 2015.

PNAS [as Guest Editor], (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2014 - 2014.

PNAS, (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2013 - 2013.

Systematic Biology, (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2013 - on going.


Conference Attendance

Invited participant, Macroecology Meets IPBES, (Conference),

Invited participant, iCollections Annual General Meeting, (Symposium),

Attendee/participant, Descent into the Icehouse, (Conference), 2014 - 2014.

Attendee/participant, Phylogeny, extinction risks and conservation, (Conference), 2014 - 2014.

Attendee/participant, TMS Conference 2013 – Micropalaeontology and the IODP: Past, Present and Future Applications, (Conference), 2013 - 2013.

Attendee/participant, The Micropalaeontological Society Spring Meeting 2014, (Conference), 2014 - 2014.

Workshop Attendance

Workshop, Global biodiversity models worskhop, (Workshop),

Invited participant, Friends of Madingley workshop, (Workshop),

Invited participant, Openness and availability of data, (Workshop),

Session chair, Morphometrics 10 workshop, (Workshop),

Invited participant, National Biodiversity Network workshop, (Workshop),

Chair, Harmbio Working Group 4 meeting, (Workshop), 2015 - 2015.


Organiser, Extinction, (Conference), 2003 - 2003.

Organiser, Phylogeny & Conservation, (Conference), 2003 - 2003.

Organising committee, Forams 2018: International Symposium on Foraminifera, (Conference),

Organiser, Biodiversity Hack, (Workshop),

Organiser, PREDICTS Project Symposium, (Symposium),

Organiser, Global models of biodiversity, (Workshop),


Jaureguiberry P, Titeux N, Wiemers M, Bowler DE, Coscieme L, Golden AS, Guerra CA, Jacob U, Takahashi Y, Settele J, Díaz S, Molnár Z, Purvis A (2022) The direct drivers of recent global anthropogenic biodiversity loss. Science Advances, 8 (45) : doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abm9982

Chaplin-Kramer R, Brauman KA, Cavender-Bares J, Díaz S, Duarte GT, Enquist BJ, Garibaldi LA, Geldmann J, Halpern BS, Hertel TW, Khoury CK, Krieger JM, Lavorel S, Mueller T, Neugarten RA, Pinto-Ledezma J, Polasky S, Purvis A, Reyes-García V, Roehrdanz PR, Shannon LJ, Shaw MR, Strassburg BBN, Tylianakis JM, Verburg PH, Visconti P, Zafra-Calvo N (null) Conservation needs to integrate knowledge across scales. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6 (2) : 118 - 119. doi: 10.1038/s41559-021-01605-x

De Palma A, Hoskins A, Gonzalez RE, Börger L, Newbold T, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Ferrier S, Purvis A (null) Annual changes in the Biodiversity Intactness Index in tropical and subtropical forest biomes, 2001–2012. Scientific Reports, 11 (1) : doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-98811-1

Tudge SJ, Purvis A, De Palma A (2021) The impacts of biofuel crops on local biodiversity: a global synthesis. Biodiversity and Conservation, 30 (11) : 2863 - 2883. doi: 10.1007/s10531-021-02232-5

Tudge SJ, Purvis A, De Palma A (null) The impacts of biofuel crops on local biodiversity: a global synthesis. null, doi: 10.1101/2020.12.21.422503

Bayley DTI, Purvis A, Nellas AC, Arias M, Koldewey HJ (2020) Measuring the long-term success of small-scale marine protected areas in a Philippine reef fishery. Coral Reefs, 39 (6) : 1591 - 1604. doi: 10.1007/s00338-020-01987-7

Purvis A, Jones KE (2020) Georgina Mace (1953–2020). Science, 370 (6519) : 915 - 915. doi: 10.1126/science.abf1559

Cornford R, Deinet S, De Palma A, Hill SLL, McRae L, Pettit B, Marconi V, Purvis A, Freeman R (2021) Fast, scalable, and automated identification of articles for biodiversity and macroecological datasets. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30 (1) : 339 - 347. doi: 10.1111/geb.13219

Prudhomme R, Palma AD, Dumas P, Gonzalez R, Leadley P, Levrel H, Purvis A, Brunelle T (2020) Combining mitigation strategies to increase co-benefits for biodiversity and food security. Environmental Research Letters, 15 (11) : 114005 - 114005. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abb10a

Díaz S, Zafra-Calvo N, Purvis A, Verburg PH, Obura D, Leadley P, Chaplin-Kramer R, De Meester L, Dulloo E, Martín-López B, Shaw MR, Visconti P, Broadgate W, Bruford MW, Burgess ND, Cavender-Bares J, DeClerck F, Fernández-Palacios JM, Garibaldi LA, Hill SLL, Isbell F, Khoury CK, Krug CB, Liu J, Maron M, McGowan PJK, Pereira HM, Reyes-García V, Rocha J, Rondinini C, Shannon L, Shin Y-J, Snelgrove PVR, Spehn EM, Strassburg B, Subramanian SM, Tewksbury JJ, Watson JEM, Zanne AE (2020) Set ambitious goals for biodiversity and sustainability. Science, 370 (6515) : 411 - 413. doi: 10.1126/science.abe1530

Hoskins AJ, Harwood TD, Ware C, Williams KJ, Perry JJ, Ota N, Croft JR, Yeates DK, Jetz W, Golebiewski M, Purvis A, Robertson T, Ferrier S (2020) BILBI: Supporting global biodiversity assessment through high-resolution macroecological modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 132 : 104806 - 104806. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104806

Mace GM, Barrett M, Burgess ND, Cornell SE, Freeman R, Grooten M, Purvis A (null) Author Correction: Aiming higher to bend the curve of biodiversity loss. Nature Sustainability, 3 (10) : 885 - 885. doi: 10.1038/s41893-020-00604-3

Leclère D, Obersteiner M, Barrett M, Butchart SHM, Chaudhary A, De Palma A, DeClerck FAJ, Di Marco M, Doelman JC, Dürauer M, Freeman R, Harfoot M, Hasegawa T, Hellweg S, Hilbers JP, Hill SLL, Humpenöder F, Jennings N, Krisztin T, Mace GM, Ohashi H, Popp A, Purvis A, Schipper AM, Tabeau A, Valin H, van Meijl H, van Zeist W-J, Visconti P, Alkemade R, Almond R, Bunting G, Burgess ND, Cornell SE, Di Fulvio F, Ferrier S, Fritz S, Fujimori S, Grooten M, Harwood T, Havlík P, Herrero M, Hoskins AJ, Jung M, Kram T, Lotze-Campen H, Matsui T, Meyer C, Nel D, Newbold T, Schmidt-Traub G, Stehfest E, Strassburg BBN, van Vuuren DP, Ware C, Watson JEM, Wu W, Young L (2020) Bending the curve of terrestrial biodiversity needs an integrated strategy. Nature, 585 (7826) : 551 - 556. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2705-y

Waldock CA, De Palma A, Borges PAV, Purvis A (2020) Insect occurrence in agricultural land‐uses depends on realized niche and geographic range properties. Ecography, 43 (11) : 1717 - 1728. doi: 10.1111/ecog.05162

Echeverría‐Londoño S, Särkinen T, Fenton IS, Purvis A, Knapp S (2020) Dynamism and context‐dependency in diversification of the megadiverse plant genus Solanum (Solanaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 58 (6) : 767 - 782. doi: 10.1111/jse.12638

Rosa IMD, Purvis A, Alkemade R, Chaplin-Kramer R, Ferrier S, Guerra CA, Hurtt G, Kim H, Leadley P, Martins IS, Popp A, Schipper AM, van Vuuren D, Pereira HM (2020) Challenges in producing policy-relevant global scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Global Ecology and Conservation, 22 : e00886 - e00886. doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00886

Díaz S, Settele J, Brondizio E, Ngo HT, Pfaff A, Polasky S, Agard J, Arneth A, Balvanera P, Brauman KA, Butchart SHM, Chan KMA, Garibaldi LA, Ichii K, Liu J, Subramanian SM, Midgley GF, Miloslavich P, Molnár Z, Obura D, Purvis A, Razzaque J, Reyers B, Chowdhury RR, Shin Y-J, Visseren-Hamakers I, Willis KJ, Zayas CN (2020) Investments' role in ecosystem degradation—Response. Science, 368 (6489) : 377 - 377. doi: 10.1126/science.abb6019

Pereira HM, Rosa IMD, Martins IS, Kim H, Leadley P, Popp A, van Vuuren DP, Hurtt G, Anthoni P, Arneth A, Baisero D, Chaplin-Kramer R, Chini L, Di Fulvio F, Di Marco M, Ferrier S, Fujimori S, Guerra CA, Harfoot M, Harwood TD, Hasegawa T, Haverd V, Havlík P, Hellweg S, Hilbers JP, Hill SLL, Hirata A, Hoskins AJ, Humpenöder F, Janse JH, Jetz W, Johnson JA, Krause A, Leclère D, Matsui T, Meijer JR, Merow C, Obsersteiner M, Ohashi H, Poulter B, Purvis A, Quesada B, Rondinini C, Schipper AM, Settele J, Sharp R, Stehfest E, Strassburg BBN, Takahashi K, Talluto MV, Thuiller W, Titeux N, Visconti P, Ware C, Wolf F, Alkemade R (null) Global trends in biodiversity and ecosystem services from 1900 to 2050. null, doi: 10.1101/2020.04.14.031716

Purvis A (null) A single apex target for biodiversity would be bad news for both nature and people. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4 (6) : 768 - 769. doi: 10.1038/s41559-020-1181-y

Newbold T, Bentley LF, Hill SLL, Edgar MJ, Horton M, Su G, Şekercioğlu ÇH, Collen B, Purvis A (2020) Global effects of land use on biodiversity differ among functional groups. Functional Ecology, 34 (3) : 684 - 693. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13500

Sánchez-Ortiz K, Taylor KJM, De Palma A, Essl F, Dawson W, Kreft H, Pergl J, Pyšek P, van Kleunen M, Weigelt P, Purvis A (null) Effects of land-use change and related pressures on alien and native subsets of island communities. null, doi: 10.1101/2019.12.16.878041

Díaz S, Settele J, Brondízio ES, Ngo HT, Agard J, Arneth A, Balvanera P, Brauman KA, Butchart SHM, Chan KMA, Garibaldi LA, Ichii K, Liu J, Subramanian SM, Midgley GF, Miloslavich P, Molnár Z, Obura D, Pfaff A, Polasky S, Purvis A, Razzaque J, Reyers B, Chowdhury RR, Shin Y-J, Visseren-Hamakers I, Willis KJ, Zayas CN (2019) Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative change. Science, 366 (6471) : doi: 10.1126/science.aax3100

Bayley DTI, Mogg AOM, Purvis A, Koldewey HJ (2019) Evaluating the efficacy of small‐scale marine protected areas for preserving reef health: A case study applying emerging monitoring technology. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 29 (12) : 2026 - 2044. doi: 10.1002/aqc.3215

Newbold T, Sanchez-Ortiz K, De Palma A, Hill SLL, Purvis A (null) Reply to ‘The biodiversity intactness index may underestimate losses’. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3 (6) : 864 - 865. doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-0896-0

Jung M, Rowhani P, Newbold T, Bentley L, Purvis A, Scharlemann JPW (2019) Local species assemblages are influenced more by past than current dissimilarities in photosynthetic activity. Ecography, 42 (4) : 670 - 682. doi: 10.1111/ecog.04031

Simmons BI, Balmford A, Bladon AJ, Christie AP, De Palma A, Dicks LV, Gallego‐Zamorano J, Johnston A, Martin PA, Purvis A, Rocha R, Wauchope HS, Wordley CFR, Worthington TA, Finch T (2019) Worldwide insect declines: An important message, but interpret with caution. Ecology and Evolution, 9 (7) : 3678 - 3680. doi: 10.1002/ece3.5153

Sanchez-Ortiz K, Gonzalez RE, De Palma A, Newbold T, Hill SLL, Tylianakis JM, Börger L, Lysenko I, Purvis A (null) Land-use and related pressures have reduced biotic integrity more on islands than on mainlands. null, doi: 10.1101/576546

Bayley DTI, Mogg AOM, Koldewey H, Purvis A (null) Capturing complexity: field-testing the use of ‘structure from motion’ derived virtual models to replicate standard measures of reef physical structure. PeerJ, 7 : e6540 - e6540. doi: 10.7717/peerj.6540

Palma AD, Kuhlmann M, Pearse WD, Flynn E, Roberts SPM, Potts SG, Purvis A (null) Risks to pollinators from different land-use transitions: bee species’ responses to agricultural expansion show strong phylogenetic signal. null, doi: 10.1101/524546

Newbold T, Hudson LN, Contu S, Hill SLL, Beck J, Liu Y, Meyer C, Phillips HRP, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (null) Widespread winners and narrow-ranged losers: Land use homogenizes biodiversity in local assemblages worldwide. PLOS Biology, 16 (12) : e2006841 - e2006841. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2006841

Kim H, Rosa IMD, Alkemade R, Leadley P, Hurtt G, Popp A, van Vuuren DP, Anthoni P, Arneth A, Baisero D, Caton E, Chaplin-Kramer R, Chini L, De Palma A, Di Fulvio F, Di Marco M, Espinoza F, Ferrier S, Fujimori S, Gonzalez RE, Gueguen M, Guerra C, Harfoot M, Harwood TD, Hasegawa T, Haverd V, Havlík P, Hellweg S, Hill SLL, Hirata A, Hoskins AJ, Janse JH, Jetz W, Johnson JA, Krause A, Leclère D, Martins IS, Matsui T, Merow C, Obersteiner M, Ohashi H, Poulter B, Purvis A, Quesada B, Rondinini C, Schipper AM, Sharp R, Takahashi K, Thuiller W, Titeux N, Visconti P, Ware C, Wolf F, Pereira HM (null) A protocol for an intercomparison of biodiversity and ecosystem services models using harmonized land-use and climate scenarios. Geoscientific Model Development, 11 (11) : 4537 - 4562. doi: 10.5194/gmd-11-4537-2018

Fenton IS, Baranowski U, Boscolo-Galazzo F, Cheales H, Fox L, King DJ, Larkin C, Latas M, Liebrand D, Miller CG, Nilsson-Kerr K, Piga E, Pugh H, Remmelzwaal S, Roseby ZA, Smith YM, Stukins S, Taylor B, Woodhouse A, Worne S, Pearson PN, Poole CR, Wade BS, Purvis A (null) Factors affecting consistency and accuracy in identifying modern macroperforate planktonic foraminifera. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 37 (2) : 431 - 443. doi: 10.5194/jm-37-431-2018

Mace GM, Barrett M, Burgess ND, Cornell SE, Freeman R, Grooten M, Purvis A (null) Aiming higher to bend the curve of biodiversity loss. Nature Sustainability, 1 (9) : 448 - 451. doi: 10.1038/s41893-018-0130-0

Jones KE, Purvis A (null) Ben Collen (1978–2018). Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2 (8) : 1199 - 1200. doi: 10.1038/s41559-018-0621-4

Phillips HRP, Halley JM, Urbina-Cardona JN, Purvis A (2018) The effect of fragment area on site-level biodiversity. Ecography, 41 (7) : 1220 - 1231. doi: 10.1111/ecog.02956

Echeverrĩa-Londoño S, Särkinen T, Fenton IS, Knapp S, Purvis A (null) Dynamism and context dependency in the diversification of the megadiverse plant genus Solanum L. (Solanaceae). null, doi: 10.1101/348961

Hoskins AJ, Harwood TD, Ware C, Williams KJ, Perry JJ, Ota N, Croft JR, Yeates DK, Jetz W, Golebiewski M, Purvis A, Robertson T, Ferrier S (null) Supporting global biodiversity assessment through high-resolution macroecological modelling: Methodological underpinnings of the BILBI framework. null, doi: 10.1101/309377

Hill SLL, Gonzalez R, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Caton E, Espinoza F, Newbold T, Tylianakis J, Scharlemann JPW, De Palma A, Purvis A (null) Worldwide impacts of past and projected future land-use change on local species richness and the Biodiversity Intactness Index. null, doi: 10.1101/311787

Palma AD, Hoskins A, Gonzalez RE, Börger L, Newbold T, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Ferrier S, Purvis A (null) Annual changes in the Biodiversity Intactness Index in tropical and subtropical forest biomes, 2001-2012. null, doi: 10.1101/311688

Kim H, Rosa IMD, Alkemade R, Leadley P, Hurtt G, Popp A, van Vuuren DP, Anthoni P, Arneth A, Baisero D, Caton E, Chaplin-Kramer R, Chini L, De Palma A, Di Fulvio F, Di Marco M, Espinoza F, Ferrier S, Fujimori S, Gonzalez RE, Gueguen M, Guerra C, Harfoot M, Harwood TD, Hasegawa T, Haverd V, Havlík P, Hellweg S, Hill SLL, Hirata A, Hoskins AJ, Janse JH, Jetz W, Johnson JA, Krause A, Leclère D, Martins IS, Matsui T, Merow C, Obersteiner M, Ohashi H, Poulter B, Purvis A, Quesada B, Rondinini C, Schipper A, Sharp R, Takahashi K, Thuiller W, Titeux N, Visconti P, Ware C, Wolf F, Pereira HM (null) A protocol for an intercomparison of biodiversity and ecosystem services models using harmonized land-use and climate scenarios. null, doi: 10.1101/300632

De Palma A, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Martin PA, Chadwick A, Gilbert G, Bates AE, Börger L, Contu S, Hill SLL, Purvis A (2018) Challenges With Inferring How Land-Use Affects Terrestrial Biodiversity: Study Design, Time, Space and Synthesis, In: Next Generation Biomonitoring: Part 1, Elsevier : 163 - 199.

Purvis A, Newbold T, De Palma A, Contu S, Hill SLL, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Phillips HRP, Hudson LN, Lysenko I, Börger L, Scharlemann JPW (2018) Modelling and Projecting the Response of Local Terrestrial Biodiversity Worldwide to Land Use and Related Pressures: The PREDICTS Project, In: Next Generation Biomonitoring: Part 1, Elsevier : 201 - 241.

Phillips HRP, Knapp S, Purvis A (null) Estimating the potential biodiversity impact of redeveloping small urban spaces: the Natural History Museum’s grounds. PeerJ, 5 : e3914 - e3914. doi: 10.7717/peerj.3914

Rosa IMD, Pereira HM, Ferrier S, Alkemade R, Acosta LA, Akcakaya HR, den Belder E, Fazel AM, Fujimori S, Harfoot M, Harhash KA, Harrison PA, Hauck J, Hendriks RJJ, Hernández G, Jetz W, Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen SI, Kim H, King N, Kok MTJ, Kolomytsev GO, Lazarova T, Leadley P, Lundquist CJ, García Márquez J, Meyer C, Navarro LM, Nesshöver C, Ngo HT, Ninan KN, Palomo MG, Pereira LM, Peterson GD, Pichs R, Popp A, Purvis A, Ravera F, Rondinini C, Sathyapalan J, Schipper AM, Seppelt R, Settele J, Sitas N, van Vuuren D (null) Multiscale scenarios for nature futures. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1 (10) : 1416 - 1419. doi: 10.1038/s41559-017-0273-9

Jung M, Hill SLL, Platts PJ, Marchant R, Siebert S, Fournier A, Munyekenye FB, Purvis A, Burgess ND, Newbold T (2017) Local factors mediate the response of biodiversity to land use on two African mountains. Animal Conservation, 20 (4) : 370 - 381. doi: 10.1111/acv.12327

Phillips HRP, Newbold T, Purvis A (2017) Land-use effects on local biodiversity in tropical forests vary between continents. Biodiversity and conservation, 26 (9) : 2251 - 2270. doi: 10.1007/s10531-017-1356-2

Phillips HRP, Newbold T, Purvis A (2017) Land-use effects on local biodiversity in tropical forests vary between continents. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26 (9) : 2251 - 2270. doi: 10.1007/s10531-017-1356-2

Hudson LN, Newbold T, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, De Palma A, Phillips HRP, Alhusseini TI, Bedford FE, Bennett DJ, Booth H, Burton VJ, Chng CWT, Choimes A, Correia DLP, Day J, Echeverría-Londoño S, Emerson SR, Gao D, Garon M, Harrison MLK, Ingram DJ, Jung M, Kemp V, Kirkpatrick L, Martin CD, Pan Y, Pask-Hale GD, Pynegar EL, Robinson AN, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Senior RA, Simmons BI, White HJ, Zhang H, Aben J, Abrahamczyk S, Adum GB, Aguilar-Barquero V, Aizen MA, Albertos B, Alcala EL, del Mar Alguacil M, Alignier A, Ancrenaz M, Andersen AN, Arbeláez-Cortés E, Armbrecht I, Arroyo-Rodríguez V, Aumann T, Axmacher JC, Azhar B, Azpiroz AB, Baeten L, Bakayoko A, Báldi A, Banks JE, Baral SK, Barlow J, Barratt BIP, Barrico L, Bartolommei P, Barton DM, Basset Y, Batáry P, Bates AJ, Baur B, Bayne EM, Beja P, Benedick S, Berg Å, Bernard H, Berry NJ, Bhatt D, Bicknell JE, Bihn JH, Blake RJ, Bobo KS, Bóçon R, Boekhout T, Böhning-Gaese K, Bonham KJ, Borges PAV, Borges SH, Boutin C, Bouyer J, Bragagnolo C, Brandt JS, Brearley FQ, Brito I, Bros V, Brunet J, Buczkowski G, Buddle CM, Bugter R, Buscardo E, Buse J, Cabra-García J, Cáceres NC, Cagle NL, Calviño-Cancela M, Cameron SA, Cancello EM, Caparrós R, Cardoso P, Carpenter D, Carrijo TF, Carvalho AL, Cassano CR, Castro H, Castro-Luna AA, Rolando CB, Cerezo A, Chapman KA, Chauvat M, Christensen M, Clarke FM, Cleary DFR, Colombo G, Connop SP, Craig MD, Cruz-López L, Cunningham SA, D'Aniello B, D'Cruze N, da Silva PG, Dallimer M, Danquah E, Darvill B, Dauber J, Davis ALV, Dawson J, de Sassi C, de Thoisy B, Deheuvels O, Dejean A, Devineau J-L, Diekötter T, Dolia JV, Domínguez E, Dominguez-Haydar Y, Dorn S, Draper I, Dreber N, Dumont B, Dures SG, Dynesius M, Edenius L, Eggleton P, Eigenbrod F, Elek Z, Entling MH, Esler KJ, de Lima RF, Faruk A, Farwig N, Fayle TM, Felicioli A, Felton AM, Fensham RJ, Fernandez IC, Ferreira CC, Ficetola GF, Fiera C, Filgueiras BKC, Fırıncıoğlu HK, Flaspohler D, Floren A, Fonte SJ, Fournier A, Fowler RE, Franzén M, Fraser LH, Fredriksson GM, Freire GB, Frizzo TLM, Fukuda D, Furlani D, Gaigher R, Ganzhorn JU, García KP, Garcia-R JC, Garden JG, Garilleti R, Ge B-M, Gendreau-Berthiaume B, Gerard PJ, Gheler-Costa C, Gilbert B, Giordani P, Giordano S, Golodets C, Gomes LGL, Gould RK, Goulson D, Gove AD, Granjon L, Grass I, Gray CL, Grogan J, Gu W, Guardiola M, Gunawardene NR, Gutierrez AG, Gutiérrez-Lamus DL, Haarmeyer DH, Hanley ME, Hanson T, Hashim NR, Hassan SN, Hatfield RG, Hawes JE, Hayward MW, Hébert C, Helden AJ, Henden J-A, Henschel P, Hernández L, Herrera JP, Herrmann F, Herzog F, Higuera-Diaz D, Hilje B, Höfer H, Hoffmann A, Horgan FG, Hornung E, Horváth R, Hylander K, Isaacs-Cubides P, Ishida H, Ishitani M, Jacobs CT, Jaramillo VJ, Jauker B, Hernández FJ, Johnson MF, Jolli V, Jonsell M, Juliani SN, Jung TS, Kapoor V, Kappes H, Kati V, Katovai E, Kellner K, Kessler M, Kirby KR, Kittle AM, Knight ME, Knop E, Kohler F, Koivula M, Kolb A, Kone M, Kőrösi Á, Krauss J, Kumar A, Kumar R, Kurz DJ, Kutt AS, Lachat T, Lantschner V, Lara F, Lasky JR, Latta SC, Laurance WF, Lavelle P, Le Féon V, LeBuhn G, Légaré J-P, Lehouck V, Lencinas MV, Lentini PE, Letcher SG, Li Q, Litchwark SA, Littlewood NA, Liu Y, Lo-Man-Hung N, López-Quintero CA, Louhaichi M, Lövei GL, Lucas-Borja ME, Luja VH, Luskin MS, MacSwiney G MC, Maeto K, Magura T, Mallari NA, Malone LA, Malonza PK, Malumbres-Olarte J, Mandujano S, Måren IE, Marin-Spiotta E, Marsh CJ, Marshall EJP, Martínez E, Martínez Pastur G, Moreno Mateos D, Mayfield MM, Mazimpaka V, McCarthy JL, McCarthy KP, McFrederick QS, McNamara S, Medina NG, Medina R, Mena JL, Mico E, Mikusinski G, Milder JC, Miller JR, Miranda-Esquivel DR, Moir ML, Morales CL, Muchane MN, Muchane M, Mudri-Stojnic S, Munira AN, Muoñz-Alonso A, Munyekenye BF, Naidoo R, Naithani A, Nakagawa M, Nakamura A, Nakashima Y, Naoe S, Nates-Parra G, Navarrete Gutierrez DA, Navarro-Iriarte L, Ndang'ang'a PK, Neuschulz EL, Ngai JT, Nicolas V, Nilsson SG, Noreika N, Norfolk O, Noriega JA, Norton DA, Nöske NM, Nowakowski AJ, Numa C, O'Dea N, O'Farrell PJ, Oduro W, Oertli S, Ofori-Boateng C, Oke CO, Oostra V, Osgathorpe LM, Otavo SE, Page NV, Paritsis J, Parra-H A, Parry L, Pe'er G, Pearman PB, Pelegrin N, Pélissier R, Peres CA, Peri PL, Persson AS, Petanidou T, Peters MK, Pethiyagoda RS, Phalan B, Philips TK, Pillsbury FC, Pincheira-Ulbrich J, Pineda E, Pino J, Pizarro-Araya J, Plumptre AJ, Poggio SL, Politi N, Pons P, Poveda K, Power EF, Presley SJ, Proença V, Quaranta M, Quintero C, Rader R, Ramesh BR, Ramirez-Pinilla MP, Ranganathan J, Rasmussen C, Redpath-Downing NA, Reid JL, Reis YT, Rey Benayas JM, Rey-Velasco JC, Reynolds C, Ribeiro DB, Richards MH, Richardson BA, Richardson MJ, Ríos RM, Robinson R, Robles CA, Römbke J, Romero-Duque LP, Rös M, Rosselli L, Rossiter SJ, Roth DS, Roulston TH, Rousseau L, Rubio AV, Ruel J-C, Sadler JP, Sáfián S, Saldaña-Vázquez RA, Sam K, Samnegård U, Santana J, Santos X, Savage J, Schellhorn NA, Schilthuizen M, Schmiedel U, Schmitt CB, Schon NL, Schüepp C, Schumann K, Schweiger O, Scott DM, Scott KA, Sedlock JL, Seefeldt SS, Shahabuddin G, Shannon G, Sheil D, Sheldon FH, Shochat E, Siebert SJ, Silva FAB, Simonetti JA, Slade EM, Smith J, Smith-Pardo AH, Sodhi NS, Somarriba EJ, Sosa RA, Soto Quiroga G, St-Laurent M-H, Starzomski BM, Stefanescu C, Steffan-Dewenter I, Stouffer PC, Stout JC, Strauch AM, Struebig MJ, Su Z, Suarez-Rubio M, Sugiura S, Summerville KS, Sung Y-H, Sutrisno H, Svenning J-C, Teder T, Threlfall CG, Tiitsaar A, Todd JH, Tonietto RK, Torre I, Tóthmérész B, Tscharntke T, Turner EC, Tylianakis JM, Uehara-Prado M, Urbina-Cardona N, Vallan D, Vanbergen AJ, Vasconcelos HL, Vassilev K, Verboven HAF, Verdasca MJ, Verdú JR, Vergara CH, Vergara PM, Verhulst J, Virgilio M, Vu LV, Waite EM, Walker TR, Wang H-F, Wang Y, Watling JI, Weller B, Wells K, Westphal C, Wiafe ED, Williams CD, Willig MR, Woinarski JCZ, Wolf JHD, Wolters V, Woodcock BA, Wu J, Wunderle JM, Yamaura Y, Yoshikura S, Yu DW, Zaitsev AS, Zeidler J, Zou F, Collen B, Ewers RM, Mace GM, Purves DW, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (2017) The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology and Evolution, 7 (1) : 145 - 188. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2579

Hudson L, Newbold T, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, De Palma A, Phillips HRP, Alhusseini TI, Bedford FE, Bennett DJ, Booth H, Burton VJ, Chng CWT, Choimes A, Correia D, Day J, Echeverria-Londono S, Emerson SR, Gao D, Garon M, Harrison MLK, Ingram DI, Jung M, Kemp V, Kirkpatrick L, Martin CD, Pan P, Pask-Hale GD, Pynegar EL, Robinson AN, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Senior RA, Simmons BI, White HJ, Zhang H, Eggleton P, Collen B, Ewers RM, Mace GM, Purves DW, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (2016) The 2016 release of the PREDICTS database.

Fenton IS, Husum K, Purvis A, Darling K (2016) Testing for facultative asexuality in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma: comparing prolocular volume of dextral and sinistral specimens from NanoCT scans. Presented at The Micropalaeontological Society AGM 2016.

Fenton IS, Pearson PN, Dunkley Jones T, Purvis A (null) Environmental Predictors of Diversity in Recent Planktonic Foraminifera as Recorded in Marine Sediments. PLOS ONE, 11 (11) : e0165522 - e0165522. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165522

Echeverria-Londono S, Newbold T, Hudson LN, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, Arbelaez-Cortes E, Armbrecht I, Boekhout T, Cabra-Garcia J, Dominguez-Haydar Y, Nates-Parra G, Gutierrez-Lamus DL, Higuera D, Isaacs-Cubides PJ, Lopez-Quintero CA, Martinez E, Miranda-Esquivel DR, Navarro-Iriarte LE, Noriega JA, Otavo SE, Parra-H A, Poveda K, Ramirez-Pinilla MP, Rey-Velasco JC, Rosselli L, Smith-Pardo AH, Urbina-Cardona JN, Purvis A (2016) Modelling and projecting the response of local assemblage composition to land use change across Colombia. BRITISH JOURNAL OF POLITICS & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, 18 (4) : 1099 - 1111. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12478

Hill SLL, Harfoot M, Purvis A, Purves DW, Collen B, Newbold T, Burgess ND, Mace GM (2016) Reconciling Biodiversity Indicators to Guide Understanding and Action. Conservation Letters, 9 (6) : 405 - 412. doi: 10.1111/conl.12291

Echeverría-Londoño S, Newbold T, Hudson LN, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, Arbeláez-Cortés E, Armbrecht I, Boekhout T, Cabra-García J, Dominguez-Haydar Y, Nates-Parra G, Gutiérrez-Lamus DL, Higuera D, Isaacs-Cubides PJ, López-Quintero CA, Martinez E, Miranda-Esquivel DR, Navarro-Iriarte LE, Noriega JA, Otavo SE, Parra-H A, Poveda K, Ramirez-Pinilla MP, Rey-Velasco JC, Rosselli L, Smith-Pardo AH, Urbina-Cardona JN, Purvis A (2016) Modelling and projecting the response of local assemblage composition to land use change across Colombia. Diversity and Distributions, 22 (11) : 1099 - 1111. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12478

Newbold T, Hudson LN, Arnell AP, Contu S, De Palma A, Ferrier S, Hill SLL, Hoskins AJ, Lysenko I, Phillips HRP, Burton VJ, Chng CWT, Emerson S, Gao D, Pask-Hale G, Hutton J, Jung M, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Simmons BI, Whitmee S, Zhang H, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (2016) Has land use pushed terrestrial biodiversity beyond the planetary boundary? A global assessment. Science, 353 (6296) : 288 - 291. doi: 10.1126/science.aaf2201

Ezard THG, Purvis A (2016) Environmental changes define ecological limits to species richness and reveal the mode of macroevolutionary competition. Ecology Letters, 19 (8) : 899 - 906. doi: 10.1111/ele.12626

Newbold T, Hudson LN, Arnell AP, Contu S, De Palma A, Ferrier S, Hill SLL, Hoskins AJ, Lysenko I, Phillips HRP, Burton VJ, Chng CWT, Emerson S, Gao D, Pask-Hale G, Hutton J, Jung M, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Simmons BI, Whitmee S, Zhang H, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (2016) Global map of the Biodiversity Intactness Index, from Newbold et al. (2016) Science.

Fenton IS, Pearson PN, Dunkley Jones T, Farnsworth A, Lunt DJ, Markwick P, Purvis A (2016) The impact of Cenozoic cooling on assemblage diversity in planktonic foraminifera. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 371 (1691) : 20150224 - 20150224. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0224

De Palma A, Abrahamczyk S, Aizen MA, Albrecht M, Basset Y, Bates A, Blake RJ, Boutin C, Bugter R, Connop S, Cruz-López L, Cunningham SA, Darvill B, Diekötter T, Dorn S, Downing N, Entling MH, Farwig N, Felicioli A, Fonte SJ, Fowler R, Franzén M, Goulson D, Grass I, Hanley ME, Hendrix SD, Herrmann F, Herzog F, Holzschuh A, Jauker B, Kessler M, Knight ME, Kruess A, Lavelle P, Le Féon V, Lentini P, Malone LA, Marshall J, Pachón EM, McFrederick QS, Morales CL, Mudri-Stojnic S, Nates-Parra G, Nilsson SG, Öckinger E, Osgathorpe L, Parra-H A, Peres CA, Persson AS, Petanidou T, Poveda K, Power EF, Quaranta M, Quintero C, Rader R, Richards MH, Roulston T, Rousseau L, Sadler JP, Samnegård U, Schellhorn NA, Schüepp C, Schweiger O, Smith-Pardo AH, Steffan-Dewenter I, Stout JC, Tonietto RK, Tscharntke T, Tylianakis JM, Verboven HAF, Vergara CH, Verhulst J, Westphal C, Yoon HJ, Purvis A (2016) Predicting bee community responses to land-use changes: Effects of geographic and taxonomic biases. Scientific Reports, 6 (1) : doi: 10.1038/srep31153

Gray CL, Hill SLL, Newbold T, Hudson LN, Börger L, Contu S, Hoskins AJ, Ferrier S, Purvis A, Scharlemann JPW (2016) Local biodiversity is higher inside than outside terrestrial protected areas worldwide. Nature Communications, 7 (1) : doi: 10.1038/ncomms12306

Newbold T, Hudson LN, Hill SLL, Contu S, Gray CL, Scharlemann JPW, Börger L, Phillips HRP, Sheil D, Lysenko I, Purvis A (2016) Global patterns of terrestrial assemblage turnover within and among land uses. Ecography, 39 (12) : 1151 - 1163. doi: 10.1111/ecog.01932

De Palma A, Kuhlmann M, Roberts SPM, Potts SG, Börger L, Hudson LN, Lysenko I, Newbold T, Purvis A, Kaplan I (2015) Ecological traits affect the sensitivity of bees to land‐use pressures in European agricultural landscapes. Journal of applied ecology., 52 (6) : 1567 - 1577. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12524

Dunne E, Stukins S, Purvis A (null) The John Williams Index of Palaeopalynology, a Big Data archive: A case study into the spatio-temporal richness of Aquilapollenites. The Micropalaeontological Society: Rock to Clock: the importance of microfossils Symposium and Society AGM, 1611 11 - 16 11 11

De Palma A, Kuhlmann M, Roberts SPM, Potts SG, Börger L, Hudson LN, Lysenko I, Newbold T, Purvis A (2015) Ecological traits affect the sensitivity of bees to land‐use pressures in E uropean agricultural landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 52 (6) : 1567 - 1577. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12524

Pearse WD, Chase MW, Crawley MJ, Dolphin K, Fay MF, Joseph JA, Powney G, Preston CD, Rapacciuolo G, Roy DB, Purvis A (null) Beyond the EDGE with EDAM: Prioritising British Plant Species According to Evolutionary Distinctiveness, and Accuracy and Magnitude of Decline. PLOS ONE, 10 (5) : e0126524 - e0126524. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126524

Newbold T, Hudson LN, Hill SLL, Contu S, Lysenko I, Senior RA, Börger L, Bennett DJ, Choimes A, Collen B, Day J, De Palma A, Díaz S, Echeverria-Londoño S, Edgar MJ, Feldman A, Garon M, Harrison MLK, Alhusseini T, Ingram DJ, Itescu Y, Kattge J, Kemp V, Kirkpatrick L, Kleyer M, Correia DLP, Martin CD, Meiri S, Novosolov M, Pan Y, Phillips HRP, Purves DW, Robinson A, Simpson J, Tuck SL, Weiher E, White HJ, Ewers RM, Mace GM, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (2015) Global effects of land use on local terrestrial biodiversity. Nature, 520 (7545) : 45 - 50. doi: 10.1038/nature14324

Hudson L, Newbold T, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, De Palma A, Phillips HRP, Senior RA, Bennett DJ, Booth H, Choimes A, Correia DLP, Day J, Echeverría-Londoño S, Garon M, Harrison MLK, Ingram DJ, Jung M, Kemp V, Kirkpatrick, L, Martin CD, Pan Y, 220 co-authors , Purvis A (2015) PREDICTS: site-level summary biodiversity and pressure data.

Hudson LN, Newbold T, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, De Palma A, Phillips HRP, Senior RA, Bennett DJ, Booth H, Choimes A, Correia DLP, Day J, Echeverría-Londoño S, Garon M, Harrison MLK, Ingram DJ, Jung M, Kemp V, Kirkpatrick L, Martin CD, Pan Y, White HJ, Aben J, Abrahamczyk S, Adum GB, Aguilar-Barquero V, Aizen MA, Ancrenaz M, Arbeláez-Cortés E, Armbrecht I, Azhar B, Azpiroz AB, Baeten L, Báldi A, Banks JE, Barlow J, Batáry P, Bates AJ, Bayne EM, Beja P, Berg Å, Berry NJ, Bicknell JE, Bihn JH, Böhning-Gaese K, Boekhout T, Boutin C, Bouyer J, Brearley FQ, Brito I, Brunet J, Buczkowski G, Buscardo E, Cabra-García J, Calviño-Cancela M, Cameron SA, Cancello EM, Carrijo TF, Carvalho AL, Castro H, Castro-Luna AA, Cerda R, Cerezo A, Chauvat M, Clarke FM, Cleary DFR, Connop SP, D'Aniello B, da Silva PG, Darvill B, Dauber J, Dejean A, Diekötter T, Dominguez-Haydar Y, Dormann CF, Dumont B, Dures SG, Dynesius M, Edenius L, Elek Z, Entling MH, Farwig N, Fayle TM, Felicioli A, Felton AM, Ficetola GF, Filgueiras BKC, Fonte SJ, Fraser LH, Fukuda D, Furlani D, Ganzhorn JU, Garden JG, Gheler-Costa C, Giordani P, Giordano S, Gottschalk MS, Goulson D, Gove AD, Grogan J, Hanley ME, Hanson T, Hashim NR, Hawes JE, Hébert C, Helden AJ, Henden J-A, Hernández L, Herzog F, Higuera-Diaz D, Hilje B, Horgan FG, Horváth R, Hylander K, Isaacs-Cubides P, Ishitani M, Jacobs CT, Jaramillo VJ, Jauker B, Jonsell M, Jung TS, Kapoor V, Kati V, Katovai E, Kessler M, Knop E, Kolb A, Kőrösi Á, Lachat T, Lantschner V, Le Féon V, LeBuhn G, Légaré J-P, Letcher SG, Littlewood NA, López-Quintero CA, Louhaichi M, Lövei GL, Lucas-Borja ME, Luja VH, Maeto K, Magura T, Mallari NA, Marin-Spiotta E, Marshall EJP, Martínez E, Mayfield MM, Mikusinski G, Milder JC, Miller JR, Morales CL, Muchane MN, Muchane M, Naidoo R, Nakamura A, Naoe S, Nates-Parra G, Navarrete Gutierrez DA, Neuschulz EL, Noreika N, Norfolk O, Noriega JA, Nöske NM, O'Dea N, Oduro W, Ofori-Boateng C, Oke CO, Osgathorpe LM, Paritsis J, Parra-H A, Pelegrin N, Peres CA, Persson AS, Petanidou T, Phalan B, Philips TK, Poveda K, Power EF, Presley SJ, Proença V, Quaranta M, Quintero C, Redpath-Downing NA, Reid JL, Reis YT, Ribeiro DB, Richardson BA, Richardson MJ, Robles CA, Römbke J, Romero-Duque LP, Rosselli L, Rossiter SJ, Roulston TH, Rousseau L, Sadler JP, Sáfián S, Saldaña-Vázquez RA, Samnegård U, Schüepp C, Schweiger O, Sedlock JL, Shahabuddin G, Sheil D, Silva FAB, Slade EM, Smith-Pardo AH, Sodhi NS, Somarriba EJ, Sosa RA, Stout JC, Struebig MJ, Sung Y-H, Threlfall CG, Tonietto R, Tóthmérész B, Tscharntke T, Turner EC, Tylianakis JM, Vanbergen AJ, Vassilev K, Verboven HAF, Vergara CH, Vergara PM, Verhulst J, Walker TR, Wang Y, Watling JI, Wells K, Williams CD, Willig MR, Woinarski JCZ, Wolf JHD, Woodcock BA, Yu DW, Zaitsev AS, Collen B, Ewers RM, Mace GM, Purves DW, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (2014) The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (24) : 4701 - 4735. doi: 10.1002/ece3.1303

Newbold T, Hudson LN, Phillips HRP, Hill SLL, Contu S, Lysenko I, Blandon A, Butchart SHM, Booth HL, Day J, De Palma A, Harrison MLK, Kirkpatrick L, Pynegar E, Robinson A, Simpson J, Mace GM, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (2014) A global model of the response of tropical and sub-tropical forest biodiversity to anthropogenic pressures. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281 (1792) : 20141371 - 20141371. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.1371

Tuck SL, Phillips HRP, Hintzen RE, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A, Hudson LN (2014) MODIST ools – downloading and processing MODIS remotely sensed data in R. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (24) : 4658 - 4668. doi: 10.1002/ece3.1273

Mace GM, Reyers B, Alkemade R, Biggs R, Chapin FS, Cornell SE, Díaz S, Jennings S, Leadley P, Mumby PJ, Purvis A, Scholes RJ, Seddon AWR, Solan M, Steffen W, Woodward G (2014) Approaches to defining a planetary boundary for biodiversity. Global Environmental Change, 28 : 289 - 297. doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.07.009

Powney GD, Preston CD, Purvis A, Van Landuyt W, Roy DB (2014) Can trait-based analyses of changes in species distribution be transferred to new geographic areas?. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, 23 (9) : 1009 - 1018. doi: 10.1111/geb.12189

Rapacciuolo G, Roy DB, Gillings S, Purvis A (2014) Temporal validation plots: quantifying how well correlative species distribution models predict species' range changes over time. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5 (5) : 407 - 420. doi: 10.1111/2041-210x.12181

Powney GD, Rapacciuolo G, Preston CD, Purvis A, Roy DB (2014) A phylogenetically-informed trait-based analysis of range change in the vascular plant flora of Britain. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23 (1) : 171 - 185. doi: 10.1007/s10531-013-0590-5

Pearse WD, Jones FA, Purvis A (2013) Barro Colorado Island's phylogenetic assemblage structure across fine spatial scales and among clades of different ages. Ecology, 94 (12) : 2861 - 2872. doi: 10.1890/12-1676.1

Díaz S, Purvis A, Cornelissen JHC, Mace GM, Donoghue MJ, Ewers RM, Jordano P, Pearse WD (2013) Functional traits, the phylogeny of function, and ecosystem service vulnerability. Ecology and Evolution, 3 (9) : 2958 - 2975. doi: 10.1002/ece3.601

Aze T, Ezard THG, Purvis A, Coxall HK, Stewart DRM, Wade BS, Pearson PN (2013) Identifying anagenesis and cladogenesis in the fossil record. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110 (32) : doi: 10.1073/pnas.1307562110

Ezard THG, Thomas GH, Purvis A (2013) Inclusion of a near-complete fossil record reveals speciation-related molecular evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4 (8) : 745 - 753. doi: 10.1111/2041-210x.12089

Pearse WD, Purvis A (2013) phyloGenerator: an automated phylogeny generation tool for ecologists. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4 (7) : 692 - 698. doi: 10.1111/2041-210x.12055

Hudson LN, Asher C, Contu S, Newbold T, Hill SLL, Purvis A (2013) PREDICTS .

Hudson LN, Newbold T, Purves DW, Scharlemann JPW, Mace G, Purvis A (2013) Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems (PREDICTS): Can you help?. BES Bulletin, 44 : 36 - 37.

Márcia Barbosa A, Estrada A, Márquez AL, Purvis A, Orme CDL (2012) Atlas versus range maps: robustness of chorological relationships to distribution data types in European mammals. Journal of Biogeography, 39 (8) : 1391 - 1400. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2012.02762.x

Morales-Castilla I, Olalla-Tárraga MÁ, Purvis A, Hawkins BA, Rodríguez MÁ (2012) The Imprint of Cenozoic Migrations and Evolutionary History on the Biogeographic Gradient of Body Size in New World Mammals. The American Naturalist, 180 (2) : 246 - 256. doi: 10.1086/666608

Bininda-Emonds ORP, Purvis A (2012) Comment on “Impacts of the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution and KPg Extinction on Mammal Diversification”. Science, 337 (6090) : 34 - 34. doi: 10.1126/science.1220012

Etienne RS, Haegeman B, Stadler T, Aze T, Pearson PN, Purvis A, Phillimore AB (2012) Diversity-dependence brings molecular phylogenies closer to agreement with the fossil record. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279 (1732) : 1300 - 1309. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439

Jones OR, Purvis A, Quicke DLJ (2012) Latitudinal gradients in taxonomic overdescription rate affect macroecological inferences using species list data. Ecography, 35 (4) : 333 - 340. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2011.06956.x

Ezard THG, Pearson PN, Aze T, Purvis A (2012) The meaning of birth and death (in macroevolutionary birth–death models). Biology Letters, 8 (1) : 139 - 142. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0699

Whitton FJS, Purvis A, Orme CDL, Olalla-Tárraga MÁ (2012) Understanding global patterns in amphibian geographic range size: does Rapoport rule?. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21 (2) : 179 - 190. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00660.x

Newbold T, Hudson LN, Purves DW, Scharlemann JPW, Mace G, Purvis A (2012) PREDICTS: Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity in Changing Terrestrial Systems. Frontiers of Biogeography, 4 : 155 - 156.

Rapacciuolo G, Roy DB, Gillings S, Fox R, Walker K, Purvis A (null) Climatic Associations of British Species Distributions Show Good Transferability in Time but Low Predictive Accuracy for Range Change. PLoS ONE, 7 (7) : e40212 - e40212. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040212

Olalla-Tárraga MÁ, McInnes L, Bini LM, Diniz-Filho JAF, Fritz SA, Hawkins BA, Hortal J, Orme CDL, Rahbek C, Rodríguez MÁ, Purvis A (2011) Climatic niche conservatism and the evolutionary dynamics in species range boundaries: global congruence across mammals and amphibians. Journal of Biogeography, 38 (12) : 2237 - 2247. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02570.x

McInnes L, Orme CDL, Purvis A (2011) Detecting shifts in diversity limits from molecular phylogenies: what can we know?. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278 (1722) : 3294 - 3302. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0241

Aze T, Ezard THG, Purvis A, Coxall HK, Stewart DRM, Wade BS, Pearson PN (2011) A phylogeny of Cenozoic macroperforate planktonic foraminifera from fossil data. Biological Reviews, 86 (4) : 900 - 927. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-185x.2011.00178.x

McInnes L, Baker WJ, Barraclough TG, Dasmahapatra KK, Goswami A, Harmon LJ, Morlon H, Purvis A, Rosindell J, Thomas GH, Turvey ST, Phillimore AB (2011) Integrating ecology into macroevolutionary research. Biology Letters, 7 (5) : 644 - 646. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0358

Purvis A, Fritz SA, Rodríguez J, Harvey PH, Grenyer R (2011) The shape of mammalian phylogeny: patterns, processes and scales. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 366 (1577) : 2462 - 2477. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2011.0025

Ezard THG, Aze T, Pearson PN, Purvis A (2011) Interplay Between Changing Climate and Species’ Ecology Drives Macroevolutionary Dynamics. Science, 332 (6027) : 349 - 351. doi: 10.1126/science.1203060

Collen B, Purvis A, Mace GM (2010) BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH: When is a species really extinct? Testing extinction inference from a sighting record to inform conservation assessment. Diversity and Distributions, 16 (5) : 755 - 764. doi: 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2010.00689.x

Fritz SA, Purvis A (2010) Phylogenetic diversity does not capture body size variation at risk in the world's mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 277 (1693) : 2435 - 2441. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.0030

FRITZ SA, PURVIS A (null) Selectivity in Mammalian Extinction Risk and Threat Types: a New Measure of Phylogenetic Signal Strength in Binary Traits. Conservation Biology, 24 (4) : 1042 - 1051. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01455.x

Harmon LJ, Losos JB, Jonathan Davies T, Gillespie RG, Gittleman JL, Bryan Jennings W, Kozak KH, McPeek MA, Moreno-Roark F, Near TJ, Purvis A, Ricklefs RE, Schluter D, Schulte II JA, Seehausen O, Sidlauskas BL, Torres-Carvajal O, Weir JT, Mooers AØ (null) EARLY BURSTS OF BODY SIZE AND SHAPE EVOLUTION ARE RARE IN COMPARATIVE DATA. Evolution, no - no. doi: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2010.01025.x

Ezard THG, Pearson PN, Purvis A (2010) Algorithmic approaches to aid species' delimitation in multidimensional morphospace. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10 (1) : 175 - 175. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-10-175

Cooper N, Purvis A (2010) Body Size Evolution in Mammals: Complexity in Tempo and Mode. The American Naturalist, 175 (6) : 727 - 738. doi: 10.1086/652466

Bielby J, Cardillo M, Cooper N, Purvis A (2010) Modelling extinction risk in multispecies data sets: phylogenetically independent contrasts versus decision trees. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19 (1) : 113 - 127. doi: 10.1007/s10531-009-9709-0

McInnes L, Purvis A, Orme CDL (2009) Where do species' geographic ranges stop and why? Landscape impermeability and the Afrotropical avifauna. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276 (1670) : 3063 - 3070. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.0656

Davies TJ, Purvis A, Gittleman JL (2009) Quaternary Climate Change and the Geographic Ranges of Mammals. The American Naturalist, 174 (3) : 297 - 307. doi: 10.1086/603614

JONES OR, PURVIS A, BAUMGART E, QUICKE DLJ (2009) Using taxonomic revision data to estimate the geographic and taxonomic distribution of undescribed species richness in the Braconidae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea). Insect Conservation and Diversity, 2 (3) : 204 - 212. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2009.00057.x

Fritz SA, Bininda-Emonds ORP, Purvis A (2009) Geographical variation in predictors of mammalian extinction risk: big is bad, but only in the tropics. Ecology Letters, 12 (6) : 538 - 549. doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2009.01307.x

COOPER N, PURVIS A (2009) What factors shape rates of phenotypic evolution? A comparative study of cranial morphology of four mammalian clades. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22 (5) : 1024 - 1035. doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2009.01714.x

Ezard THG, Purvis A (2009) paleoPhylo: free software to draw paleobiological phylogenies. Paleobiology, 35 (3) : 460 - 464. doi: 10.1666/0094-8373-35.3.460

Purvis A, Orme CDL, Toomey NH, Pearson PN (2009) Temporal patterns in diversification rates. Butlin R, Bridle J, Schluter D (Eds). Cambridge University Press : Cambridge. 278 - 300.

Sachs JD, Baillie JEM, Sutherland WJ, Armsworth PR, Ash N, Beddington J, Blackburn TM, Collen B, Gardiner B, Gaston KJ, Godfray HCJ, Green RE, Harvey PH, House B, Knapp S, Kümpel NF, Macdonald DW, Mace GM, Mallet J, Matthews A, May RM, Petchey O, Purvis A, Roe D, Safi K, Turner K, Walpole M, Watson R, Jones KE (2009) Biodiversity Conservation and the Millennium Development Goals. Science, 325 (5947) : 1502 - 1503. doi: 10.1126/science.1175035

Bininda-Emonds ORP, Cardillo M, Jones KE, MacPhee RDE, Beck RMD, Grenyer R, Price SA, Vos RA, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (2008) Erratum: The delayed rise of present-day mammals. Nature, 456 (7219) : 274 - 274. doi: 10.1038/nature07347

Cooper N, Rodríguez J, Purvis A (2008) A common tendency for phylogenetic overdispersion in mammalian assemblages. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275 (1646) : 2031 - 2037. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2008.0420

Davies TJ, Fritz SA, Grenyer R, Orme CDL, Bielby J, Bininda-Emonds ORP, Cardillo M, Jones KE, Gittleman JL, Mace GM, Purvis A (2008) Phylogenetic trees and the future of mammalian biodiversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105 (supplement_1) : 11556 - 11563. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0801917105

Cardillo M, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (2008) Global patterns in the phylogenetic structure of island mammal assemblages. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275 (1642) : 1549 - 1556. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2008.0262

Cardillo M, Mace GM, Gittleman JL, Jones KE, Bielby J, Purvis A (2008) The predictability of extinction: biological and external correlates of decline in mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275 (1641) : 1441 - 1448. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2008.0179

Bielby J, Cooper N, Cunningham AA, Garner TWJ, Purvis A (null) Predicting susceptibility to future declines in the world's frogs. Conservation Letters, 1 (2) : 82 - 90. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-263x.2008.00015.x

Adamowicz SJ, Purvis A, Wills MA (2008) Increasing morphological complexity in multiple parallel lineages of the Crustacea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105 (12) : 4786 - 4791. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0709378105

Bidartondo MI (2008) Preserving Accuracy in GenBank. Science, 319 (5870) : 1616 - 1616. doi: 10.1126/science.319.5870.1616a

Cooper N, Bielby J, Thomas GH, Purvis A (2008) Macroecology and extinction risk correlates of frogs. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 17 (2) : 211 - 221. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2007.00355.x

Meiri S, Cooper N, Purvis A (2008) The island rule: made to be broken?. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275 (1631) : 141 - 148. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2007.1056

Davies TJ, Fritz SA, Grenyer R, Orme CDL, Bielby J, Bininda-Emonds ORP, Cardillo M, Jones KE, Gittleman JL, Mace GM, Purvis A (2008) Phylogenetic trees and the future of mammalian biodiversity. Avise JC, Hubbell SP, Ayala FJ (Eds). The National Academies Press : Washington, D. C.. 257 - 273.

MACE GM, PURVIS A (2008) Evolutionary biology and practical conservation: bridging a widening gap. Molecular Ecology, 17 (1) : 9 - 19. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294x.2007.03455.x

Purvis A (2008) Phylogenetic Approaches to the Study of Extinction. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 39 (1) : 301 - 319. doi: 10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-063008-102010

Bielby J, Mace GM, Bininda‐Emonds ORP, Cardillo M, Gittleman JL, Jones KE, Orme CDL, Purvis A (2007) The Fast‐Slow Continuum in Mammalian Life History: An Empirical Reevaluation. The American Naturalist, 169 (6) : 748 - 757. doi: 10.1086/516847

Bininda-Emonds ORP, Cardillo M, Jones KE, MacPhee RDE, Beck RMD, Grenyer R, Price SA, Vos RA, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (2007) The delayed rise of present-day mammals. Nature, 446 (7135) : 507 - 512. doi: 10.1038/nature05634

ADAMOWICZ SJ, MENU-MARQUE S, HEBERT PDN, PURVIS A (null) Molecular systematics and patterns of morphological evolution in the Centropagidae (Copepoda: Calanoida) of Argentina. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 90 (2) : 279 - 292. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2007.00723.x

Beck RMD, Bininda-Emonds ORP, Cardillo M, Liu F-G, Purvis A (2006) null. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 6 (1) : 93 - 93. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-6-93

PURVIS A (2006) The h index: playing the numbers game. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 21 (8) : 422 - 422. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2006.05.014

Adamowicz SJ, Purvis A (2006) FROM MORE TO FEWER? TESTING AN ALLEGEDLY PERVASIVE TREND IN THE EVOLUTION OF MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE. Evolution, 60 (7) : 1402 - 1416. doi: 10.1111/j.0014-3820.2006.tb01219.x

Collen B, Bykova E, Ling S, Milner-Gulland EJ, Purvis A (2006) Extinction Risk: A Comparative Analysis of Central Asian Vertebrates. Biodiversity and Conservation, 15 (6) : 1859 - 1871. doi: 10.1007/s10531-005-4303-6

Bielby J, Cunningham AA, Purvis A (2006) Taxonomic selectivity in amphibians: ignorance, geography or biology?. Animal Conservation, 9 (2) : 135 - 143. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-1795.2005.00013.x

Cardillo M, Mace GM, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (2006) Latent extinction risk and the future battlegrounds of mammal conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103 (11) : 4157 - 4161. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0510541103

Adamowicz SJ, Purvis A (2006) Macroevolution and extinction risk patterns in freshwater crayfish (Sture Abrahamsson Memorial Lecture). Rogers D (Eds). 1 - 24.

Bininda-Emonds ORP, Beck RMD, Cardillo M, Gittleman JL, Grenyer R, Jones KE, Mace GM, Price SA, Purvis A (2006) The Tree of Life: deciphering the puzzle of relationships between mammals using supertrees, In: The Encyclopedia of Mammals, Macdonald D (Eds). Oxford University Press : Oxford. xxxii - xxxiii.

Cardillo M, Mace G, Purvis A (2005) Problems of studying extinction risks - Response. SCIENCE, 310 (5752) : 1277 - 1278.

(2005) Phylogeny and Conservation. Purvis A, Gittleman JL, Brooks TM (Eds). Cambridge University Press : 431.

Adamowicz SJ, Purvis A (2005) How many branchiopod crustacean species are there? Quantifying the components of underestimation. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 14 (5) : 455 - 468. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-822x.2005.00164.x

Cardillo M, Mace GM, Jones KE, Bielby J, Bininda-Emonds ORP, Sechrest W, Orme CDL, Purvis A (2005) Multiple Causes of High Extinction Risk in Large Mammal Species. Science, 309 (5738) : 1239 - 1241. doi: 10.1126/science.1116030

Bininda-Emonds ORP, Beck RMD, Purvis A (2005) Getting to the Roots of Matrix Representation. Systematic Biology, 54 (4) : 668 - 672. doi: 10.1080/10635150590947113

HONE DWE, KEESEY TM, PISANI D, PURVIS A (null) Macroevolutionary trends in the Dinosauria: Cope's rule. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 18 (3) : 587 - 595. doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2004.00870.x

Isaac NJB, Jones KE, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (2005) Correlates of Species Richness in Mammals: Body Size, Life History, and Ecology. The American Naturalist, 165 (5) : 600 - 607. doi: 10.1086/429148

Mace GM, Baillie JEM, Masundire H, Ricketts TH, Brooks TM, Hoffmann M, Stuart S, Balmford A, Purvis A, Reyers B, Wang J, Revenga C, Kennedy ET, Naeem S, Alkemade R, Allnutt T, Bakarr M, Bond W, Chanson J, Cox N, Fonseca G, Hilton-Taylor C, Loucks C, Rodrigues ASL, Sechrest W, Stattersfield AJ, van Resnburg B, Whiteman C (2005) Biodiversity, In: The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: Current Status and Trends, Island Press : Washington D.C.. 53 - 98.

Purvis A, Cardillo M, Grenyer R, Collen B (2005) Correlates of extinction risk: phylogeny, biology, threat and scale. PHYLOGENY AND CONSERVATION 8 : 295 - 316.

Purvis A, Gittleman JL, Brooks TM (2005) Phylogeny and conservation. PHYLOGENY AND CONSERVATION 8 : 1 - 16.

Purvis A, Orme CDL (null) Evolutionary Trends in Body Size. Springer-Verlag : 1 - 18. doi: 10.1007/3-540-28902-x_1

Purvis A (2004) How do characters evolve?. Nature, 432 (7014) : 166 - 166. doi: 10.1038/nature03092

Cardillo M, Bininda‐Emonds RP, Boakes E, Purvis A (2004) A species‐level phylogenetic supertree of marsupials. Journal of Zoology, 264 (1) : 11 - 31. doi: 10.1017/s0952836904005539

Collen B, Purvis A, Gittleman JL (2004) Biological correlates of description date in carnivores and primates. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 13 (5) : 459 - 467. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-822x.2004.00121.x

Cardillo M, Purvis A, Sechrest W, Gittleman JL, Bielby J, Mace GM (null) Human Population Density and Extinction Risk in the World's Carnivores. PLoS Biology, 2 (7) : e197 - e197. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020197

Isaac NJB, Purvis A (2004) The 'species problem' and testing macroevolutionary hypotheses. Diversity <html_ent glyph="@amp;" ascii="&amp;"/> Distributions, 10 (4) : 275 - 281. doi: 10.1111/j.1366-9516.2004.00092.x

Agapow P, Bininda‐Emonds ORP, Crandall KA, Gittleman JL, Mace GM, Marshall JC, Purvis A (2004) The Impact of Species Concept on Biodiversity Studies. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 79 (2) : 161 - 179. doi: 10.1086/383542

Webster AJ, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (null) The life history legacy of evolutionary body size change in carnivores. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 17 (2) : 396 - 407. doi: 10.1046/j.1420-9101.2003.00664.x

Bininda-Emonds ORP, Jones KE, Price SA, Cardillo M, Grenyer R, Purvis A (2004) Garbage in, garbage out: data issues in supertree construction, In: Phylogenetic supertrees: combining information to reveal the tree of life, Bininda-Emonds ORP (Eds). Kluwer Academic : Dordrecht, Netherlands. 267 - 280.

Harvey PH, Purvis A (2003) Opportunity versus innovation. Nature, 425 (6959) : 676 - 677. doi: 10.1038/425676b

Bininda-Emonds ORP, Jones KE, Price SA, Grenyer R, Cardillo M, Habib M, Purvis A, Gittleman JL (2003) Supertrees Are a Necessary Not-So-Evil: A Comment on Gatesy et al.. Systematic Biology, 52 (5) : 724 - 729. doi: 10.1080/10635150390235647

Grenyer R, Purvis A (2003) A composite species‐level phylogeny of the ‘Insectivora’ (Mammalia: Order Lipotyphla Haeckel, 1866). Journal of Zoology, 260 (3) : 245 - 257. doi: 10.1017/s0952836903003716

Mace GM, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (2003) Preserving the Tree of Life. Science, 300 (5626) : 1707 - 1709. doi: 10.1126/science.1085510

Jones KE, Purvis A, Gittleman JL (2003) Biological Correlates of Extinction Risk in Bats. The American Naturalist, 161 (4) : 601 - 614. doi: 10.1086/368289


Purvis A, Orme CDL, Dolphin K (2003) Why are most species small-bodied? A phylogenetic view. Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (Eds). Blackwell Science : Oxford. 155 - 173.

Purvis A, Webster AJ, Agapow PM, Jones KE, Isaac NJB (2003) Primate life histories and phylogeny. Kappeler PM, Pereira M (Eds). Chicago University Press : Chicago. 25 - 40.

Taylor J, Purvis A (2003) Cospeciation, mammals and chewing lice. Page RDM (Eds). Chicago University Press : Chicago. 240 - 261.

Agapow P-M, Purvis A (2002) Power of Eight Tree Shape Statistics to Detect Nonrandom Diversification: A Comparison by Simulation of Two Models of Cladogenesis. Systematic Biology, 51 (6) : 866 - 872. doi: 10.1080/10635150290102564

Purvis A, Agapow P-M (2002) Phylogeny Imbalance: Taxonomic Level Matters. Systematic Biology, 51 (6) : 844 - 854. doi: 10.1080/10635150290102546

Lockwood JL, Russell GJ, Gittleman JL, Daehler CC, McKinney ML, Purvis A (2002) A Metric for Analyzing Taxonomic Patterns of Extinction Risk. Conservation Biology, 16 (4) : 1137 - 1142. doi: 10.1046/j.1523-1739.2002.01152.x

David C, Orme L, Isaac NJB, Purvis A (2002) Are most species small? Not within species–level phylogenies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 269 (1497) : 1279 - 1287. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2002.2003

JONES KE, PURVIS A, MacLARNON ANN, BININDA-EMONDS ORP, SIMMONS NB (2002) A phylogenetic supertree of the bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 77 (2) : 223 - 259. doi: 10.1017/s1464793101005899

Orme CDL, Quicke DLJ, Cook JM, Purvis A (null) Body size does not predict species richness among the metazoan phyla. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 15 (2) : 235 - 247. doi: 10.1046/j.1420-9101.2002.00379.x

Sechrest W, Brooks TM, da Fonseca GAB, Konstant WR, Mittermeier RA, Purvis A, Rylands AB, Gittleman JL (2002) Hotspots and the conservation of evolutionary history. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99 (4) : 2067 - 2071. doi: 10.1073/pnas.251680798

Webster AJ, Purvis A (2002) Testing the accuracy of methods for reconstructing ancestral states of continuous characters. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 269 (1487) : 143 - 149. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2001.1873

PURVIS A, KATZOURAKIS A, AGAPOW P-M (2002) Evaluating Phylogenetic Tree Shape: Two Modifications to Fusco & Cronk's Method. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 214 (1) : 99 - 103. doi: 10.1006/jtbi.2001.2443

Vogler AP, Purvis A (2002) Comparative methods and evolution, In: Molecular Systematics and Evolution: Theory and Practice, Birkhäuser Basel : 225 - 236.

Webster AJ, Purvis A (2002) Ancestral states and evolutionary rates of continuous characters. MacLeod N, Forey P (Eds). Taylor & Francis : 247 - 268.

Katzourakis A, Purvis A, Azmeh S, Rotheray G, Gilbert F (null) Macroevolution of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae): the effect of using higher-level taxa in studies of biodiversity, and correlates of species richness. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 14 (2) : 219 - 227. doi: 10.1046/j.1420-9101.2001.00278.x

Quicke DLJ, Taylor J, Purvis A (2001) Changing the Landscape: A New Strategy for Estimating Large Phylogenies. Systematic Biology, 50 (1) : 60 - 66. doi: 10.1080/106351501750107477

Purvis A (2001) Mammalian life histories and responses of populations to exploitation, In: Exploited Species, Reynolds JD, Mace GM, Redford KH, Robinson JG (Eds). Cambridge University Press : Cambridge. 169 - 181.

Purvis A, Mace GM, Gittleman JL (2001) Past and future carnivore extinctions: a phylogenetic perspective. CARNIVORE CONSERVATION 5 : 11 - 34.

Purvis A, Jones KE, Mace GM (null) Extinction. BioEssays, 22 (12) : 1123 - 1133. doi: 10.1002/1521-1878(200012)22:12<1123::aid-bies10>3.0.co;2-c

Purvis A, Gittleman JL, Cowlishaw G, Mace GM (2000) Predicting extinction risk in declining species. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 267 (1456) : 1947 - 1952. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2000.1234

Purvis A, Hector A (2000) Getting the measure of biodiversity. Nature, 405 (6783) : 212 - 219. doi: 10.1038/35012221

Purvis A, Agapow P-M, Gittleman JL, Mace GM (2000) Nonrandom Extinction and the Loss of Evolutionary History. Science, 288 (5464) : 328 - 330. doi: 10.1126/science.288.5464.328

BININDA-EMONDS ORP, GITTLEMAN JL, PURVIS A (1999) Building large trees by combining phylogenetic information: a complete phylogeny of the extant Carnivora (Mammalia). Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 74 (2) : 143 - 175. doi: 10.1017/s0006323199005307

Harvey PH, Purvis A (1999) Understanding the ecological and evolutionary reasons for life history variation: mammals as a case study, In: Advanced Ecological Theory, McGlade J (Eds). Blackwells : Oxford. 232 - 248.

Purvis A, Webster AJ (1999) Phylogenetically independent comparisons and primate phylogeny, In: Comparative primate socioecology, Lee PC (Eds). Cambridge University Press : Cambridge. 44 - 70.

Carvell C, Inglis NFJ, Mace GM, Purvis A (1998) How Diana climbed the ratings at the zoo. Nature, 395 (6699) : 213 - 213. doi: 10.1038/26091

Sanderson MJ, Purvis A, Henze C (1998) Phylogenetic supertrees: Assembling the trees of life. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 13 (3) : 105 - 109. doi: 10.1016/s0169-5347(97)01242-1

Gittleman JL, Purvis A (1998) Body size and species–richness in carnivores and primates. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 265 (1391) : 113 - 119. doi: 10.1098/rspb.1998.0271

Tristem M, Purvis A, Quicke DLJ (1998) Complex Evolutionary History of Primate LentiviralvprGenes. Virology, 240 (2) : 232 - 237. doi: 10.1006/viro.1997.8929

Taggart DA, Breed WG, Temple-Smith PD, Purvis A, Shimmin G (1998) Testis mass, sperm number and sperm length: their relationship to reproductive strategies in marsupials and monotremes, In: Sperm competition and the evolution of animal mating systems, Birkhead TR, Møller AP (Eds). Academic Press : San Diego. 623 - 666.

JONES KE, PURVIS A (1997) An optimum body size for mammals? Comparative evidence from bats. Functional Ecology, 11 (6) : 751 - 756. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2435.1997.00149.x

Purvis A, Quicke DLJ (1997) Are big trees indeed easy? Reply. TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 12 (9) : 357 - 358. doi: 10.1016/S0169-5347(97)83197-7

Purvis A, Quicke DLJ (1997) Are big trees indeed easy? Reply from A. Purvis and D.L.J. Quicke. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 12 (9) : 357 - 358. doi: 10.1016/s0169-5347(97)83197-7

Purvis A, Harvey PH (1997) The right size for a mammal. Nature, 386 (6623) : 332 - 333. doi: 10.1038/386332b0

Purvis A, Quicke DLJ (1997) Building phylogenies: are the big easy?. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 12 (2) : 49 - 50. doi: 10.1016/s0169-5347(96)30066-9

Crawley MJ, Harvey PH, Purvis A (1997) Comparative ecology of the native and alien floras of the British Isles, In: Plant Life Histories, Silvertown J, Franco M, Harper JL (Eds). Cambridge University Press : Cambridge. 36 - 53.

Fa JE, Purvis A (1997) Body Size, Diet and Population Density in Afrotropical Forest Mammals: A Comparison with Neotropical Species. The Journal of Animal Ecology, 66 (1) : 98 - 98. doi: 10.2307/5968

Purvis A, Bromham L (1997) Estimating the Transition/Transversion Ratio from Independent Pairwise Comparisons with an Assumed Phylogeny. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 44 (1) : 112 - 119. doi: 10.1007/pl00006117

(1996) Comparative ecology of the native and alien floras of the British Isles. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 351 (1345) : 1251 - 1259. doi: 10.1098/rstb.1996.0108

Harcourt AH, Purvis A, Liles L (1996) Erratum: Sperm Competition: Mating System, Not Breeding System, Affects Testes Size of Primates. Functional Ecology, 10 (2) : 306 - 306. doi: 10.2307/2389857

Purvis A (1996) Using interspecific phylogenies to test macroevolutionary hypotheses, In: New Uses for New Phylogenies, Harvey PH, Leigh Brown AJ, Maynard Smith J, Nee S (Eds). Oxford Univ. Press : Oxford. 153 - 168.

Purvis A, Harvey PH (1996) Miniature mammals: Life-history strategies and macroevolution. MINIATURE VERTEBRATES 159 - 174.

Purvis A, Harvey PH (1995) Mammal life‐history evolution: a comparative test of Charnov's model. Journal of Zoology, 237 (2) : 259 - 283. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7998.1995.tb02762.x

Mooers AØ, Page RDM, Purvis A, Harvey PH (1995) Phylogenetic Noise Leads to Unbalanced Cladistic Tree Reconstructions. Systematic Biology, 44 (3) : 332 - 342. doi: 10.1093/sysbio/44.3.332

(1995) Evolutionary radiation of visual and olfactory brain systems in primates, bats and insectivores. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 348 (1326) : 381 - 392. doi: 10.1098/rstb.1995.0076

(1995) A composite estimate of primate phylogeny. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 348 (1326) : 405 - 421. doi: 10.1098/rstb.1995.0078

(1995) Macroevolutionary inferences from primate phylogeny. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 260 (1359) : 329 - 333. doi: 10.1098/rspb.1995.0100

Harcourt AH, Purvis A, Liles L (1995) Sperm Competition: Mating System, Not Breeding Season, Affects Testes Size of Primates. Functional Ecology, 9 (3) : 468 - 468. doi: 10.2307/2390011

Purvis A (1995) A Modification to Baum and Ragan's Method for Combining Phylogenetic Trees. Systematic Biology, 44 (2) : 251 - 255. doi: 10.1093/sysbio/44.2.251

Purvis A, Rambaut A (1995) Comparative analysis by independent contrasts (CAIC): an Apple Macintosh application for analysing comparative data. Bioinformatics, 11 (3) : 247 - 251. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/11.3.247

Purvis A, Harvey PH (1995) Allometry, In: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, eighth edition, McGraw-Hill Inc. : New York.

Letcher AJ, Purvis A, Nee S, Harvey PH (1994) Patterns of Overlap in the Geographic Ranges of Palearctic and British Mammals. The Journal of Animal Ecology, 63 (4) : 871 - 871. doi: 10.2307/5264

Purvis A, Gittleman JL, Luh H-K (1994) Truth or Consequences: Effects of Phylogenetic Accuracy on Two Comparative Methods. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 167 (3) : 293 - 300. doi: 10.1006/jtbi.1994.1071

Barton RA, Purvis A (1994) Primate brains and ecology: looking beneath the surface, In: Current Primatology, vol 1: Ecology and Evolution, Thierry B, Anderson JR, Roeder JJ, Herrenschmidt N (Eds). Université Louis Pasteur : Strasbourg. 1 - 9.

Purvis A, Garland T (1993) Polytomies in Comparative Analyses of Continuous Characters. Systematic Biology, 42 (4) : 569 - 575. doi: 10.1093/sysbio/42.4.569

(1993) Relations between song repertoire size and the volume of brain nuclei related to song: comparative evolutionary analyses amongst oscine birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 254 (1340) : 75 - 82. doi: 10.1098/rspb.1993.0129

Stockley P, Purvis A (1993) Sperm Competition in Mammals: A Comparative Study of Male Roles and Relative Investment in Sperm Production. Functional Ecology, 7 (5) : 560 - 560. doi: 10.2307/2390132

Berrigan D, Purvis A, Harvey PH, Charnov EL (1993) Phylogenetic contrasts and the evolution of mammalian life histories. Evolutionary Ecology, 7 (5) : 532 - 532. doi: 10.1007/bf01237647

Kelly CK, Purvis A (1993) Seed size and establishment conditions in tropical trees. Oecologia, 94 (3) : 356 - 360. doi: 10.1007/bf00317109

Berrigan D, Charnov EL, Purvis A, Harvey PH (1993) Phylogenetic contrasts and the evolution of mammalian life histories. Evolutionary Ecology, 7 (3) : 270 - 278. doi: 10.1007/bf01237744

Stone GN, Purvis A (1992) Warm-up rates during arousal from torpor in heterothermic mammals: physiological correlates and a comparison with heterothermic insects. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 162 (3) : 284 - 295. doi: 10.1007/bf00357536

Harvey PH, Purvis A (1991) Comparative methods for explaining adaptations. Nature, 351 (6328) : 619 - 624. doi: 10.1038/351619a0

De Palma A, Kuhlmann M, Bugter R, Ferrier S, Hoskins AJ, Potts SG, Roberts SPM, Schweiger O, Purvis A (2017) Dimensions of biodiversity loss: Spatial mismatch in land-use impacts on species, functional and phylogenetic diversity of European bees. Diversity and Distributions, 23 (12) : 1435 - 1446. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12638

Purvis A, Burton V, Eggleton P (null) Earthworm Watch UK - Pre-proposal. :

Purvis A, Butchart SHM, Brondízio ES, Settele J, Díaz S (2019) No inflation of threatened species. Science, 365 (6455) : 767 - 767. doi: 10.1126/science.aaz0312

Rillo MC, Whittaker J, Ezard THG, Purvis A, Henderson AS, Stukins S, Giles Miller C (null) The unknown planktonic foraminiferal pioneer Henry A. Buckley and his collection at The Natural History Museum, London. Journal of Micropalaeontology, jmpaleo2016 - 020. doi: 10.1144/jmpaleo2016-020

Contributed Publications

Hudson LN, Asher C, Contu S, Newbold T, Hill SLL, Purvis A (2013) PREDICTS .

Courses taught

Professional training: Identification Trainers for the Future
Natural History Museum, London
10/2015 - on going.

MSc: Taxonomy & Biodiversity
Natural History Museum, London

MRes: Biodiversity, Evolution & Conservation
UCL and NHM, London

PhD: Ecology, Evolution & Biodiversity (NERC DTP training module)

Short course: Species distribution models: concepts, methods, applications and challenges
7/2014 - 7/2011.


Doctorate equivalent (PhD) Co-supervisor to Jonsson G
Co supervisor(s): Isaac N
Understanding the past to predict the future of distribution change in British Lepidoptera
, Ascot, Berkshire
Funding: NERC SSCP Doctoral Training Program
1/9/2018 - 31/8/2022.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Sanchez-Ortiz K
Modelling human impact on local biodiversity on islands and mainlands (Katia Sanchez-Ortiz's PhD topic)
5/10/2015 - 4/10/2018.

Doctorate (PhD) Co-supervisor to Waldock C
Co supervisor(s): Bates AE
Biodiversity dynamics: understanding the ecological impacts of climate warming (Conor Waldock's PhD topic)
Funding: NERC
1/10/2015 - 30/9/2019.

Master's Co-supervisor to Dunne E
Going digital: Historical distribution and temporal diversity of Aquilapollenites using data from the John Williams Index of Palaeopalynology (by Emma Dunne)
17/4/2015 - 17/9/2015.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Bayley D
Empirical and mechanistic approaches to understanding and projecting change in coastal marine communities (Dan Bayley's PhD topic)
Funding: NERC
1/4/2015 - 31/3/2019.

Master's Lead supervisor to Chng C
Co supervisor(s): Tylianakis J
Modelling and projecting biodiversity responses to land-use impacts in New Zealand (by Charlotte Chng)
Imperial College London, London
10/11/2014 - 27/2/2015.

Master's Lead supervisor to Simmons B
Vulnerability of biodiversity hotspot biota to land-use change (by Benno Simmons)
Imperial College London, London
10/11/2014 - 27/2/2015.

Doctorate (PhD) Co-supervisor to Rillo M
Co supervisor(s): Ezard THG
Oceanographic and architectural constraints in plankton evolution (Marina Rillo's PhD topic)
Funding: NERC
1/10/2014 - 30/9/2018.

Doctorate (PhD) Co-supervisor to Hintzen R
Towards A Process-Based Model of Global Biodiversity (Rogier Hintzen PhD topic)
Imperial College London, London
Funding: NERC
1/10/2014 - on going.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Burton V
Co supervisor(s): Eggleton P
Statistical models of how soil biodiversity and ecosystem function respond to human impacts in UK ecosystems (Victoria Burton PhD topic)
Funding: NERC
1/10/2014 - 30/9/2017.

Master's Lead supervisor to Zhang H
Modelling the effects of human land use on large and small mammal species (by Hanbin Zhang)
5/5/2014 - 5/9/2014.

Master's Lead supervisor to Pask-Hale G
The Influence of Human Activity and Fire on the Species Richness and Diversity on Tropical and Sub-Tropical Grassland, Savannah and Scrublands (by Gwilym Pask-Hale)
Natural History Museum/Imperial College London, London
5/5/2014 - 5/9/2014.

Master's Lead supervisor to Hughes J
Modelling the response of New Zealand biodiversity to human impacts (by John Hughes)
Imperial College London, London
5/5/2014 - 5/9/2014.

Master's Lead supervisor to Middleton Welling J
Examining how size metrics and host-specificity traits can be used as predicates of community responses to land use change in butterflies and moths (Insecta:Lepidoptera) (by Joseph Middleton Welling)
5/5/2014 - 5/9/2014.

Master's Lead supervisor to Emerson S
Is the biota of biodiversity hotspots unusually sensitive to human impacts? (by Susan Emerson)
Natural History Museum/Imperial College London, London
5/5/2014 - on going.

Master's Lead supervisor to Gao D
How Biodiversity Responds to Human Threats in China: an Analysis of Pooled Data from Multiple Studies (by Di Gao)
Imperial College London, London
1/5/2014 - 1/9/2014.

Master's Lead supervisor to Sanchez-Ortiz K
Modelling the response of island biodiversity to human impacts (by Katia Sanchez-Ortiz)
4/3/2014 - 19/8/2014.

Bachelor's honours Lead supervisor to Horton M
Predicting arachnids’ response to human impacts: does size matter? (by Matthew Horton)
Imperial College London, London
1/3/2014 - 7/6/2014.

Bachelor's honours Lead supervisor to Che KT
Big Data – Who Shares? (by Tracy Che)
Imperial College London, London
1/3/2014 - 7/6/2014.

Bachelor's honours Lead supervisor to Su GY
How body size, diet and habitat location affects resistance of anthropogenic environmental change in Formicidae (Hymenoptera) (by Geoffrey Su)
1/3/2014 - 7/6/2014.

Master's Lead supervisor to Edgar MJ
What can we learn from body length? A study in Coleoptera (by Melanie Jane Edgar)
Natural History Museum/Imperial College London, London
1/11/2013 - 7/2/2014.

Master's Lead supervisor to Reynolds L
Biodiversity Patterns in Cenozoic Macroperforate Planktonic Foraminifera: The History of the Latitudinal Diversity Gradient (by Lynn Reynolds)
Natural History Museum/Imperial College London, London
1/11/2013 - 1/2/2014.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Echeverria-Londono S
Patterns of evolutionary convergence in Solanaceae (Susy Echeverria-Londono thesis topic)
Funding: Colombian government
1/10/2013 - on going.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Phillips HRP
Modelling biodiversity in a changing world (Helen Phillips' PhD topic)
Funding: Hans Rausing Scholarship
1/10/2012 - on going.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to De Palma A
Impacts of land use and agricultural intensification on bee species and communities (Adriana De Palma PhD thesis)
Funding: BBSRC
1/10/2011 - on going.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Fenton IS
Co supervisor(s): Pearson PN
Environmental controls on planktonic foraminiferal diversity in ancient and modern oceans (Isabel Fenton PhD thesis)
Imperial College London, London
Funding: NERC
1/10/2011 - 30/9/2015.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Rapacciuolo G
Global change and biodiversity (Giovanni Rapacciuolo PhD thesis)
Funding: BBSRC
1/10/2009 - 31/3/2013.

Doctorate (PhD) Co-supervisor to Powney GD
Understanding drivers of species distribution change (Gary Powney PhD thesis)
Funding: NERC
1/10/2009 - 1/3/2013.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Pearse WD
The phylogenetics of communities under change (Will Pearse PhD thesis)
Funding: NERC
1/10/2009 - 31/12/2012.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to McInnes L
Biotic responses to climate change: learning from the deep past (Lynsey McInnes PhD thesis)
1/10/2008 - 31/12/2011.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Cooper N
Phylogenetic approaches for studying competition in mammals (Natalie Cooper PhD thesis)
Imperial College London, London
Funding: NERC
1/10/2006 - 31/3/2009.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Fritz SA
Extinction patterns in vertebrates (Susanne Fritz PhD thesis)
1/10/2006 - 31/12/2009.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Bielby J
Extinction risk in amphibians (Jon Bielby PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NERC

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Grenyer R
Extinction risk in mammals (Rich Grenyer PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NERC
1/10/1999 - 2003.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Orme CDL
Co supervisor(s): Cook JM
Body size and macroevolutionary patterns of species-richness (David Orme PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NERC
1998 - 2002.

Doctorate (PhD) Joint supervisor to Baillie JM
Co supervisor(s): Mace GM
Persistence and vulnerability of island endemic birds (Jonathan Baillie PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NSERC/ORS

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Taylor J
Co supervisor(s): Lyal CHC
Have mammals and their chewing lice diversified in parallel? (Jason Taylor PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NERC

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Webster AJ
Ancestral body size and the evolutionary ecology of phyletic dwarfs (Andrea Webster PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NERC
1996 - 2000.

Master's Lead supervisor to Choimes AS
Modeling the effects of anthropogenic land use on Mediterranean biodiversity (by Sylvester Choimes)
Natural History Museum/Imperial College London, London

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Adamowicz SJ
Macroevolution in Crustacea (Sarah Adamowicz PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NSERC/ORS

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Collen B
Populations and species in conservation biology (Ben Collen PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NERC

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Isaac NJB
Co supervisor(s): Harvey PH
Life history and species richness in mammals (Nick Isaac PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NERC


External examiner, Doctoral degree
University of Oxford, Oxford

University examiner, Doctoral degree
Imperial College London, London


Individual Merit Promotion, Level 2, Natural History Museum, London, 1/10/2015.

Best Teaching for Postgraduates, Imperial College London, London, 21/5/2013.

Wolfson Research Merit Award, The Royal Society, London, 1/10/2011 - 1/11/2013.

Research Excellence Award, Imperial College London, London, 1/10/2007 - 30/9/2009.

2005 Scientific Medal, Zoological Society of London, London, 31/12/2005.

Invited and keynote speaker

Invited speaker, Dispersal, diversification and surpises in Solanaceae, Invited lecture - Natural History Museum of Denmark: Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25/10/2016.

Keynote speaker, Diversity and distribution in the Solanaceae: not quite what it might seem!, SOLGenomics 2016 - from advances to applications: 13/9/2016.

Invited speaker, Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems: Has terrestrial biodiversity crossed a Planetary Boundary?, Biotic Response to Environmental Change: Insights from Natural History Collections: 27/11/2015.

Invited speaker, Modelling and projecting global land-use impacts on local terrestrial biodiversity: the PREDICTS project, Departmental Seminar: 9/10/2015.

Invited speaker, Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems: an overview of PREDICTS, Global biodiversity models workshop: UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, 28/9/2015.

Invited speaker, “The bigger they are, the harder they fall?” Organism size & species sensitivity to land-use impacts, European Ecological Federation Congress 2015: Symposium "The (macro)ecology of species decline: 21/9/2015.

Invited speaker, Using functional traits to model species’ sensitivity to land-use change, European Ecological Federation Congress 2015; Symposium "Plant traits - a tool towards a more predictive ecology?": 21/9/2015.

Invited speaker, The next stage of PREDICTS, PREDICTS Project Symposium: Natural History Museum, London, 14/9/2015.

Invited speaker, Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems: an overview of PREDICTS, PREDICTS Project Symposium: Natural History Museum, London, 14/9/2015.

Open Herbarium, Centre for Ecology & Evolution Autumn Symposium: Linnean Society, London, 11/9/2015.

Invited speaker, Competition and dispersal in clade diversification dynamics, Systematics Association Biennial Conference: University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K., 28/8/2015.

Invited speaker, Global, national and fine-scale impacts of land-use change on local terrestrial biodiversity, Policy Forum for Wales Keynote Seminar - Managing Wales' Natural Resources and Protecting Biodiversity: 7/7/2015.

Invited speaker, Biodiversity Hackathon - Introduction, Biodiversity Hack: Natural History Museum, London, 20/6/2015.

Phylogenetic signal in bee species’ sensitivity to land-use change, EU Macro: Biocenter, University of Copenhage, Copenhagen, 16/6/2015.

Invited speaker, Predicting species’ declines (and, perhaps, ecosystem effects), HarmBio WG4 meeting: BIK-F, Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt, Germany, 22/4/2015.

Phenotypes in macroevolution and conservation, Phenotype Initiative Town Hall meeting: Natural History Museum, London, 13/4/2015.

Invited speaker, Global effects of land use on local terrestrial biodiversity, Departmental Seminar: Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, London, 1/4/2015.

Invited speaker, Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems: Mobilising biodiversity data to tackle global Grand Challenges, Science Group Planning Conference: Natural History Museum, London, 12/3/2015.

Invited speaker, Global land-use impacts on local terrestrial biodiversity, London Land Use Forum: Zoological Society of London, London, 10/2/2015.

Invited speaker, Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems: A global database and model, Future Directions for the Living Planet Index: workshop: 9/2/2015.

Invited speaker, The PREDICTS Project, NHM Executive Board visit: 2/2/2015.

Invited speaker, The PREDICTS model, Global Models of Biodiversity workshop: Natural History Museum, London, 20/1/2015.

Predicting bee community response to land-use changes: effects of geographic and taxonomic biases, British Ecological Society and Société Française d’Ecologie joint meeting: 10/12/2014.

Invited speaker, The global response of terrestrial protected area biodiversity to human impacts, World Parks Congress 2015: Olympic Stadium, Sydney, Australia, 15/11/2014.

Invited speaker, Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems: Towards a global model of how local biodiversity responds to human impacts, Departmental Seminar: School of Biological & Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University London, London, 30/10/2014.

Do Protected Areas work?, 17/10/2014.

Keynote speaker, Controls on local and global biodiversity, Identifying the regulators of biodiversity in deep time: FAPESP/University of Southampton, Southampton, 11/9/2014.

What controls the rate of anagenetic evolution?, The Micropalaeontological Society workshop: Morphometrics 10: 22/6/2014.

Keynote speaker, What is macroecology?, Challenges in Macroecology: Scaling the Time Barrier: Natural History Museum, London, 1/4/2014.

Invited speaker, Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems Towards a global model of how local biodiversity responds to human impacts, Departmental Seminar: Department of Biosciences, Swansea University, Swansea, U.K., 5/12/2013.

Invited speaker, Inferring biodiversity dynamics from the Tree of Life (and Death), Commemorative Symposium for the 29th International Prize for Biology: 21/11/2013.

Invited speaker, PREDICTS: Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems, Departmental Seminar: Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, London, 9/10/2013.

Do ecological traits predict bee species’ responses to human impacts?, Royal Entomological Society: 5/9/2013.

Guest lectures

Invited speaker, What makes a good project? A strategic view, British Ecological Society Masters to PhD Careers Conference: Charles Darwin House, London, 28/11/2013.



Newshour, PREDICTS project paper in Nature, BBC World Service, 2/4/2015.

Shared Planet, Natural Symbols, BBC Radio 4, Don M, 20/1/2015.



Professor Andy Purvis leads the PREDICTS project (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems), which aims to model globally how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human pressures and to use these models to project potential biodiversity futures under alternative scenarios of socioeconomic development. PREDICTS estimates the Biodiversity Intactness Index, the first indicator available on the Natural History Museum’s Biodiversity Trends Explorer. He was a Coordinating Lead Author on the first IPBES Global Assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and scientific advisor on Sir David Attenborough’s documentary, “Extinction: The Facts”. Other research interests include phylogenetic comparative methods and macroevolution, often using macroperforate planktonic foraminifera as a model system.



  • DPhil, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 1989 - 1993
  • BA (Hons, First Class), Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1985 - 1988

Employment history


  • Individual Merit Researcher (Level 2), Natural History Museum, Life Sciences, UK, 2015 - ongoing
  • Research Investigator, Imperial College London, Department of Life Sciences, United Kingdom, 2013 - ongoing
  • Research Leader, Natural History Museum, Life Sciences, United Kingdom, 2013 - ongoing
  • Professor of Biodiversity, Imperial College London, Division of Biology, United Kingdom, 2005 - 2013
  • Reader in Biodiversity, Imperial College London, Division of Biology, United Kingdom, 2003 - 2005
  • Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London, Department of Biological Sciences, United Kingdom, 2001 - 2003
  • Lecturer, Imperial College London, Department of Biology, United Kingdom, 2000 - 2001
  • Royal Society University Research Fellows, Imperial College London, Department of Biology, United Kingdom, 1996 - 1999
  • Temporary Lecturer, Imperial College London, Department of Biology, United Kingdom, 1995 - 1996
  • College Lecturer in Biological Sciences, Hertford College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 1993 - 1994
  • Postdoctoral Research Assistant (Researcher Co-Investigator), University of Oxford, Department of Zoology, United Kingdom, 1992 - 1995
  • Non-academic

    Analyst-programmer, Rolls-Royce plc, 1988 - 1989



How does global land-use change reshape ecological assemblages over time?
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: NERC
Total value £583,881.63 (to Museum £583,881.63)
Dates: 2015 - 2018

Are adaptive zones important in macroevolution?
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: NERC
Total value £409,442 (to Museum £369,434)
Dates: 2015 - 2018

Species Limits in Planktonic Foraminifera
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: Systematics Association
Total value £11,665 (to Museum £11,665)
Dates: 2015 - 2015

Global modelling of local biodiversity responses to human impacts
Role: Principal investigator
Funding: NERC
Total value £614,229 (to Museum £387,486)
Dates: 2013 - 2015

Exploiting the multifunctional potential of belowground biodiversity in horticultural farming
Role: Principal investigatorJungblut A
Co-investigator: Cuadros J
Funding: H2020 Societal Challenges
Total value £5,596,086 (to Museum £726,128)
Dates: 2019 - 2024

Plants Under Pressure II: the next generation of biodiversity indicators for plants
Role: Principal investigatorBrummitt N
Role: Co-investigator
Funding: Foundation Prince Albert II De Monaco
Total value £300,000 (to Museum £300,000)
Dates: 2018 - 2021

Other projects

Microfossil macroevolution
Role: Leader
Funding: Museum development
Dates: 2015 - on going.

Phylogenetic approaches to macroevolution
Role: Leader
Funding: Museum development

PREDICTS: Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems
Role: Leader
Funding: Museum development


Advice on POSTnote on Environmental Trends
2015 - 2015.

Professional activities


Honorary Research Fellowship, Institute of Zoology, London, 2014 - 2016.

Leverhulme Trust 2005 Research Fellowship, Leverhulme Trust, Imperial College London, London, 2005 - 2007.

Royal Society University Research Fellowship, Royal Society, London, Imperial College London, London, 1996 - 1999.


Member, Interview panel, Natural History Museum, London, 2014 - 2014.

Member, Digital Collection Programme Board, Natural History Museum, London, 2013 - on going.

Member, HarmBio Management Committee, HarmBio EU COST Action: Harmonizing Biodiversity Modelling, 2012 - 2015.

Chair, HarmBio Working Group 4: Model-model comparisons (co-chair), HarmBio EU COST Action: Harmonizing Biodiversity Models, 2012 - 2015.

Member, Paleobiology Database Advisory Group, Paleobiology Database,


Member, British Ecological Society, London, UK, 2012 - on going.

Reviewer / referee


Global Ecology & Biogeography, (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2015 - on going.

Ecology & Evolution, (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2011 - on going.

PNAS, (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2015 - 2015.

PNAS manuscript (as Guest Editor), (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2015 - 2015.

Nature, (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2015 - 2015.

Systematic Biology, (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2015 - 2015.

IPBES report: Linking and harmonizing scenarios and models across scales and domains, (Other), Non-anonymous, 2015 - 2015.

PNAS [as Guest Editor], (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2014 - 2014.

PNAS, (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2013 - 2013.

Systematic Biology, (Journal), Anonymous peer review, 2013 - on going.


Conference Attendance

Invited participant, Macroecology Meets IPBES, (Conference),

Invited participant, iCollections Annual General Meeting, (Symposium),

Attendee/participant, Descent into the Icehouse, (Conference), 2014 - 2014.

Attendee/participant, Phylogeny, extinction risks and conservation, (Conference), 2014 - 2014.

Attendee/participant, TMS Conference 2013 – Micropalaeontology and the IODP: Past, Present and Future Applications, (Conference), 2013 - 2013.

Attendee/participant, The Micropalaeontological Society Spring Meeting 2014, (Conference), 2014 - 2014.

Workshop Attendance

Workshop, Global biodiversity models worskhop, (Workshop),

Invited participant, Friends of Madingley workshop, (Workshop),

Invited participant, Openness and availability of data, (Workshop),

Session chair, Morphometrics 10 workshop, (Workshop),

Invited participant, National Biodiversity Network workshop, (Workshop),

Chair, Harmbio Working Group 4 meeting, (Workshop), 2015 - 2015.


Organiser, Extinction, (Conference), 2003 - 2003.

Organiser, Phylogeny & Conservation, (Conference), 2003 - 2003.

Organising committee, Forams 2018: International Symposium on Foraminifera, (Conference),

Organiser, Biodiversity Hack, (Workshop),

Organiser, PREDICTS Project Symposium, (Symposium),

Organiser, Global models of biodiversity, (Workshop),



Jaureguiberry P, Titeux N, Wiemers M, Bowler DE, Coscieme L, Golden AS, Guerra CA, Jacob U, Takahashi Y, Settele J, Díaz S, Molnár Z, Purvis A (2022) The direct drivers of recent global anthropogenic biodiversity loss. Science Advances, 8 (45) : doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abm9982

Chaplin-Kramer R, Brauman KA, Cavender-Bares J, Díaz S, Duarte GT, Enquist BJ, Garibaldi LA, Geldmann J, Halpern BS, Hertel TW, Khoury CK, Krieger JM, Lavorel S, Mueller T, Neugarten RA, Pinto-Ledezma J, Polasky S, Purvis A, Reyes-García V, Roehrdanz PR, Shannon LJ, Shaw MR, Strassburg BBN, Tylianakis JM, Verburg PH, Visconti P, Zafra-Calvo N (null) Conservation needs to integrate knowledge across scales. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6 (2) : 118 - 119. doi: 10.1038/s41559-021-01605-x

De Palma A, Hoskins A, Gonzalez RE, Börger L, Newbold T, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Ferrier S, Purvis A (null) Annual changes in the Biodiversity Intactness Index in tropical and subtropical forest biomes, 2001–2012. Scientific Reports, 11 (1) : doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-98811-1

Tudge SJ, Purvis A, De Palma A (2021) The impacts of biofuel crops on local biodiversity: a global synthesis. Biodiversity and Conservation, 30 (11) : 2863 - 2883. doi: 10.1007/s10531-021-02232-5

Tudge SJ, Purvis A, De Palma A (null) The impacts of biofuel crops on local biodiversity: a global synthesis. null, doi: 10.1101/2020.12.21.422503

Bayley DTI, Purvis A, Nellas AC, Arias M, Koldewey HJ (2020) Measuring the long-term success of small-scale marine protected areas in a Philippine reef fishery. Coral Reefs, 39 (6) : 1591 - 1604. doi: 10.1007/s00338-020-01987-7

Purvis A, Jones KE (2020) Georgina Mace (1953–2020). Science, 370 (6519) : 915 - 915. doi: 10.1126/science.abf1559

Cornford R, Deinet S, De Palma A, Hill SLL, McRae L, Pettit B, Marconi V, Purvis A, Freeman R (2021) Fast, scalable, and automated identification of articles for biodiversity and macroecological datasets. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30 (1) : 339 - 347. doi: 10.1111/geb.13219

Prudhomme R, Palma AD, Dumas P, Gonzalez R, Leadley P, Levrel H, Purvis A, Brunelle T (2020) Combining mitigation strategies to increase co-benefits for biodiversity and food security. Environmental Research Letters, 15 (11) : 114005 - 114005. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abb10a

Díaz S, Zafra-Calvo N, Purvis A, Verburg PH, Obura D, Leadley P, Chaplin-Kramer R, De Meester L, Dulloo E, Martín-López B, Shaw MR, Visconti P, Broadgate W, Bruford MW, Burgess ND, Cavender-Bares J, DeClerck F, Fernández-Palacios JM, Garibaldi LA, Hill SLL, Isbell F, Khoury CK, Krug CB, Liu J, Maron M, McGowan PJK, Pereira HM, Reyes-García V, Rocha J, Rondinini C, Shannon L, Shin Y-J, Snelgrove PVR, Spehn EM, Strassburg B, Subramanian SM, Tewksbury JJ, Watson JEM, Zanne AE (2020) Set ambitious goals for biodiversity and sustainability. Science, 370 (6515) : 411 - 413. doi: 10.1126/science.abe1530

Hoskins AJ, Harwood TD, Ware C, Williams KJ, Perry JJ, Ota N, Croft JR, Yeates DK, Jetz W, Golebiewski M, Purvis A, Robertson T, Ferrier S (2020) BILBI: Supporting global biodiversity assessment through high-resolution macroecological modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 132 : 104806 - 104806. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104806

Mace GM, Barrett M, Burgess ND, Cornell SE, Freeman R, Grooten M, Purvis A (null) Author Correction: Aiming higher to bend the curve of biodiversity loss. Nature Sustainability, 3 (10) : 885 - 885. doi: 10.1038/s41893-020-00604-3

Leclère D, Obersteiner M, Barrett M, Butchart SHM, Chaudhary A, De Palma A, DeClerck FAJ, Di Marco M, Doelman JC, Dürauer M, Freeman R, Harfoot M, Hasegawa T, Hellweg S, Hilbers JP, Hill SLL, Humpenöder F, Jennings N, Krisztin T, Mace GM, Ohashi H, Popp A, Purvis A, Schipper AM, Tabeau A, Valin H, van Meijl H, van Zeist W-J, Visconti P, Alkemade R, Almond R, Bunting G, Burgess ND, Cornell SE, Di Fulvio F, Ferrier S, Fritz S, Fujimori S, Grooten M, Harwood T, Havlík P, Herrero M, Hoskins AJ, Jung M, Kram T, Lotze-Campen H, Matsui T, Meyer C, Nel D, Newbold T, Schmidt-Traub G, Stehfest E, Strassburg BBN, van Vuuren DP, Ware C, Watson JEM, Wu W, Young L (2020) Bending the curve of terrestrial biodiversity needs an integrated strategy. Nature, 585 (7826) : 551 - 556. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2705-y

Waldock CA, De Palma A, Borges PAV, Purvis A (2020) Insect occurrence in agricultural land‐uses depends on realized niche and geographic range properties. Ecography, 43 (11) : 1717 - 1728. doi: 10.1111/ecog.05162

Echeverría‐Londoño S, Särkinen T, Fenton IS, Purvis A, Knapp S (2020) Dynamism and context‐dependency in diversification of the megadiverse plant genus Solanum (Solanaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 58 (6) : 767 - 782. doi: 10.1111/jse.12638

Rosa IMD, Purvis A, Alkemade R, Chaplin-Kramer R, Ferrier S, Guerra CA, Hurtt G, Kim H, Leadley P, Martins IS, Popp A, Schipper AM, van Vuuren D, Pereira HM (2020) Challenges in producing policy-relevant global scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Global Ecology and Conservation, 22 : e00886 - e00886. doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00886

Díaz S, Settele J, Brondizio E, Ngo HT, Pfaff A, Polasky S, Agard J, Arneth A, Balvanera P, Brauman KA, Butchart SHM, Chan KMA, Garibaldi LA, Ichii K, Liu J, Subramanian SM, Midgley GF, Miloslavich P, Molnár Z, Obura D, Purvis A, Razzaque J, Reyers B, Chowdhury RR, Shin Y-J, Visseren-Hamakers I, Willis KJ, Zayas CN (2020) Investments' role in ecosystem degradation—Response. Science, 368 (6489) : 377 - 377. doi: 10.1126/science.abb6019

Pereira HM, Rosa IMD, Martins IS, Kim H, Leadley P, Popp A, van Vuuren DP, Hurtt G, Anthoni P, Arneth A, Baisero D, Chaplin-Kramer R, Chini L, Di Fulvio F, Di Marco M, Ferrier S, Fujimori S, Guerra CA, Harfoot M, Harwood TD, Hasegawa T, Haverd V, Havlík P, Hellweg S, Hilbers JP, Hill SLL, Hirata A, Hoskins AJ, Humpenöder F, Janse JH, Jetz W, Johnson JA, Krause A, Leclère D, Matsui T, Meijer JR, Merow C, Obsersteiner M, Ohashi H, Poulter B, Purvis A, Quesada B, Rondinini C, Schipper AM, Settele J, Sharp R, Stehfest E, Strassburg BBN, Takahashi K, Talluto MV, Thuiller W, Titeux N, Visconti P, Ware C, Wolf F, Alkemade R (null) Global trends in biodiversity and ecosystem services from 1900 to 2050. null, doi: 10.1101/2020.04.14.031716

Purvis A (null) A single apex target for biodiversity would be bad news for both nature and people. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4 (6) : 768 - 769. doi: 10.1038/s41559-020-1181-y

Newbold T, Bentley LF, Hill SLL, Edgar MJ, Horton M, Su G, Şekercioğlu ÇH, Collen B, Purvis A (2020) Global effects of land use on biodiversity differ among functional groups. Functional Ecology, 34 (3) : 684 - 693. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13500

Sánchez-Ortiz K, Taylor KJM, De Palma A, Essl F, Dawson W, Kreft H, Pergl J, Pyšek P, van Kleunen M, Weigelt P, Purvis A (null) Effects of land-use change and related pressures on alien and native subsets of island communities. null, doi: 10.1101/2019.12.16.878041

Díaz S, Settele J, Brondízio ES, Ngo HT, Agard J, Arneth A, Balvanera P, Brauman KA, Butchart SHM, Chan KMA, Garibaldi LA, Ichii K, Liu J, Subramanian SM, Midgley GF, Miloslavich P, Molnár Z, Obura D, Pfaff A, Polasky S, Purvis A, Razzaque J, Reyers B, Chowdhury RR, Shin Y-J, Visseren-Hamakers I, Willis KJ, Zayas CN (2019) Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative change. Science, 366 (6471) : doi: 10.1126/science.aax3100

Bayley DTI, Mogg AOM, Purvis A, Koldewey HJ (2019) Evaluating the efficacy of small‐scale marine protected areas for preserving reef health: A case study applying emerging monitoring technology. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 29 (12) : 2026 - 2044. doi: 10.1002/aqc.3215

Newbold T, Sanchez-Ortiz K, De Palma A, Hill SLL, Purvis A (null) Reply to ‘The biodiversity intactness index may underestimate losses’. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3 (6) : 864 - 865. doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-0896-0

Jung M, Rowhani P, Newbold T, Bentley L, Purvis A, Scharlemann JPW (2019) Local species assemblages are influenced more by past than current dissimilarities in photosynthetic activity. Ecography, 42 (4) : 670 - 682. doi: 10.1111/ecog.04031

Simmons BI, Balmford A, Bladon AJ, Christie AP, De Palma A, Dicks LV, Gallego‐Zamorano J, Johnston A, Martin PA, Purvis A, Rocha R, Wauchope HS, Wordley CFR, Worthington TA, Finch T (2019) Worldwide insect declines: An important message, but interpret with caution. Ecology and Evolution, 9 (7) : 3678 - 3680. doi: 10.1002/ece3.5153

Sanchez-Ortiz K, Gonzalez RE, De Palma A, Newbold T, Hill SLL, Tylianakis JM, Börger L, Lysenko I, Purvis A (null) Land-use and related pressures have reduced biotic integrity more on islands than on mainlands. null, doi: 10.1101/576546

Bayley DTI, Mogg AOM, Koldewey H, Purvis A (null) Capturing complexity: field-testing the use of ‘structure from motion’ derived virtual models to replicate standard measures of reef physical structure. PeerJ, 7 : e6540 - e6540. doi: 10.7717/peerj.6540

Palma AD, Kuhlmann M, Pearse WD, Flynn E, Roberts SPM, Potts SG, Purvis A (null) Risks to pollinators from different land-use transitions: bee species’ responses to agricultural expansion show strong phylogenetic signal. null, doi: 10.1101/524546

Newbold T, Hudson LN, Contu S, Hill SLL, Beck J, Liu Y, Meyer C, Phillips HRP, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (null) Widespread winners and narrow-ranged losers: Land use homogenizes biodiversity in local assemblages worldwide. PLOS Biology, 16 (12) : e2006841 - e2006841. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2006841

Kim H, Rosa IMD, Alkemade R, Leadley P, Hurtt G, Popp A, van Vuuren DP, Anthoni P, Arneth A, Baisero D, Caton E, Chaplin-Kramer R, Chini L, De Palma A, Di Fulvio F, Di Marco M, Espinoza F, Ferrier S, Fujimori S, Gonzalez RE, Gueguen M, Guerra C, Harfoot M, Harwood TD, Hasegawa T, Haverd V, Havlík P, Hellweg S, Hill SLL, Hirata A, Hoskins AJ, Janse JH, Jetz W, Johnson JA, Krause A, Leclère D, Martins IS, Matsui T, Merow C, Obersteiner M, Ohashi H, Poulter B, Purvis A, Quesada B, Rondinini C, Schipper AM, Sharp R, Takahashi K, Thuiller W, Titeux N, Visconti P, Ware C, Wolf F, Pereira HM (null) A protocol for an intercomparison of biodiversity and ecosystem services models using harmonized land-use and climate scenarios. Geoscientific Model Development, 11 (11) : 4537 - 4562. doi: 10.5194/gmd-11-4537-2018

Fenton IS, Baranowski U, Boscolo-Galazzo F, Cheales H, Fox L, King DJ, Larkin C, Latas M, Liebrand D, Miller CG, Nilsson-Kerr K, Piga E, Pugh H, Remmelzwaal S, Roseby ZA, Smith YM, Stukins S, Taylor B, Woodhouse A, Worne S, Pearson PN, Poole CR, Wade BS, Purvis A (null) Factors affecting consistency and accuracy in identifying modern macroperforate planktonic foraminifera. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 37 (2) : 431 - 443. doi: 10.5194/jm-37-431-2018

Mace GM, Barrett M, Burgess ND, Cornell SE, Freeman R, Grooten M, Purvis A (null) Aiming higher to bend the curve of biodiversity loss. Nature Sustainability, 1 (9) : 448 - 451. doi: 10.1038/s41893-018-0130-0

Jones KE, Purvis A (null) Ben Collen (1978–2018). Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2 (8) : 1199 - 1200. doi: 10.1038/s41559-018-0621-4

Phillips HRP, Halley JM, Urbina-Cardona JN, Purvis A (2018) The effect of fragment area on site-level biodiversity. Ecography, 41 (7) : 1220 - 1231. doi: 10.1111/ecog.02956

Echeverrĩa-Londoño S, Särkinen T, Fenton IS, Knapp S, Purvis A (null) Dynamism and context dependency in the diversification of the megadiverse plant genus Solanum L. (Solanaceae). null, doi: 10.1101/348961

Hoskins AJ, Harwood TD, Ware C, Williams KJ, Perry JJ, Ota N, Croft JR, Yeates DK, Jetz W, Golebiewski M, Purvis A, Robertson T, Ferrier S (null) Supporting global biodiversity assessment through high-resolution macroecological modelling: Methodological underpinnings of the BILBI framework. null, doi: 10.1101/309377

Hill SLL, Gonzalez R, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Caton E, Espinoza F, Newbold T, Tylianakis J, Scharlemann JPW, De Palma A, Purvis A (null) Worldwide impacts of past and projected future land-use change on local species richness and the Biodiversity Intactness Index. null, doi: 10.1101/311787

Palma AD, Hoskins A, Gonzalez RE, Börger L, Newbold T, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Ferrier S, Purvis A (null) Annual changes in the Biodiversity Intactness Index in tropical and subtropical forest biomes, 2001-2012. null, doi: 10.1101/311688

Kim H, Rosa IMD, Alkemade R, Leadley P, Hurtt G, Popp A, van Vuuren DP, Anthoni P, Arneth A, Baisero D, Caton E, Chaplin-Kramer R, Chini L, De Palma A, Di Fulvio F, Di Marco M, Espinoza F, Ferrier S, Fujimori S, Gonzalez RE, Gueguen M, Guerra C, Harfoot M, Harwood TD, Hasegawa T, Haverd V, Havlík P, Hellweg S, Hill SLL, Hirata A, Hoskins AJ, Janse JH, Jetz W, Johnson JA, Krause A, Leclère D, Martins IS, Matsui T, Merow C, Obersteiner M, Ohashi H, Poulter B, Purvis A, Quesada B, Rondinini C, Schipper A, Sharp R, Takahashi K, Thuiller W, Titeux N, Visconti P, Ware C, Wolf F, Pereira HM (null) A protocol for an intercomparison of biodiversity and ecosystem services models using harmonized land-use and climate scenarios. null, doi: 10.1101/300632

De Palma A, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Martin PA, Chadwick A, Gilbert G, Bates AE, Börger L, Contu S, Hill SLL, Purvis A (2018) Challenges With Inferring How Land-Use Affects Terrestrial Biodiversity: Study Design, Time, Space and Synthesis, In: Next Generation Biomonitoring: Part 1, Elsevier : 163 - 199.

Purvis A, Newbold T, De Palma A, Contu S, Hill SLL, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Phillips HRP, Hudson LN, Lysenko I, Börger L, Scharlemann JPW (2018) Modelling and Projecting the Response of Local Terrestrial Biodiversity Worldwide to Land Use and Related Pressures: The PREDICTS Project, In: Next Generation Biomonitoring: Part 1, Elsevier : 201 - 241.

Phillips HRP, Knapp S, Purvis A (null) Estimating the potential biodiversity impact of redeveloping small urban spaces: the Natural History Museum’s grounds. PeerJ, 5 : e3914 - e3914. doi: 10.7717/peerj.3914

Rosa IMD, Pereira HM, Ferrier S, Alkemade R, Acosta LA, Akcakaya HR, den Belder E, Fazel AM, Fujimori S, Harfoot M, Harhash KA, Harrison PA, Hauck J, Hendriks RJJ, Hernández G, Jetz W, Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen SI, Kim H, King N, Kok MTJ, Kolomytsev GO, Lazarova T, Leadley P, Lundquist CJ, García Márquez J, Meyer C, Navarro LM, Nesshöver C, Ngo HT, Ninan KN, Palomo MG, Pereira LM, Peterson GD, Pichs R, Popp A, Purvis A, Ravera F, Rondinini C, Sathyapalan J, Schipper AM, Seppelt R, Settele J, Sitas N, van Vuuren D (null) Multiscale scenarios for nature futures. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1 (10) : 1416 - 1419. doi: 10.1038/s41559-017-0273-9

Jung M, Hill SLL, Platts PJ, Marchant R, Siebert S, Fournier A, Munyekenye FB, Purvis A, Burgess ND, Newbold T (2017) Local factors mediate the response of biodiversity to land use on two African mountains. Animal Conservation, 20 (4) : 370 - 381. doi: 10.1111/acv.12327

Phillips HRP, Newbold T, Purvis A (2017) Land-use effects on local biodiversity in tropical forests vary between continents. Biodiversity and conservation, 26 (9) : 2251 - 2270. doi: 10.1007/s10531-017-1356-2

Phillips HRP, Newbold T, Purvis A (2017) Land-use effects on local biodiversity in tropical forests vary between continents. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26 (9) : 2251 - 2270. doi: 10.1007/s10531-017-1356-2

Hudson LN, Newbold T, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, De Palma A, Phillips HRP, Alhusseini TI, Bedford FE, Bennett DJ, Booth H, Burton VJ, Chng CWT, Choimes A, Correia DLP, Day J, Echeverría-Londoño S, Emerson SR, Gao D, Garon M, Harrison MLK, Ingram DJ, Jung M, Kemp V, Kirkpatrick L, Martin CD, Pan Y, Pask-Hale GD, Pynegar EL, Robinson AN, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Senior RA, Simmons BI, White HJ, Zhang H, Aben J, Abrahamczyk S, Adum GB, Aguilar-Barquero V, Aizen MA, Albertos B, Alcala EL, del Mar Alguacil M, Alignier A, Ancrenaz M, Andersen AN, Arbeláez-Cortés E, Armbrecht I, Arroyo-Rodríguez V, Aumann T, Axmacher JC, Azhar B, Azpiroz AB, Baeten L, Bakayoko A, Báldi A, Banks JE, Baral SK, Barlow J, Barratt BIP, Barrico L, Bartolommei P, Barton DM, Basset Y, Batáry P, Bates AJ, Baur B, Bayne EM, Beja P, Benedick S, Berg Å, Bernard H, Berry NJ, Bhatt D, Bicknell JE, Bihn JH, Blake RJ, Bobo KS, Bóçon R, Boekhout T, Böhning-Gaese K, Bonham KJ, Borges PAV, Borges SH, Boutin C, Bouyer J, Bragagnolo 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Hudson L, Newbold T, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, De Palma A, Phillips HRP, Alhusseini TI, Bedford FE, Bennett DJ, Booth H, Burton VJ, Chng CWT, Choimes A, Correia D, Day J, Echeverria-Londono S, Emerson SR, Gao D, Garon M, Harrison MLK, Ingram DI, Jung M, Kemp V, Kirkpatrick L, Martin CD, Pan P, Pask-Hale GD, Pynegar EL, Robinson AN, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Senior RA, Simmons BI, White HJ, Zhang H, Eggleton P, Collen B, Ewers RM, Mace GM, Purves DW, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (2016) The 2016 release of the PREDICTS database.

Fenton IS, Husum K, Purvis A, Darling K (2016) Testing for facultative asexuality in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma: comparing prolocular volume of dextral and sinistral specimens from NanoCT scans. Presented at The Micropalaeontological Society AGM 2016.

Fenton IS, Pearson PN, Dunkley Jones T, Purvis A (null) Environmental Predictors of Diversity in Recent Planktonic Foraminifera as Recorded in Marine Sediments. PLOS ONE, 11 (11) : e0165522 - e0165522. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165522

Echeverria-Londono S, Newbold T, Hudson LN, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, Arbelaez-Cortes E, Armbrecht I, Boekhout T, Cabra-Garcia J, Dominguez-Haydar Y, Nates-Parra G, Gutierrez-Lamus DL, Higuera D, Isaacs-Cubides PJ, Lopez-Quintero CA, Martinez E, Miranda-Esquivel DR, Navarro-Iriarte LE, Noriega JA, Otavo SE, Parra-H A, Poveda K, Ramirez-Pinilla MP, Rey-Velasco JC, Rosselli L, Smith-Pardo AH, Urbina-Cardona JN, Purvis A (2016) Modelling and projecting the response of local assemblage composition to land use change across Colombia. BRITISH JOURNAL OF POLITICS & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, 18 (4) : 1099 - 1111. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12478

Hill SLL, Harfoot M, Purvis A, Purves DW, Collen B, Newbold T, Burgess ND, Mace GM (2016) Reconciling Biodiversity Indicators to Guide Understanding and Action. Conservation Letters, 9 (6) : 405 - 412. doi: 10.1111/conl.12291

Echeverría-Londoño S, Newbold T, Hudson LN, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, Arbeláez-Cortés E, Armbrecht I, Boekhout T, Cabra-García J, Dominguez-Haydar Y, Nates-Parra G, Gutiérrez-Lamus DL, Higuera D, Isaacs-Cubides PJ, López-Quintero CA, Martinez E, Miranda-Esquivel DR, Navarro-Iriarte LE, Noriega JA, Otavo SE, Parra-H A, Poveda K, Ramirez-Pinilla MP, Rey-Velasco JC, Rosselli L, Smith-Pardo AH, Urbina-Cardona JN, Purvis A (2016) Modelling and projecting the response of local assemblage composition to land use change across Colombia. Diversity and Distributions, 22 (11) : 1099 - 1111. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12478

Newbold T, Hudson LN, Arnell AP, Contu S, De Palma A, Ferrier S, Hill SLL, Hoskins AJ, Lysenko I, Phillips HRP, Burton VJ, Chng CWT, Emerson S, Gao D, Pask-Hale G, Hutton J, Jung M, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Simmons BI, Whitmee S, Zhang H, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (2016) Has land use pushed terrestrial biodiversity beyond the planetary boundary? A global assessment. Science, 353 (6296) : 288 - 291. doi: 10.1126/science.aaf2201

Ezard THG, Purvis A (2016) Environmental changes define ecological limits to species richness and reveal the mode of macroevolutionary competition. Ecology Letters, 19 (8) : 899 - 906. doi: 10.1111/ele.12626

Newbold T, Hudson LN, Arnell AP, Contu S, De Palma A, Ferrier S, Hill SLL, Hoskins AJ, Lysenko I, Phillips HRP, Burton VJ, Chng CWT, Emerson S, Gao D, Pask-Hale G, Hutton J, Jung M, Sanchez-Ortiz K, Simmons BI, Whitmee S, Zhang H, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (2016) Global map of the Biodiversity Intactness Index, from Newbold et al. (2016) Science.

Fenton IS, Pearson PN, Dunkley Jones T, Farnsworth A, Lunt DJ, Markwick P, Purvis A (2016) The impact of Cenozoic cooling on assemblage diversity in planktonic foraminifera. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 371 (1691) : 20150224 - 20150224. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0224

De Palma A, Abrahamczyk S, Aizen MA, Albrecht M, Basset Y, Bates A, Blake RJ, Boutin C, Bugter R, Connop S, Cruz-López L, Cunningham SA, Darvill B, Diekötter T, Dorn S, Downing N, Entling MH, Farwig N, Felicioli A, Fonte SJ, Fowler R, Franzén M, Goulson D, Grass I, Hanley ME, Hendrix SD, Herrmann F, Herzog F, Holzschuh A, Jauker B, Kessler M, Knight ME, Kruess A, Lavelle P, Le Féon V, Lentini P, Malone LA, Marshall J, Pachón EM, McFrederick QS, Morales CL, Mudri-Stojnic S, Nates-Parra G, Nilsson SG, Öckinger E, Osgathorpe L, Parra-H A, Peres CA, Persson AS, Petanidou T, Poveda K, Power EF, Quaranta M, Quintero C, Rader R, Richards MH, Roulston T, Rousseau L, Sadler JP, Samnegård U, Schellhorn NA, Schüepp C, Schweiger O, Smith-Pardo AH, Steffan-Dewenter I, Stout JC, Tonietto RK, Tscharntke T, Tylianakis JM, Verboven HAF, Vergara CH, Verhulst J, Westphal C, Yoon HJ, Purvis A (2016) Predicting bee community responses to land-use changes: Effects of geographic and taxonomic biases. Scientific Reports, 6 (1) : doi: 10.1038/srep31153

Gray CL, Hill SLL, Newbold T, Hudson LN, Börger L, Contu S, Hoskins AJ, Ferrier S, Purvis A, Scharlemann JPW (2016) Local biodiversity is higher inside than outside terrestrial protected areas worldwide. Nature Communications, 7 (1) : doi: 10.1038/ncomms12306

Newbold T, Hudson LN, Hill SLL, Contu S, Gray CL, Scharlemann JPW, Börger L, Phillips HRP, Sheil D, Lysenko I, Purvis A (2016) Global patterns of terrestrial assemblage turnover within and among land uses. Ecography, 39 (12) : 1151 - 1163. doi: 10.1111/ecog.01932

De Palma A, Kuhlmann M, Roberts SPM, Potts SG, Börger L, Hudson LN, Lysenko I, Newbold T, Purvis A, Kaplan I (2015) Ecological traits affect the sensitivity of bees to land‐use pressures in European agricultural landscapes. Journal of applied ecology., 52 (6) : 1567 - 1577. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12524

Dunne E, Stukins S, Purvis A (null) The John Williams Index of Palaeopalynology, a Big Data archive: A case study into the spatio-temporal richness of Aquilapollenites. The Micropalaeontological Society: Rock to Clock: the importance of microfossils Symposium and Society AGM, 1611 11 - 16 11 11

De Palma A, Kuhlmann M, Roberts SPM, Potts SG, Börger L, Hudson LN, Lysenko I, Newbold T, Purvis A (2015) Ecological traits affect the sensitivity of bees to land‐use pressures in E uropean agricultural landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 52 (6) : 1567 - 1577. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12524

Pearse WD, Chase MW, Crawley MJ, Dolphin K, Fay MF, Joseph JA, Powney G, Preston CD, Rapacciuolo G, Roy DB, Purvis A (null) Beyond the EDGE with EDAM: Prioritising British Plant Species According to Evolutionary Distinctiveness, and Accuracy and Magnitude of Decline. PLOS ONE, 10 (5) : e0126524 - e0126524. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126524

Newbold T, Hudson LN, Hill SLL, Contu S, Lysenko I, Senior RA, Börger L, Bennett DJ, Choimes A, Collen B, Day J, De Palma A, Díaz S, Echeverria-Londoño S, Edgar MJ, Feldman A, Garon M, Harrison MLK, Alhusseini T, Ingram DJ, Itescu Y, Kattge J, Kemp V, Kirkpatrick L, Kleyer M, Correia DLP, Martin CD, Meiri S, Novosolov M, Pan Y, Phillips HRP, Purves DW, Robinson A, Simpson J, Tuck SL, Weiher E, White HJ, Ewers RM, Mace GM, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (2015) Global effects of land use on local terrestrial biodiversity. Nature, 520 (7545) : 45 - 50. doi: 10.1038/nature14324

Hudson L, Newbold T, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, De Palma A, Phillips HRP, Senior RA, Bennett DJ, Booth H, Choimes A, Correia DLP, Day J, Echeverría-Londoño S, Garon M, Harrison MLK, Ingram DJ, Jung M, Kemp V, Kirkpatrick, L, Martin CD, Pan Y, 220 co-authors , Purvis A (2015) PREDICTS: site-level summary biodiversity and pressure data.

Hudson LN, Newbold T, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, De Palma A, Phillips HRP, Senior RA, Bennett DJ, Booth H, Choimes A, Correia DLP, Day J, Echeverría-Londoño S, Garon M, Harrison MLK, Ingram DJ, Jung M, Kemp V, Kirkpatrick L, Martin CD, Pan Y, White HJ, Aben J, Abrahamczyk S, Adum GB, Aguilar-Barquero V, Aizen MA, Ancrenaz M, Arbeláez-Cortés E, Armbrecht I, Azhar B, Azpiroz AB, Baeten L, Báldi A, Banks JE, Barlow J, Batáry P, Bates AJ, Bayne EM, Beja P, Berg Å, Berry NJ, Bicknell JE, Bihn JH, Böhning-Gaese K, Boekhout T, Boutin C, Bouyer J, Brearley FQ, Brito I, Brunet J, Buczkowski G, Buscardo E, Cabra-García J, Calviño-Cancela M, Cameron SA, Cancello EM, Carrijo TF, Carvalho AL, Castro H, Castro-Luna AA, Cerda R, Cerezo A, Chauvat M, Clarke FM, Cleary DFR, Connop SP, D'Aniello B, da Silva PG, Darvill B, Dauber J, Dejean A, Diekötter T, Dominguez-Haydar Y, Dormann CF, Dumont B, Dures SG, Dynesius M, Edenius L, Elek Z, Entling MH, Farwig N, Fayle TM, Felicioli A, Felton AM, Ficetola GF, Filgueiras BKC, Fonte SJ, Fraser LH, Fukuda D, Furlani D, Ganzhorn JU, Garden JG, Gheler-Costa C, Giordani P, Giordano S, Gottschalk MS, Goulson D, Gove AD, Grogan J, Hanley ME, Hanson T, Hashim NR, Hawes JE, Hébert C, Helden AJ, Henden J-A, Hernández L, Herzog F, Higuera-Diaz D, Hilje B, Horgan FG, Horváth R, Hylander K, Isaacs-Cubides P, Ishitani M, Jacobs CT, Jaramillo VJ, Jauker B, Jonsell M, Jung TS, Kapoor V, Kati V, Katovai E, Kessler M, Knop E, Kolb A, Kőrösi Á, Lachat T, Lantschner V, Le Féon V, LeBuhn G, Légaré J-P, Letcher SG, Littlewood NA, López-Quintero CA, Louhaichi M, Lövei GL, Lucas-Borja ME, Luja VH, Maeto K, Magura T, Mallari NA, Marin-Spiotta E, Marshall EJP, Martínez E, Mayfield MM, Mikusinski G, Milder JC, Miller JR, Morales CL, Muchane MN, Muchane M, Naidoo R, Nakamura A, Naoe S, Nates-Parra G, Navarrete Gutierrez DA, Neuschulz EL, Noreika N, Norfolk O, Noriega JA, Nöske NM, O'Dea N, Oduro W, Ofori-Boateng C, Oke CO, Osgathorpe LM, Paritsis J, Parra-H A, Pelegrin N, Peres CA, Persson AS, Petanidou T, Phalan B, Philips TK, Poveda K, Power EF, Presley SJ, Proença V, Quaranta M, Quintero C, Redpath-Downing NA, Reid JL, Reis YT, Ribeiro DB, Richardson BA, Richardson MJ, Robles CA, Römbke J, Romero-Duque LP, Rosselli L, Rossiter SJ, Roulston TH, Rousseau L, Sadler JP, Sáfián S, Saldaña-Vázquez RA, Samnegård U, Schüepp C, Schweiger O, Sedlock JL, Shahabuddin G, Sheil D, Silva FAB, Slade EM, Smith-Pardo AH, Sodhi NS, Somarriba EJ, Sosa RA, Stout JC, Struebig MJ, Sung Y-H, Threlfall CG, Tonietto R, Tóthmérész B, Tscharntke T, Turner EC, Tylianakis JM, Vanbergen AJ, Vassilev K, Verboven HAF, Vergara CH, Vergara PM, Verhulst J, Walker TR, Wang Y, Watling JI, Wells K, Williams CD, Willig MR, Woinarski JCZ, Wolf JHD, Woodcock BA, Yu DW, Zaitsev AS, Collen B, Ewers RM, Mace GM, Purves DW, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (2014) The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (24) : 4701 - 4735. doi: 10.1002/ece3.1303

Newbold T, Hudson LN, Phillips HRP, Hill SLL, Contu S, Lysenko I, Blandon A, Butchart SHM, Booth HL, Day J, De Palma A, Harrison MLK, Kirkpatrick L, Pynegar E, Robinson A, Simpson J, Mace GM, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A (2014) A global model of the response of tropical and sub-tropical forest biodiversity to anthropogenic pressures. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281 (1792) : 20141371 - 20141371. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.1371

Tuck SL, Phillips HRP, Hintzen RE, Scharlemann JPW, Purvis A, Hudson LN (2014) MODIST ools – downloading and processing MODIS remotely sensed data in R. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (24) : 4658 - 4668. doi: 10.1002/ece3.1273

Mace GM, Reyers B, Alkemade R, Biggs R, Chapin FS, Cornell SE, Díaz S, Jennings S, Leadley P, Mumby PJ, Purvis A, Scholes RJ, Seddon AWR, Solan M, Steffen W, Woodward G (2014) Approaches to defining a planetary boundary for biodiversity. Global Environmental Change, 28 : 289 - 297. doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.07.009

Powney GD, Preston CD, Purvis A, Van Landuyt W, Roy DB (2014) Can trait-based analyses of changes in species distribution be transferred to new geographic areas?. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, 23 (9) : 1009 - 1018. doi: 10.1111/geb.12189

Rapacciuolo G, Roy DB, Gillings S, Purvis A (2014) Temporal validation plots: quantifying how well correlative species distribution models predict species' range changes over time. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5 (5) : 407 - 420. doi: 10.1111/2041-210x.12181

Powney GD, Rapacciuolo G, Preston CD, Purvis A, Roy DB (2014) A phylogenetically-informed trait-based analysis of range change in the vascular plant flora of Britain. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23 (1) : 171 - 185. doi: 10.1007/s10531-013-0590-5

Pearse WD, Jones FA, Purvis A (2013) Barro Colorado Island's phylogenetic assemblage structure across fine spatial scales and among clades of different ages. Ecology, 94 (12) : 2861 - 2872. doi: 10.1890/12-1676.1

Díaz S, Purvis A, Cornelissen JHC, Mace GM, Donoghue MJ, Ewers RM, Jordano P, Pearse WD (2013) Functional traits, the phylogeny of function, and ecosystem service vulnerability. Ecology and Evolution, 3 (9) : 2958 - 2975. doi: 10.1002/ece3.601

Aze T, Ezard THG, Purvis A, Coxall HK, Stewart DRM, Wade BS, Pearson PN (2013) Identifying anagenesis and cladogenesis in the fossil record. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110 (32) : doi: 10.1073/pnas.1307562110

Ezard THG, Thomas GH, Purvis A (2013) Inclusion of a near-complete fossil record reveals speciation-related molecular evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4 (8) : 745 - 753. doi: 10.1111/2041-210x.12089

Pearse WD, Purvis A (2013) phyloGenerator: an automated phylogeny generation tool for ecologists. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4 (7) : 692 - 698. doi: 10.1111/2041-210x.12055

Hudson LN, Asher C, Contu S, Newbold T, Hill SLL, Purvis A (2013) PREDICTS .

Hudson LN, Newbold T, Purves DW, Scharlemann JPW, Mace G, Purvis A (2013) Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems (PREDICTS): Can you help?. BES Bulletin, 44 : 36 - 37.

Márcia Barbosa A, Estrada A, Márquez AL, Purvis A, Orme CDL (2012) Atlas versus range maps: robustness of chorological relationships to distribution data types in European mammals. Journal of Biogeography, 39 (8) : 1391 - 1400. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2012.02762.x

Morales-Castilla I, Olalla-Tárraga MÁ, Purvis A, Hawkins BA, Rodríguez MÁ (2012) The Imprint of Cenozoic Migrations and Evolutionary History on the Biogeographic Gradient of Body Size in New World Mammals. The American Naturalist, 180 (2) : 246 - 256. doi: 10.1086/666608

Bininda-Emonds ORP, Purvis A (2012) Comment on “Impacts of the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution and KPg Extinction on Mammal Diversification”. Science, 337 (6090) : 34 - 34. doi: 10.1126/science.1220012

Etienne RS, Haegeman B, Stadler T, Aze T, Pearson PN, Purvis A, Phillimore AB (2012) Diversity-dependence brings molecular phylogenies closer to agreement with the fossil record. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279 (1732) : 1300 - 1309. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1439

Jones OR, Purvis A, Quicke DLJ (2012) Latitudinal gradients in taxonomic overdescription rate affect macroecological inferences using species list data. Ecography, 35 (4) : 333 - 340. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2011.06956.x

Ezard THG, Pearson PN, Aze T, Purvis A (2012) The meaning of birth and death (in macroevolutionary birth–death models). Biology Letters, 8 (1) : 139 - 142. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0699

Whitton FJS, Purvis A, Orme CDL, Olalla-Tárraga MÁ (2012) Understanding global patterns in amphibian geographic range size: does Rapoport rule?. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21 (2) : 179 - 190. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00660.x

Newbold T, Hudson LN, Purves DW, Scharlemann JPW, Mace G, Purvis A (2012) PREDICTS: Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity in Changing Terrestrial Systems. Frontiers of Biogeography, 4 : 155 - 156.

Rapacciuolo G, Roy DB, Gillings S, Fox R, Walker K, Purvis A (null) Climatic Associations of British Species Distributions Show Good Transferability in Time but Low Predictive Accuracy for Range Change. PLoS ONE, 7 (7) : e40212 - e40212. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040212

Olalla-Tárraga MÁ, McInnes L, Bini LM, Diniz-Filho JAF, Fritz SA, Hawkins BA, Hortal J, Orme CDL, Rahbek C, Rodríguez MÁ, Purvis A (2011) Climatic niche conservatism and the evolutionary dynamics in species range boundaries: global congruence across mammals and amphibians. Journal of Biogeography, 38 (12) : 2237 - 2247. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02570.x

McInnes L, Orme CDL, Purvis A (2011) Detecting shifts in diversity limits from molecular phylogenies: what can we know?. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278 (1722) : 3294 - 3302. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0241

Aze T, Ezard THG, Purvis A, Coxall HK, Stewart DRM, Wade BS, Pearson PN (2011) A phylogeny of Cenozoic macroperforate planktonic foraminifera from fossil data. Biological Reviews, 86 (4) : 900 - 927. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-185x.2011.00178.x

McInnes L, Baker WJ, Barraclough TG, Dasmahapatra KK, Goswami A, Harmon LJ, Morlon H, Purvis A, Rosindell J, Thomas GH, Turvey ST, Phillimore AB (2011) Integrating ecology into macroevolutionary research. Biology Letters, 7 (5) : 644 - 646. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0358

Purvis A, Fritz SA, Rodríguez J, Harvey PH, Grenyer R (2011) The shape of mammalian phylogeny: patterns, processes and scales. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 366 (1577) : 2462 - 2477. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2011.0025

Ezard THG, Aze T, Pearson PN, Purvis A (2011) Interplay Between Changing Climate and Species’ Ecology Drives Macroevolutionary Dynamics. Science, 332 (6027) : 349 - 351. doi: 10.1126/science.1203060

Collen B, Purvis A, Mace GM (2010) BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH: When is a species really extinct? Testing extinction inference from a sighting record to inform conservation assessment. Diversity and Distributions, 16 (5) : 755 - 764. doi: 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2010.00689.x

Fritz SA, Purvis A (2010) Phylogenetic diversity does not capture body size variation at risk in the world's mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 277 (1693) : 2435 - 2441. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.0030

FRITZ SA, PURVIS A (null) Selectivity in Mammalian Extinction Risk and Threat Types: a New Measure of Phylogenetic Signal Strength in Binary Traits. Conservation Biology, 24 (4) : 1042 - 1051. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01455.x

Harmon LJ, Losos JB, Jonathan Davies T, Gillespie RG, Gittleman JL, Bryan Jennings W, Kozak KH, McPeek MA, Moreno-Roark F, Near TJ, Purvis A, Ricklefs RE, Schluter D, Schulte II JA, Seehausen O, Sidlauskas BL, Torres-Carvajal O, Weir JT, Mooers AØ (null) EARLY BURSTS OF BODY SIZE AND SHAPE EVOLUTION ARE RARE IN COMPARATIVE DATA. Evolution, no - no. doi: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2010.01025.x

Ezard THG, Pearson PN, Purvis A (2010) Algorithmic approaches to aid species' delimitation in multidimensional morphospace. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10 (1) : 175 - 175. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-10-175

Cooper N, Purvis A (2010) Body Size Evolution in Mammals: Complexity in Tempo and Mode. The American Naturalist, 175 (6) : 727 - 738. doi: 10.1086/652466

Bielby J, Cardillo M, Cooper N, Purvis A (2010) Modelling extinction risk in multispecies data sets: phylogenetically independent contrasts versus decision trees. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19 (1) : 113 - 127. doi: 10.1007/s10531-009-9709-0

McInnes L, Purvis A, Orme CDL (2009) Where do species' geographic ranges stop and why? Landscape impermeability and the Afrotropical avifauna. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276 (1670) : 3063 - 3070. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.0656

Davies TJ, Purvis A, Gittleman JL (2009) Quaternary Climate Change and the Geographic Ranges of Mammals. The American Naturalist, 174 (3) : 297 - 307. doi: 10.1086/603614

JONES OR, PURVIS A, BAUMGART E, QUICKE DLJ (2009) Using taxonomic revision data to estimate the geographic and taxonomic distribution of undescribed species richness in the Braconidae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea). Insect Conservation and Diversity, 2 (3) : 204 - 212. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2009.00057.x

Fritz SA, Bininda-Emonds ORP, Purvis A (2009) Geographical variation in predictors of mammalian extinction risk: big is bad, but only in the tropics. Ecology Letters, 12 (6) : 538 - 549. doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2009.01307.x

COOPER N, PURVIS A (2009) What factors shape rates of phenotypic evolution? A comparative study of cranial morphology of four mammalian clades. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22 (5) : 1024 - 1035. doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2009.01714.x

Ezard THG, Purvis A (2009) paleoPhylo: free software to draw paleobiological phylogenies. Paleobiology, 35 (3) : 460 - 464. doi: 10.1666/0094-8373-35.3.460

Purvis A, Orme CDL, Toomey NH, Pearson PN (2009) Temporal patterns in diversification rates. Butlin R, Bridle J, Schluter D (Eds). Cambridge University Press : Cambridge. 278 - 300.

Sachs JD, Baillie JEM, Sutherland WJ, Armsworth PR, Ash N, Beddington J, Blackburn TM, Collen B, Gardiner B, Gaston KJ, Godfray HCJ, Green RE, Harvey PH, House B, Knapp S, Kümpel NF, Macdonald DW, Mace GM, Mallet J, Matthews A, May RM, Petchey O, Purvis A, Roe D, Safi K, Turner K, Walpole M, Watson R, Jones KE (2009) Biodiversity Conservation and the Millennium Development Goals. Science, 325 (5947) : 1502 - 1503. doi: 10.1126/science.1175035

Bininda-Emonds ORP, Cardillo M, Jones KE, MacPhee RDE, Beck RMD, Grenyer R, Price SA, Vos RA, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (2008) Erratum: The delayed rise of present-day mammals. Nature, 456 (7219) : 274 - 274. doi: 10.1038/nature07347

Cooper N, Rodríguez J, Purvis A (2008) A common tendency for phylogenetic overdispersion in mammalian assemblages. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275 (1646) : 2031 - 2037. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2008.0420

Davies TJ, Fritz SA, Grenyer R, Orme CDL, Bielby J, Bininda-Emonds ORP, Cardillo M, Jones KE, Gittleman JL, Mace GM, Purvis A (2008) Phylogenetic trees and the future of mammalian biodiversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105 (supplement_1) : 11556 - 11563. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0801917105

Cardillo M, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (2008) Global patterns in the phylogenetic structure of island mammal assemblages. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275 (1642) : 1549 - 1556. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2008.0262

Cardillo M, Mace GM, Gittleman JL, Jones KE, Bielby J, Purvis A (2008) The predictability of extinction: biological and external correlates of decline in mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275 (1641) : 1441 - 1448. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2008.0179

Bielby J, Cooper N, Cunningham AA, Garner TWJ, Purvis A (null) Predicting susceptibility to future declines in the world's frogs. Conservation Letters, 1 (2) : 82 - 90. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-263x.2008.00015.x

Adamowicz SJ, Purvis A, Wills MA (2008) Increasing morphological complexity in multiple parallel lineages of the Crustacea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105 (12) : 4786 - 4791. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0709378105

Bidartondo MI (2008) Preserving Accuracy in GenBank. Science, 319 (5870) : 1616 - 1616. doi: 10.1126/science.319.5870.1616a

Cooper N, Bielby J, Thomas GH, Purvis A (2008) Macroecology and extinction risk correlates of frogs. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 17 (2) : 211 - 221. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2007.00355.x

Meiri S, Cooper N, Purvis A (2008) The island rule: made to be broken?. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275 (1631) : 141 - 148. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2007.1056

Davies TJ, Fritz SA, Grenyer R, Orme CDL, Bielby J, Bininda-Emonds ORP, Cardillo M, Jones KE, Gittleman JL, Mace GM, Purvis A (2008) Phylogenetic trees and the future of mammalian biodiversity. Avise JC, Hubbell SP, Ayala FJ (Eds). The National Academies Press : Washington, D. C.. 257 - 273.

MACE GM, PURVIS A (2008) Evolutionary biology and practical conservation: bridging a widening gap. Molecular Ecology, 17 (1) : 9 - 19. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294x.2007.03455.x

Purvis A (2008) Phylogenetic Approaches to the Study of Extinction. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 39 (1) : 301 - 319. doi: 10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-063008-102010

Bielby J, Mace GM, Bininda‐Emonds ORP, Cardillo M, Gittleman JL, Jones KE, Orme CDL, Purvis A (2007) The Fast‐Slow Continuum in Mammalian Life History: An Empirical Reevaluation. The American Naturalist, 169 (6) : 748 - 757. doi: 10.1086/516847

Bininda-Emonds ORP, Cardillo M, Jones KE, MacPhee RDE, Beck RMD, Grenyer R, Price SA, Vos RA, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (2007) The delayed rise of present-day mammals. Nature, 446 (7135) : 507 - 512. doi: 10.1038/nature05634

ADAMOWICZ SJ, MENU-MARQUE S, HEBERT PDN, PURVIS A (null) Molecular systematics and patterns of morphological evolution in the Centropagidae (Copepoda: Calanoida) of Argentina. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 90 (2) : 279 - 292. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2007.00723.x

Beck RMD, Bininda-Emonds ORP, Cardillo M, Liu F-G, Purvis A (2006) null. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 6 (1) : 93 - 93. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-6-93

PURVIS A (2006) The h index: playing the numbers game. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 21 (8) : 422 - 422. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2006.05.014

Adamowicz SJ, Purvis A (2006) FROM MORE TO FEWER? TESTING AN ALLEGEDLY PERVASIVE TREND IN THE EVOLUTION OF MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE. Evolution, 60 (7) : 1402 - 1416. doi: 10.1111/j.0014-3820.2006.tb01219.x

Collen B, Bykova E, Ling S, Milner-Gulland EJ, Purvis A (2006) Extinction Risk: A Comparative Analysis of Central Asian Vertebrates. Biodiversity and Conservation, 15 (6) : 1859 - 1871. doi: 10.1007/s10531-005-4303-6

Bielby J, Cunningham AA, Purvis A (2006) Taxonomic selectivity in amphibians: ignorance, geography or biology?. Animal Conservation, 9 (2) : 135 - 143. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-1795.2005.00013.x

Cardillo M, Mace GM, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (2006) Latent extinction risk and the future battlegrounds of mammal conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103 (11) : 4157 - 4161. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0510541103

Adamowicz SJ, Purvis A (2006) Macroevolution and extinction risk patterns in freshwater crayfish (Sture Abrahamsson Memorial Lecture). Rogers D (Eds). 1 - 24.

Bininda-Emonds ORP, Beck RMD, Cardillo M, Gittleman JL, Grenyer R, Jones KE, Mace GM, Price SA, Purvis A (2006) The Tree of Life: deciphering the puzzle of relationships between mammals using supertrees, In: The Encyclopedia of Mammals, Macdonald D (Eds). Oxford University Press : Oxford. xxxii - xxxiii.

Cardillo M, Mace G, Purvis A (2005) Problems of studying extinction risks - Response. SCIENCE, 310 (5752) : 1277 - 1278.

(2005) Phylogeny and Conservation. Purvis A, Gittleman JL, Brooks TM (Eds). Cambridge University Press : 431.

Adamowicz SJ, Purvis A (2005) How many branchiopod crustacean species are there? Quantifying the components of underestimation. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 14 (5) : 455 - 468. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-822x.2005.00164.x

Cardillo M, Mace GM, Jones KE, Bielby J, Bininda-Emonds ORP, Sechrest W, Orme CDL, Purvis A (2005) Multiple Causes of High Extinction Risk in Large Mammal Species. Science, 309 (5738) : 1239 - 1241. doi: 10.1126/science.1116030

Bininda-Emonds ORP, Beck RMD, Purvis A (2005) Getting to the Roots of Matrix Representation. Systematic Biology, 54 (4) : 668 - 672. doi: 10.1080/10635150590947113

HONE DWE, KEESEY TM, PISANI D, PURVIS A (null) Macroevolutionary trends in the Dinosauria: Cope's rule. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 18 (3) : 587 - 595. doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2004.00870.x

Isaac NJB, Jones KE, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (2005) Correlates of Species Richness in Mammals: Body Size, Life History, and Ecology. The American Naturalist, 165 (5) : 600 - 607. doi: 10.1086/429148

Mace GM, Baillie JEM, Masundire H, Ricketts TH, Brooks TM, Hoffmann M, Stuart S, Balmford A, Purvis A, Reyers B, Wang J, Revenga C, Kennedy ET, Naeem S, Alkemade R, Allnutt T, Bakarr M, Bond W, Chanson J, Cox N, Fonseca G, Hilton-Taylor C, Loucks C, Rodrigues ASL, Sechrest W, Stattersfield AJ, van Resnburg B, Whiteman C (2005) Biodiversity, In: The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: Current Status and Trends, Island Press : Washington D.C.. 53 - 98.

Purvis A, Cardillo M, Grenyer R, Collen B (2005) Correlates of extinction risk: phylogeny, biology, threat and scale. PHYLOGENY AND CONSERVATION 8 : 295 - 316.

Purvis A, Gittleman JL, Brooks TM (2005) Phylogeny and conservation. PHYLOGENY AND CONSERVATION 8 : 1 - 16.

Purvis A, Orme CDL (null) Evolutionary Trends in Body Size. Springer-Verlag : 1 - 18. doi: 10.1007/3-540-28902-x_1

Purvis A (2004) How do characters evolve?. Nature, 432 (7014) : 166 - 166. doi: 10.1038/nature03092

Cardillo M, Bininda‐Emonds RP, Boakes E, Purvis A (2004) A species‐level phylogenetic supertree of marsupials. Journal of Zoology, 264 (1) : 11 - 31. doi: 10.1017/s0952836904005539

Collen B, Purvis A, Gittleman JL (2004) Biological correlates of description date in carnivores and primates. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 13 (5) : 459 - 467. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-822x.2004.00121.x

Cardillo M, Purvis A, Sechrest W, Gittleman JL, Bielby J, Mace GM (null) Human Population Density and Extinction Risk in the World's Carnivores. PLoS Biology, 2 (7) : e197 - e197. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020197

Isaac NJB, Purvis A (2004) The 'species problem' and testing macroevolutionary hypotheses. Diversity <html_ent glyph="@amp;" ascii="&amp;"/> Distributions, 10 (4) : 275 - 281. doi: 10.1111/j.1366-9516.2004.00092.x

Agapow P, Bininda‐Emonds ORP, Crandall KA, Gittleman JL, Mace GM, Marshall JC, Purvis A (2004) The Impact of Species Concept on Biodiversity Studies. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 79 (2) : 161 - 179. doi: 10.1086/383542

Webster AJ, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (null) The life history legacy of evolutionary body size change in carnivores. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 17 (2) : 396 - 407. doi: 10.1046/j.1420-9101.2003.00664.x

Bininda-Emonds ORP, Jones KE, Price SA, Cardillo M, Grenyer R, Purvis A (2004) Garbage in, garbage out: data issues in supertree construction, In: Phylogenetic supertrees: combining information to reveal the tree of life, Bininda-Emonds ORP (Eds). Kluwer Academic : Dordrecht, Netherlands. 267 - 280.

Harvey PH, Purvis A (2003) Opportunity versus innovation. Nature, 425 (6959) : 676 - 677. doi: 10.1038/425676b

Bininda-Emonds ORP, Jones KE, Price SA, Grenyer R, Cardillo M, Habib M, Purvis A, Gittleman JL (2003) Supertrees Are a Necessary Not-So-Evil: A Comment on Gatesy et al.. Systematic Biology, 52 (5) : 724 - 729. doi: 10.1080/10635150390235647

Grenyer R, Purvis A (2003) A composite species‐level phylogeny of the ‘Insectivora’ (Mammalia: Order Lipotyphla Haeckel, 1866). Journal of Zoology, 260 (3) : 245 - 257. doi: 10.1017/s0952836903003716

Mace GM, Gittleman JL, Purvis A (2003) Preserving the Tree of Life. Science, 300 (5626) : 1707 - 1709. doi: 10.1126/science.1085510

Jones KE, Purvis A, Gittleman JL (2003) Biological Correlates of Extinction Risk in Bats. The American Naturalist, 161 (4) : 601 - 614. doi: 10.1086/368289


Purvis A, Orme CDL, Dolphin K (2003) Why are most species small-bodied? A phylogenetic view. Blackburn TM, Gaston KJ (Eds). Blackwell Science : Oxford. 155 - 173.

Purvis A, Webster AJ, Agapow PM, Jones KE, Isaac NJB (2003) Primate life histories and phylogeny. Kappeler PM, Pereira M (Eds). Chicago University Press : Chicago. 25 - 40.

Taylor J, Purvis A (2003) Cospeciation, mammals and chewing lice. Page RDM (Eds). Chicago University Press : Chicago. 240 - 261.

Agapow P-M, Purvis A (2002) Power of Eight Tree Shape Statistics to Detect Nonrandom Diversification: A Comparison by Simulation of Two Models of Cladogenesis. Systematic Biology, 51 (6) : 866 - 872. doi: 10.1080/10635150290102564

Purvis A, Agapow P-M (2002) Phylogeny Imbalance: Taxonomic Level Matters. Systematic Biology, 51 (6) : 844 - 854. doi: 10.1080/10635150290102546

Lockwood JL, Russell GJ, Gittleman JL, Daehler CC, McKinney ML, Purvis A (2002) A Metric for Analyzing Taxonomic Patterns of Extinction Risk. Conservation Biology, 16 (4) : 1137 - 1142. doi: 10.1046/j.1523-1739.2002.01152.x

David C, Orme L, Isaac NJB, Purvis A (2002) Are most species small? Not within species–level phylogenies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 269 (1497) : 1279 - 1287. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2002.2003

JONES KE, PURVIS A, MacLARNON ANN, BININDA-EMONDS ORP, SIMMONS NB (2002) A phylogenetic supertree of the bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 77 (2) : 223 - 259. doi: 10.1017/s1464793101005899

Orme CDL, Quicke DLJ, Cook JM, Purvis A (null) Body size does not predict species richness among the metazoan phyla. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 15 (2) : 235 - 247. doi: 10.1046/j.1420-9101.2002.00379.x

Sechrest W, Brooks TM, da Fonseca GAB, Konstant WR, Mittermeier RA, Purvis A, Rylands AB, Gittleman JL (2002) Hotspots and the conservation of evolutionary history. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99 (4) : 2067 - 2071. doi: 10.1073/pnas.251680798

Webster AJ, Purvis A (2002) Testing the accuracy of methods for reconstructing ancestral states of continuous characters. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 269 (1487) : 143 - 149. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2001.1873

PURVIS A, KATZOURAKIS A, AGAPOW P-M (2002) Evaluating Phylogenetic Tree Shape: Two Modifications to Fusco & Cronk's Method. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 214 (1) : 99 - 103. doi: 10.1006/jtbi.2001.2443

Vogler AP, Purvis A (2002) Comparative methods and evolution, In: Molecular Systematics and Evolution: Theory and Practice, Birkhäuser Basel : 225 - 236.

Webster AJ, Purvis A (2002) Ancestral states and evolutionary rates of continuous characters. MacLeod N, Forey P (Eds). Taylor & Francis : 247 - 268.

Katzourakis A, Purvis A, Azmeh S, Rotheray G, Gilbert F (null) Macroevolution of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae): the effect of using higher-level taxa in studies of biodiversity, and correlates of species richness. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 14 (2) : 219 - 227. doi: 10.1046/j.1420-9101.2001.00278.x

Quicke DLJ, Taylor J, Purvis A (2001) Changing the Landscape: A New Strategy for Estimating Large Phylogenies. Systematic Biology, 50 (1) : 60 - 66. doi: 10.1080/106351501750107477

Purvis A (2001) Mammalian life histories and responses of populations to exploitation, In: Exploited Species, Reynolds JD, Mace GM, Redford KH, Robinson JG (Eds). Cambridge University Press : Cambridge. 169 - 181.

Purvis A, Mace GM, Gittleman JL (2001) Past and future carnivore extinctions: a phylogenetic perspective. CARNIVORE CONSERVATION 5 : 11 - 34.

Purvis A, Jones KE, Mace GM (null) Extinction. BioEssays, 22 (12) : 1123 - 1133. doi: 10.1002/1521-1878(200012)22:12<1123::aid-bies10>3.0.co;2-c

Purvis A, Gittleman JL, Cowlishaw G, Mace GM (2000) Predicting extinction risk in declining species. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 267 (1456) : 1947 - 1952. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2000.1234

Purvis A, Hector A (2000) Getting the measure of biodiversity. Nature, 405 (6783) : 212 - 219. doi: 10.1038/35012221

Purvis A, Agapow P-M, Gittleman JL, Mace GM (2000) Nonrandom Extinction and the Loss of Evolutionary History. Science, 288 (5464) : 328 - 330. doi: 10.1126/science.288.5464.328

BININDA-EMONDS ORP, GITTLEMAN JL, PURVIS A (1999) Building large trees by combining phylogenetic information: a complete phylogeny of the extant Carnivora (Mammalia). Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 74 (2) : 143 - 175. doi: 10.1017/s0006323199005307

Harvey PH, Purvis A (1999) Understanding the ecological and evolutionary reasons for life history variation: mammals as a case study, In: Advanced Ecological Theory, McGlade J (Eds). Blackwells : Oxford. 232 - 248.

Purvis A, Webster AJ (1999) Phylogenetically independent comparisons and primate phylogeny, In: Comparative primate socioecology, Lee PC (Eds). Cambridge University Press : Cambridge. 44 - 70.

Carvell C, Inglis NFJ, Mace GM, Purvis A (1998) How Diana climbed the ratings at the zoo. Nature, 395 (6699) : 213 - 213. doi: 10.1038/26091

Sanderson MJ, Purvis A, Henze C (1998) Phylogenetic supertrees: Assembling the trees of life. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 13 (3) : 105 - 109. doi: 10.1016/s0169-5347(97)01242-1

Gittleman JL, Purvis A (1998) Body size and species–richness in carnivores and primates. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 265 (1391) : 113 - 119. doi: 10.1098/rspb.1998.0271

Tristem M, Purvis A, Quicke DLJ (1998) Complex Evolutionary History of Primate LentiviralvprGenes. Virology, 240 (2) : 232 - 237. doi: 10.1006/viro.1997.8929

Taggart DA, Breed WG, Temple-Smith PD, Purvis A, Shimmin G (1998) Testis mass, sperm number and sperm length: their relationship to reproductive strategies in marsupials and monotremes, In: Sperm competition and the evolution of animal mating systems, Birkhead TR, Møller AP (Eds). Academic Press : San Diego. 623 - 666.

JONES KE, PURVIS A (1997) An optimum body size for mammals? Comparative evidence from bats. Functional Ecology, 11 (6) : 751 - 756. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2435.1997.00149.x

Purvis A, Quicke DLJ (1997) Are big trees indeed easy? Reply. TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 12 (9) : 357 - 358. doi: 10.1016/S0169-5347(97)83197-7

Purvis A, Quicke DLJ (1997) Are big trees indeed easy? Reply from A. Purvis and D.L.J. Quicke. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 12 (9) : 357 - 358. doi: 10.1016/s0169-5347(97)83197-7

Purvis A, Harvey PH (1997) The right size for a mammal. Nature, 386 (6623) : 332 - 333. doi: 10.1038/386332b0

Purvis A, Quicke DLJ (1997) Building phylogenies: are the big easy?. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 12 (2) : 49 - 50. doi: 10.1016/s0169-5347(96)30066-9

Crawley MJ, Harvey PH, Purvis A (1997) Comparative ecology of the native and alien floras of the British Isles, In: Plant Life Histories, Silvertown J, Franco M, Harper JL (Eds). Cambridge University Press : Cambridge. 36 - 53.

Fa JE, Purvis A (1997) Body Size, Diet and Population Density in Afrotropical Forest Mammals: A Comparison with Neotropical Species. The Journal of Animal Ecology, 66 (1) : 98 - 98. doi: 10.2307/5968

Purvis A, Bromham L (1997) Estimating the Transition/Transversion Ratio from Independent Pairwise Comparisons with an Assumed Phylogeny. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 44 (1) : 112 - 119. doi: 10.1007/pl00006117

(1996) Comparative ecology of the native and alien floras of the British Isles. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 351 (1345) : 1251 - 1259. doi: 10.1098/rstb.1996.0108

Harcourt AH, Purvis A, Liles L (1996) Erratum: Sperm Competition: Mating System, Not Breeding System, Affects Testes Size of Primates. Functional Ecology, 10 (2) : 306 - 306. doi: 10.2307/2389857

Purvis A (1996) Using interspecific phylogenies to test macroevolutionary hypotheses, In: New Uses for New Phylogenies, Harvey PH, Leigh Brown AJ, Maynard Smith J, Nee S (Eds). Oxford Univ. Press : Oxford. 153 - 168.

Purvis A, Harvey PH (1996) Miniature mammals: Life-history strategies and macroevolution. MINIATURE VERTEBRATES 159 - 174.

Purvis A, Harvey PH (1995) Mammal life‐history evolution: a comparative test of Charnov's model. Journal of Zoology, 237 (2) : 259 - 283. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7998.1995.tb02762.x

Mooers AØ, Page RDM, Purvis A, Harvey PH (1995) Phylogenetic Noise Leads to Unbalanced Cladistic Tree Reconstructions. Systematic Biology, 44 (3) : 332 - 342. doi: 10.1093/sysbio/44.3.332

(1995) Evolutionary radiation of visual and olfactory brain systems in primates, bats and insectivores. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 348 (1326) : 381 - 392. doi: 10.1098/rstb.1995.0076

(1995) A composite estimate of primate phylogeny. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 348 (1326) : 405 - 421. doi: 10.1098/rstb.1995.0078

(1995) Macroevolutionary inferences from primate phylogeny. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 260 (1359) : 329 - 333. doi: 10.1098/rspb.1995.0100

Harcourt AH, Purvis A, Liles L (1995) Sperm Competition: Mating System, Not Breeding Season, Affects Testes Size of Primates. Functional Ecology, 9 (3) : 468 - 468. doi: 10.2307/2390011

Purvis A (1995) A Modification to Baum and Ragan's Method for Combining Phylogenetic Trees. Systematic Biology, 44 (2) : 251 - 255. doi: 10.1093/sysbio/44.2.251

Purvis A, Rambaut A (1995) Comparative analysis by independent contrasts (CAIC): an Apple Macintosh application for analysing comparative data. Bioinformatics, 11 (3) : 247 - 251. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/11.3.247

Purvis A, Harvey PH (1995) Allometry, In: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, eighth edition, McGraw-Hill Inc. : New York.

Letcher AJ, Purvis A, Nee S, Harvey PH (1994) Patterns of Overlap in the Geographic Ranges of Palearctic and British Mammals. The Journal of Animal Ecology, 63 (4) : 871 - 871. doi: 10.2307/5264

Purvis A, Gittleman JL, Luh H-K (1994) Truth or Consequences: Effects of Phylogenetic Accuracy on Two Comparative Methods. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 167 (3) : 293 - 300. doi: 10.1006/jtbi.1994.1071

Barton RA, Purvis A (1994) Primate brains and ecology: looking beneath the surface, In: Current Primatology, vol 1: Ecology and Evolution, Thierry B, Anderson JR, Roeder JJ, Herrenschmidt N (Eds). Université Louis Pasteur : Strasbourg. 1 - 9.

Purvis A, Garland T (1993) Polytomies in Comparative Analyses of Continuous Characters. Systematic Biology, 42 (4) : 569 - 575. doi: 10.1093/sysbio/42.4.569

(1993) Relations between song repertoire size and the volume of brain nuclei related to song: comparative evolutionary analyses amongst oscine birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 254 (1340) : 75 - 82. doi: 10.1098/rspb.1993.0129

Stockley P, Purvis A (1993) Sperm Competition in Mammals: A Comparative Study of Male Roles and Relative Investment in Sperm Production. Functional Ecology, 7 (5) : 560 - 560. doi: 10.2307/2390132

Berrigan D, Purvis A, Harvey PH, Charnov EL (1993) Phylogenetic contrasts and the evolution of mammalian life histories. Evolutionary Ecology, 7 (5) : 532 - 532. doi: 10.1007/bf01237647

Kelly CK, Purvis A (1993) Seed size and establishment conditions in tropical trees. Oecologia, 94 (3) : 356 - 360. doi: 10.1007/bf00317109

Berrigan D, Charnov EL, Purvis A, Harvey PH (1993) Phylogenetic contrasts and the evolution of mammalian life histories. Evolutionary Ecology, 7 (3) : 270 - 278. doi: 10.1007/bf01237744

Stone GN, Purvis A (1992) Warm-up rates during arousal from torpor in heterothermic mammals: physiological correlates and a comparison with heterothermic insects. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 162 (3) : 284 - 295. doi: 10.1007/bf00357536

Harvey PH, Purvis A (1991) Comparative methods for explaining adaptations. Nature, 351 (6328) : 619 - 624. doi: 10.1038/351619a0

De Palma A, Kuhlmann M, Bugter R, Ferrier S, Hoskins AJ, Potts SG, Roberts SPM, Schweiger O, Purvis A (2017) Dimensions of biodiversity loss: Spatial mismatch in land-use impacts on species, functional and phylogenetic diversity of European bees. Diversity and Distributions, 23 (12) : 1435 - 1446. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12638

Purvis A, Burton V, Eggleton P (null) Earthworm Watch UK - Pre-proposal. :

Purvis A, Butchart SHM, Brondízio ES, Settele J, Díaz S (2019) No inflation of threatened species. Science, 365 (6455) : 767 - 767. doi: 10.1126/science.aaz0312

Rillo MC, Whittaker J, Ezard THG, Purvis A, Henderson AS, Stukins S, Giles Miller C (null) The unknown planktonic foraminiferal pioneer Henry A. Buckley and his collection at The Natural History Museum, London. Journal of Micropalaeontology, jmpaleo2016 - 020. doi: 10.1144/jmpaleo2016-020

Contributed Publications

Hudson LN, Asher C, Contu S, Newbold T, Hill SLL, Purvis A (2013) PREDICTS .

Teaching and students

Courses taught

Professional training: Identification Trainers for the Future
Natural History Museum, London
10/2015 - on going.

MSc: Taxonomy & Biodiversity
Natural History Museum, London

MRes: Biodiversity, Evolution & Conservation
UCL and NHM, London

PhD: Ecology, Evolution & Biodiversity (NERC DTP training module)

Short course: Species distribution models: concepts, methods, applications and challenges
7/2014 - 7/2011.


Doctorate equivalent (PhD) Co-supervisor to Jonsson G
Co supervisor(s): Isaac N
Understanding the past to predict the future of distribution change in British Lepidoptera
, Ascot, Berkshire
Funding: NERC SSCP Doctoral Training Program
1/9/2018 - 31/8/2022.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Sanchez-Ortiz K
Modelling human impact on local biodiversity on islands and mainlands (Katia Sanchez-Ortiz's PhD topic)
5/10/2015 - 4/10/2018.

Doctorate (PhD) Co-supervisor to Waldock C
Co supervisor(s): Bates AE
Biodiversity dynamics: understanding the ecological impacts of climate warming (Conor Waldock's PhD topic)
Funding: NERC
1/10/2015 - 30/9/2019.

Master's Co-supervisor to Dunne E
Going digital: Historical distribution and temporal diversity of Aquilapollenites using data from the John Williams Index of Palaeopalynology (by Emma Dunne)
17/4/2015 - 17/9/2015.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Bayley D
Empirical and mechanistic approaches to understanding and projecting change in coastal marine communities (Dan Bayley's PhD topic)
Funding: NERC
1/4/2015 - 31/3/2019.

Master's Lead supervisor to Chng C
Co supervisor(s): Tylianakis J
Modelling and projecting biodiversity responses to land-use impacts in New Zealand (by Charlotte Chng)
Imperial College London, London
10/11/2014 - 27/2/2015.

Master's Lead supervisor to Simmons B
Vulnerability of biodiversity hotspot biota to land-use change (by Benno Simmons)
Imperial College London, London
10/11/2014 - 27/2/2015.

Doctorate (PhD) Co-supervisor to Rillo M
Co supervisor(s): Ezard THG
Oceanographic and architectural constraints in plankton evolution (Marina Rillo's PhD topic)
Funding: NERC
1/10/2014 - 30/9/2018.

Doctorate (PhD) Co-supervisor to Hintzen R
Towards A Process-Based Model of Global Biodiversity (Rogier Hintzen PhD topic)
Imperial College London, London
Funding: NERC
1/10/2014 - on going.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Burton V
Co supervisor(s): Eggleton P
Statistical models of how soil biodiversity and ecosystem function respond to human impacts in UK ecosystems (Victoria Burton PhD topic)
Funding: NERC
1/10/2014 - 30/9/2017.

Master's Lead supervisor to Zhang H
Modelling the effects of human land use on large and small mammal species (by Hanbin Zhang)
5/5/2014 - 5/9/2014.

Master's Lead supervisor to Pask-Hale G
The Influence of Human Activity and Fire on the Species Richness and Diversity on Tropical and Sub-Tropical Grassland, Savannah and Scrublands (by Gwilym Pask-Hale)
Natural History Museum/Imperial College London, London
5/5/2014 - 5/9/2014.

Master's Lead supervisor to Hughes J
Modelling the response of New Zealand biodiversity to human impacts (by John Hughes)
Imperial College London, London
5/5/2014 - 5/9/2014.

Master's Lead supervisor to Middleton Welling J
Examining how size metrics and host-specificity traits can be used as predicates of community responses to land use change in butterflies and moths (Insecta:Lepidoptera) (by Joseph Middleton Welling)
5/5/2014 - 5/9/2014.

Master's Lead supervisor to Emerson S
Is the biota of biodiversity hotspots unusually sensitive to human impacts? (by Susan Emerson)
Natural History Museum/Imperial College London, London
5/5/2014 - on going.

Master's Lead supervisor to Gao D
How Biodiversity Responds to Human Threats in China: an Analysis of Pooled Data from Multiple Studies (by Di Gao)
Imperial College London, London
1/5/2014 - 1/9/2014.

Master's Lead supervisor to Sanchez-Ortiz K
Modelling the response of island biodiversity to human impacts (by Katia Sanchez-Ortiz)
4/3/2014 - 19/8/2014.

Bachelor's honours Lead supervisor to Horton M
Predicting arachnids’ response to human impacts: does size matter? (by Matthew Horton)
Imperial College London, London
1/3/2014 - 7/6/2014.

Bachelor's honours Lead supervisor to Che KT
Big Data – Who Shares? (by Tracy Che)
Imperial College London, London
1/3/2014 - 7/6/2014.

Bachelor's honours Lead supervisor to Su GY
How body size, diet and habitat location affects resistance of anthropogenic environmental change in Formicidae (Hymenoptera) (by Geoffrey Su)
1/3/2014 - 7/6/2014.

Master's Lead supervisor to Edgar MJ
What can we learn from body length? A study in Coleoptera (by Melanie Jane Edgar)
Natural History Museum/Imperial College London, London
1/11/2013 - 7/2/2014.

Master's Lead supervisor to Reynolds L
Biodiversity Patterns in Cenozoic Macroperforate Planktonic Foraminifera: The History of the Latitudinal Diversity Gradient (by Lynn Reynolds)
Natural History Museum/Imperial College London, London
1/11/2013 - 1/2/2014.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Echeverria-Londono S
Patterns of evolutionary convergence in Solanaceae (Susy Echeverria-Londono thesis topic)
Funding: Colombian government
1/10/2013 - on going.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Phillips HRP
Modelling biodiversity in a changing world (Helen Phillips' PhD topic)
Funding: Hans Rausing Scholarship
1/10/2012 - on going.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to De Palma A
Impacts of land use and agricultural intensification on bee species and communities (Adriana De Palma PhD thesis)
Funding: BBSRC
1/10/2011 - on going.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Fenton IS
Co supervisor(s): Pearson PN
Environmental controls on planktonic foraminiferal diversity in ancient and modern oceans (Isabel Fenton PhD thesis)
Imperial College London, London
Funding: NERC
1/10/2011 - 30/9/2015.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Rapacciuolo G
Global change and biodiversity (Giovanni Rapacciuolo PhD thesis)
Funding: BBSRC
1/10/2009 - 31/3/2013.

Doctorate (PhD) Co-supervisor to Powney GD
Understanding drivers of species distribution change (Gary Powney PhD thesis)
Funding: NERC
1/10/2009 - 1/3/2013.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Pearse WD
The phylogenetics of communities under change (Will Pearse PhD thesis)
Funding: NERC
1/10/2009 - 31/12/2012.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to McInnes L
Biotic responses to climate change: learning from the deep past (Lynsey McInnes PhD thesis)
1/10/2008 - 31/12/2011.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Cooper N
Phylogenetic approaches for studying competition in mammals (Natalie Cooper PhD thesis)
Imperial College London, London
Funding: NERC
1/10/2006 - 31/3/2009.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Fritz SA
Extinction patterns in vertebrates (Susanne Fritz PhD thesis)
1/10/2006 - 31/12/2009.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Bielby J
Extinction risk in amphibians (Jon Bielby PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NERC

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Grenyer R
Extinction risk in mammals (Rich Grenyer PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NERC
1/10/1999 - 2003.

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Orme CDL
Co supervisor(s): Cook JM
Body size and macroevolutionary patterns of species-richness (David Orme PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NERC
1998 - 2002.

Doctorate (PhD) Joint supervisor to Baillie JM
Co supervisor(s): Mace GM
Persistence and vulnerability of island endemic birds (Jonathan Baillie PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NSERC/ORS

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Taylor J
Co supervisor(s): Lyal CHC
Have mammals and their chewing lice diversified in parallel? (Jason Taylor PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NERC

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Webster AJ
Ancestral body size and the evolutionary ecology of phyletic dwarfs (Andrea Webster PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NERC
1996 - 2000.

Master's Lead supervisor to Choimes AS
Modeling the effects of anthropogenic land use on Mediterranean biodiversity (by Sylvester Choimes)
Natural History Museum/Imperial College London, London

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Adamowicz SJ
Macroevolution in Crustacea (Sarah Adamowicz PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NSERC/ORS

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Collen B
Populations and species in conservation biology (Ben Collen PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NERC

Doctorate (PhD) Lead supervisor to Isaac NJB
Co supervisor(s): Harvey PH
Life history and species richness in mammals (Nick Isaac PhD thesis)
Imperial College London
Funding: NERC


External examiner, Doctoral degree
University of Oxford, Oxford

University examiner, Doctoral degree
Imperial College London, London

Impact and outreach


Individual Merit Promotion, Level 2, Natural History Museum, London, 1/10/2015.

Best Teaching for Postgraduates, Imperial College London, London, 21/5/2013.

Wolfson Research Merit Award, The Royal Society, London, 1/10/2011 - 1/11/2013.

Research Excellence Award, Imperial College London, London, 1/10/2007 - 30/9/2009.

2005 Scientific Medal, Zoological Society of London, London, 31/12/2005.

Invited and keynote speaker

Invited speaker, Dispersal, diversification and surpises in Solanaceae, Invited lecture - Natural History Museum of Denmark: Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25/10/2016.

Keynote speaker, Diversity and distribution in the Solanaceae: not quite what it might seem!, SOLGenomics 2016 - from advances to applications: 13/9/2016.

Invited speaker, Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems: Has terrestrial biodiversity crossed a Planetary Boundary?, Biotic Response to Environmental Change: Insights from Natural History Collections: 27/11/2015.

Invited speaker, Modelling and projecting global land-use impacts on local terrestrial biodiversity: the PREDICTS project, Departmental Seminar: 9/10/2015.

Invited speaker, Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems: an overview of PREDICTS, Global biodiversity models workshop: UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, 28/9/2015.

Invited speaker, “The bigger they are, the harder they fall?” Organism size & species sensitivity to land-use impacts, European Ecological Federation Congress 2015: Symposium "The (macro)ecology of species decline: 21/9/2015.

Invited speaker, Using functional traits to model species’ sensitivity to land-use change, European Ecological Federation Congress 2015; Symposium "Plant traits - a tool towards a more predictive ecology?": 21/9/2015.

Invited speaker, The next stage of PREDICTS, PREDICTS Project Symposium: Natural History Museum, London, 14/9/2015.

Invited speaker, Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems: an overview of PREDICTS, PREDICTS Project Symposium: Natural History Museum, London, 14/9/2015.

Open Herbarium, Centre for Ecology & Evolution Autumn Symposium: Linnean Society, London, 11/9/2015.

Invited speaker, Competition and dispersal in clade diversification dynamics, Systematics Association Biennial Conference: University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K., 28/8/2015.

Invited speaker, Global, national and fine-scale impacts of land-use change on local terrestrial biodiversity, Policy Forum for Wales Keynote Seminar - Managing Wales' Natural Resources and Protecting Biodiversity: 7/7/2015.

Invited speaker, Biodiversity Hackathon - Introduction, Biodiversity Hack: Natural History Museum, London, 20/6/2015.

Phylogenetic signal in bee species’ sensitivity to land-use change, EU Macro: Biocenter, University of Copenhage, Copenhagen, 16/6/2015.

Invited speaker, Predicting species’ declines (and, perhaps, ecosystem effects), HarmBio WG4 meeting: BIK-F, Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt, Germany, 22/4/2015.

Phenotypes in macroevolution and conservation, Phenotype Initiative Town Hall meeting: Natural History Museum, London, 13/4/2015.

Invited speaker, Global effects of land use on local terrestrial biodiversity, Departmental Seminar: Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, London, 1/4/2015.

Invited speaker, Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems: Mobilising biodiversity data to tackle global Grand Challenges, Science Group Planning Conference: Natural History Museum, London, 12/3/2015.

Invited speaker, Global land-use impacts on local terrestrial biodiversity, London Land Use Forum: Zoological Society of London, London, 10/2/2015.

Invited speaker, Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems: A global database and model, Future Directions for the Living Planet Index: workshop: 9/2/2015.

Invited speaker, The PREDICTS Project, NHM Executive Board visit: 2/2/2015.

Invited speaker, The PREDICTS model, Global Models of Biodiversity workshop: Natural History Museum, London, 20/1/2015.

Predicting bee community response to land-use changes: effects of geographic and taxonomic biases, British Ecological Society and Société Française d’Ecologie joint meeting: 10/12/2014.

Invited speaker, The global response of terrestrial protected area biodiversity to human impacts, World Parks Congress 2015: Olympic Stadium, Sydney, Australia, 15/11/2014.

Invited speaker, Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems: Towards a global model of how local biodiversity responds to human impacts, Departmental Seminar: School of Biological & Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University London, London, 30/10/2014.

Do Protected Areas work?, 17/10/2014.

Keynote speaker, Controls on local and global biodiversity, Identifying the regulators of biodiversity in deep time: FAPESP/University of Southampton, Southampton, 11/9/2014.

What controls the rate of anagenetic evolution?, The Micropalaeontological Society workshop: Morphometrics 10: 22/6/2014.

Keynote speaker, What is macroecology?, Challenges in Macroecology: Scaling the Time Barrier: Natural History Museum, London, 1/4/2014.

Invited speaker, Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems Towards a global model of how local biodiversity responds to human impacts, Departmental Seminar: Department of Biosciences, Swansea University, Swansea, U.K., 5/12/2013.

Invited speaker, Inferring biodiversity dynamics from the Tree of Life (and Death), Commemorative Symposium for the 29th International Prize for Biology: 21/11/2013.

Invited speaker, PREDICTS: Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems, Departmental Seminar: Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, London, 9/10/2013.

Do ecological traits predict bee species’ responses to human impacts?, Royal Entomological Society: 5/9/2013.

Guest lectures

Invited speaker, What makes a good project? A strategic view, British Ecological Society Masters to PhD Careers Conference: Charles Darwin House, London, 28/11/2013.



Newshour, PREDICTS project paper in Nature, BBC World Service, 2/4/2015.

Shared Planet, Natural Symbols, BBC Radio 4, Don M, 20/1/2015.