Habitat classification surveys and ID guides

A flowering birds foot trefoil

Birds foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)  © Lawn Weeds, licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Flickr

Are you interested in exploring and learning about the diversity of habitats in your local area? Do you want to contribute to the scientific knowledge and conservation of these habitats?

In order to develop your skills, we've assembled resources for beginners to learn about the broad habitat types to begin with. You can then start to look at more detailed surveys as you gain botanical identification skills - see the plants catalogue to help with this.

Download the full catalogue (PDF 1.4MB), or read the highlights below.

Nature Recording Hub

Discover how to record the wildlife in your urban environment.

Habitat classification survey methods and ID guides catalogue

Download the full list of habitat classification surveys and ID guides


Habitats page

Woodland Tust

An introduction to some of the broad habitat types found in the UK. 

Identifying Open Mosaic Habitat


An introductory guide to Open Mosaic Habitat on previously developed land (brownfield sites) and the criteria for this habitat type.

Phase 1 Habitat Survey

Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)

The Phase 1 Habitat Survey is a standardised system for classifying and mapping wildlife habitats in all parts of Britain, including urban areas. The use of colour codes on the habitat maps allows rapid visual assessment of the extent and distribution of different habitat types.

Previous experience in plant and habitat identification is needed.