The Echinoid Directory

Procassidulus Lambert, 1918, p. 33

[?=Limpasiaster Aziz & Badve, 2001, p. 49, type species Limpasiaster ariyalurensis Aziz & Badve, 2001; ?=Progongrochanus Aziz & Badve, 2001, p. 45, type species Progongrochanus ariyalurensis Aziz & Badve, 2001 ]

Diagnostic Features
  • Test small, elongate, smoothly rounded anterior margin, pointed posterior margin, flattened oral surface, greatest width posterior to centre, greatest height at centre, oblique posterior face.
  • Apical system tetrabasal, anterior, madreporite extending to posterior separating genital and ocular plates.
  • Petals of unequal length, anterior the longest and paired posterior petals the shortest. Interporiferous zones twice width of poriferous zones at greatest width; petals closing distally.
  • Periproct supramarginal, midway between apical system and posterior margin, oval, slightly elongated longitudinally, invaginated, slight groove extending posteriorly.
  • Peristome anterior, pentagonal, slightly higher than wide; with vertical-walled entrance.
  • Bourrelets developed as small rounded points; basicoronal plates longer than wide.
  • Phyllodes single pored, broad, with five to seven pores in each outer series and one to three in each inner series.
  • Buccal pores present, small.
  • Tubercles much larger adorally and distinctly sunken.
  • Naked and pitted medial area in interambulacrum 5, and, to a lesser extent, in ambulacrum III.
Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) to Palaeocene of Europe, ?Kazakhstan. Possibly more widely distributed.
Name gender masculine
Echinites lapis cancri Leske, 1778, p. 256, by original designation.
Species Included
  • P. lapiscancri (Leske, 1778); Maastrichtian of France, Belgium, Netherlands.
  • P. elongatui> d'Orbigny, 1856); Early Danian of Belgium.
    Lambert & Thiery (1911) list the following species, none of which have been checked: P. neltneri Lambert, 1931 [Cenomanian of N. Africa]; P. lambayensis Lambert, 1936 [Eocene of Senegal]; P. bassea Lambert, 1936 [Campanian of Madagascar]; P. apianus Besairie & Lambert, 1930 [Maastrichtian, Madagascar].
Classification and/or Status
Irregularia; Cassiduloida; Faujasiidae; Stigmatopyginae.

Procassidulus is very similar to Rhynchopygus in petal form, phyllode structure and in having an invaginated periproct. It differs in lacking the strongly pronounced tongue-like projection above the periproctal opening. Procassidulus is also very similar to Gongrochanus, but is easily differentiated as Gongrochanus only has three gonopores, typically has broader arc-like phyllodes, with stronger developed bourrelets, with a median ridge present in the middle of the phyllodes between bourrelets and a cleft-like longitudinal periproct.

Lambert, J. 1918. Considerations sur la classification des echinides atelostomes. 1, Brachygnata et Procassiduloida. Memoires de la Societe academique de l'Aube 82, p. 10-54.

Lambert & Thiery (1909-1925) consider Hardouinia to be a subgenus of Procassidulus. These genera are very similar, and only differ in that Hardouinia typically has broader, more equal petals, with stronger developed phyllodes and more tooth-like bourrelets.

P. M. Kier. 1962. Revision of the cassiduloid echinoids. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 144 (3) 262 pp.

J. Lambert & P. Thiery. 1909-1925. Essai de nomenclature raisonnee des echinides. Libraire Septime Ferriere, Chaumont, 607 pp., 15 pls.

A. B. Smith & C. H. Jeffery. 2000. Maastrichtian and Paleocene echinoids: a key to world faunas. Special Papers in Palaeontology 63, 406 pp.

J. W. M. Jagt. 2000. Late Cretaceous-Early Palaeogene echinoderms and the K/T boundary in the southeast Netherlands and northeast Belgium - Part 4: Echinoids. Scripta Geologica 121, 181-375.