The Echinoid Directory

Procidaris Pomel, 1883, p. 109

[=Dicyclocidaris Fell, 1950, p. 83, type species D. denticulata Fell, 1950; ?= Panniericidaris Vadet, 1991, p. 129, type species Cidaris moraldina]

Diagnostic Features
  • Test large and relatively thin plated; adambulacral suture appears to be imbricate.
  • Apical disc and aboral surface unknown.
  • Interambulacra with 7-8 plates in a series to the ambitus (estimated 12-16 in total). Primary tubercles perforate and crenulate; areoles ovate and confluent over entire oral surface.
  • Scrobicular tubercles undifferentiated; adradial and interradial bands of secondary tubercles.
  • Ambulacra narrow and straight. Pore zones not incised; pore-pairs not conjugate with narrow interporal ridge. Ambulacra trigeminate Every third plate enlarged and with a primary tubercle, other plates reduced and with secondary tubercles only. Primary ambulacral tubercles perforate.
  • Peristomial plates well developed, in double series in each column.
  • Lantern with grooved teeth; perignathic girdle not seen.
  • Primary spines long and cylindrical; neck moderately long; shaft smooth and glassy.
  • Secondary spines not flattened, not adpressed.
Lower Jurassic; Europe; ? Upper Triassic, New Zealand.
Name gender feminine
Cidaris edwardsi Wright, 1858, p. 26, by subsequent designation of Mortensen, 1928, p. 482.
Species Included
  • P. edwardsi (Wright, 1858); Pliensbachian, England.
  • P. lobatum (Wright, 1878); Hettangian, Sinemurian, England.
Other species may belong here but are incompletely known and are basically indeterminate
Classification and/or Status

Cidaroida; stem group (miocidarids).


Distinguished by its perforate primary ambulacral tubercles and smooth primary spines.

Pomel, A. 1883. Classification methodique et genera des echinides vivants et fossiles. Thesis presentees a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris. A. Jourdan, Alger, 131 pp.