The Echinoid Directory

Platyspatus Pomel, 1883, p. 29

[=Plastyspatus Lambert & Thiery, 1921, p. 464, laps. cal. ]

Diagnostic Features
  • Too poorly known for proper diagnosis.
Upper Miocene (Helvetien), Italy, Sardinia.
Name gender masculine
Spatangus chitonosus Sismonda, 1841, p. 31, by original designation.
Species Included
  • Lambert & Thiery (1921) included 2 other species, P. sardinicus (Lambert) and P. carinatus (Cotteau).
Classification and/or Status


Indeterminate; possible junior synonym of Pericosmus Agassiz, 1840.


Apparently based on a decortexed specimen and best treated as a nomen dubium until a modern description is available. The narrow parallel-sided, short petals suggest possible affinities with Pericosmus and the Pericosmidae rather than Spatangidae, which is where Mortensen (1951) placed this genus.

Mortensen, T. 1951. A monograph of the Echinoidea. V. Spatangoida 2. C. A. Reitzel, Copenhagen.

Pomel, A. 1883. Classification méthodique et genera des Échinides vivante et fossiles. Thèses présentées a la Faculté des Sciences de Paris pour obtenir le Grade de Docteur ès Sciences Naturelles, 503, 131 pp. Aldolphe Jourdan, Alger.