The Echinoid Directory

Plesiocorys Pomel, 1883, p. 45

[See also Plesiocorys (Sternotaxis); Plesiocorys (Plesiocorys) ]

Diagnostic Features
  • Test ovate with flat base, domal upper surface and weak anterior sulcus.
  • Apical disc subcentral with four gonopores.
  • All ambulacra with simple, rounded pore-pairs adapically.
  • Plastron plating uniserial with 2 to 4 post labral plates arranged uniserially.
  • Peristome small and ovate; facing downwards.
  • Periproct on short truncate posterior face.
  • Aboral tuberculation uniform and fine.
  • Marginal fasciole may be present in small individuals of the type species.
Upper Cretaceous (Turonian to Santonian).
Name gender feminine
Holaster placenta Agassiz, in Agassiz & Desor, 1847, p. 27(133), by subsequent designation of Wagner & Durham, 1966, p. U533.
Classification and/or Status

Holasteroida, Cardiasteridae.



Differs from Holaster and Offaster in having plastron plating uniserial over most of the oral surface. The two subgenera are differentiated on whether there is a distinct anterior sulcus (present in P. (Sternotaxis), absent in P. (Plesiocorys)).

Pomel, A. 1883. Classification méthodique et genera des Échinides vivante et fossiles. Thèses présentées a la Faculté des Sciences de Paris pour obtenir le Grade de Docteur ès Sciences Naturelles, 503, 131 pp. Aldolphe Jourdan, Alger.

Smith, A. B. & Wright, C. W. 2003. British Cretaceous
echinoids. Part 7, Atelostomata, 1. Holasteroida. Palaeontographical Society Monographs, London. Pp. 440-568, pls 139-182.