The Echinoid Directory

Phalacrechinus Lambert, 1900, p. 37

Diagnostic Features
  • Test small, depressed, weakly subconical in profile.
  • Apical disc dicyclic; firmly bound to corona. All plates covered in pustular granules.
  • Ambulacra simple adapically with one to three granules on each plate; pore-pairs small, oblique and uniserially arranged. Immediately beneath ambitus two or three trigeminate plates with large tubercle covering two of the three elements; tubercles and plating continues like this to peristome.
  • Interambulacral plates a little wider than tall. On aboral surface, plates uniformly covered in fine secondary tubercles with no primaries differentiated. Art ambitus and adorally each plate bears a large primary tubercle that is imperforate, noncrenulate and with a large mamelon.
  • Peristome slightly sunken, about 50% test diameter. Buccal notches open and shallow.
  • Spines and lantern unknown.
Distribution Middle Jurassic (Bathonian), France.
Name gender masculine
Pleurodiadema gauthieri Cotteau, 1875, p. 189. Syntypes (2): Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris J01518.
Species Included Only the type species.
Classification and/or Status

Euechinoidea, Echinacea, Arbacioida, Glyticidae

Monotypic; Subjective junior synonym of Pleurodiadema de Loriol, 1870.

Remarks Lambert, J. 1900. Étude sur quelques Échinides de l'Infra-Lias et du Lias. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences historiques et naturelles de l'Yonne, 53 (2), 3-57 (for 1899).