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BumblebeeID - find British species by colour pattern

All British species > yellow-white tails > banding pattern? back
a: orange-red thorax orange-red thorax
b: no pale bands no pale bands
c: 1 yellow band 1 yellow band1 yellow band
d: 2 yellow bands 2 yellow bands2 yellow bands
e: 3 yellow bands 3 yellow bands
f: mostly yellow

mostly yellow


yellow-white tails

Step 2 -
click on the banding pattern

'Banding' refers to the cross bands of pale (non-black) hair covering parts of the body other than the 'tail' and head. Pale bands may be white, grey, yellow, orange, red, or brown.

how to use this colour guide

restartback to start



alphabetic British list | distribution of British species | colour patterns | colour diagrams


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