The Echinoid Directory

Aphanopora de Meijere, 1903, p. 8

Diagnostic Features
  • Test small, moderately inflated, ovoid, with centrally depressed adoral surface, greatest width and height posterior to centre.
  • Apical system central, possibly tetrabasal, with two gonopores.
  • Ambulacra narrow, simple, nonpetaloid, with a row of very small single pores in each half ambulacrum adorally.
  • Peristome anterior, transversely oval.
  • Periproct supramarginal, longitudinally oval with a deep anal sulcus.
  • Phyllodes absent.
  • Bourrelets poorly developed.
  • Buccal pores very small.
  • Tubercles small, perforate and crenulate, sparsely distributed.
  • Naked sternal zone present in interambulacrum 5.
Late Eocene to Recent of the Philippines, Timor and Australia.
Name gender feminine
Aphanopora echinobrissoides de Meijere, 1902, p. 142; by original designation.
Species Included
  • A. echinobrissoides de Meijere, 1902: Recent, Philippines, Timor.
  • ? A. bassoris Holmes, 1995; Late Eocene, Australia.
Classification and/or Status
Irregularia; Cassiduloida; Neolampadidae.

In de Meijere's (1904) description of Aphanopora echinobrissoides, he fails to describe the arrangement of the apical plates. Holmes (1995) gives a good diagnosis of the genus, but due to the lack of information with regard to the apical system in the type species, he is only able to tentatively include his new species, A. bassoris in this genus.

De Meijere (1904) remarks that the genital pores of the only two known specimens of A. echinobrissoides are large, indicating that the specimens are female, however, this is not apparent in his figured specimen (see Fig. 1 above). Mortensen (1948, p. 341) therefore states that it cannot be concluded whether the apical system in the female is sunken, forming a marsupium as in Tropholampas and Anochanus or whether de Meijere\'s specimens are simply the male of the poorly described Anochanus sinensis Grube, 1868.

F. C. Holmes. 1995. Australian Tertiary Neolampadidae (Echinoidea): A review and description of two new species. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 107 (2), pp. 113-128.

de Meijere, J. C. H. 1903 (February). Tijdschr. Nederland Dierk, Ver., (2), 8, p. 8.

de Meijere, J. C. H. 1904. Die Echinoidea der Siboga-Expedition. Siboga-Expeditie (Uitkomsten op Zoologisch, Botanisch, Oceanographisch en Geologisch Gebied verzameld in de Oost-Indische Archipel 1899-1900 aan board H. M. Siboga), monograph 43, M. Weber & L. F. de Beaufort, eds, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 252 pp., 23 pls.

T. H. Mortensen. 1948. A monograph of the Echinoidea: 4 (1): Holectypoida, Cassiduloida. Reitzel, Copenhagen, 363 pp., 14 pls.