The Echinoid Directory

Ananchothuria Fossa-Mancini, 1921, p. 15

Diagnostic Features
  • Partially disarticulated fragment of an irregular echinoid (holasteroid or possibly spatangoid).
Distribution Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian), central Appeninnes, Italy.
Name gender feminine
Type Ananchothuria tesselata Fossa-Mancini, 1921, p. 15, by original designation.
Species Included Only the type species
Classification and/or Status ?Holasteroida indet.

Nomen dubium.
Remarks The supposed imbrication of the plates that Fossa-Mancini laid great stress on is probably just an outcome of the partially disassociated nature of the fossil on which this was based. As Lambert & Thiery (1920, p. 401) point out, the specimen is almost certainly an ambital fragment of two interambulacra and an ambulacrum of a holasteroid or spatangoid. It has nothing to do with the echinothurioids, contrary to Fossa-Mancini's original suggestion.

Fossa-Mancini, E. 1921. Un singolare echinoide Mesozoico dell'Appennino centrale. Atti della Societa Toscana di Scienze Naturali 33, 1-18.

Lambert, J. & Thiery, P. 1909-1926. Essai de Nomenclature raisonnee des echinides. Chaumont, L. Ferrierre.